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Chapter 1251 Is there no stronger opponent?

Chapter 1251 Is there no stronger opponent?

Four Heavenly Demons?Hearing this sentence, the faces of the Confucian disciples here changed drastically.

I saw only four powerful celestial demons appearing in front of me. These four celestial demons seemed to look different. There was a female celestial demon. This female celestial demon had a fairy-like appearance and a devil-like figure. She was extremely beautiful.

A pair of crimson eyes looked like two rubies.

Beside this female demon, there is still a man with a sword, a man with a snake wrapped around his body, and another with two pairs of bat wings on his back, which looks quite special.

These three male demons are quite handsome, but their bodies are huge below the head, and bone spurs are constantly protruding from their bodies, which looks quite ferocious, completely ruining their beauty, but even so, these four people are quite powerful They are all existences at the Transcending Tribulation Realm level.

And that female celestial demon doesn't seem to be just an existence in the early stage of Transcending Tribulation Realm.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should be members of the five heavenly demons, but judging by your appearance, your strength is only this!" Lin Xiu said, "Your demons, their strength is only this! Even if No matter how powerful you are, your leader can't beat me!"

As soon as these words came out, the demons in front of them felt a little pricked.

"Ding, I have collected 2333 points of piercing heart from Yantianmo!"


These demons contributed a lot of heart piercing value to Lin Xiu at once. Lin Xiu was naturally quite happy, but the four great demons were obviously not angry.

"Who the hell are you?" The snake demon stared at Lin Xiu and said.

"This young master is the elder of the Confucian school of Keqing, Liang Shanbo! You four bastards, report your name, this young master will not kill the unknown!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said.

Yang Gan and the others looked at Lin Xiu now with a different look. After all, Lin Xiu's strength was far beyond what they had imagined. When they saw Lin Xiu, they felt that Lin Xiu's strength was indeed extraordinary. It's just an existence at the Shattering Void Realm level.

But now Lin Xiu, with the strength of the Shattering Void Realm, was able to easily deal with these powerful opponents. Even the Heavenly Demon at the initial stage of the Transcendence Tribulation Realm was easily defeated in front of Lin Xiu.

"Little cadre, this kid... No, what is the origin of this elder? This is too heaven-defying!" Only Xu Banxian said at this time.

What Lin Xiu did just now, Xu Banxian asked himself that he was sure he could do it, but Lin Xiu's movements just now were too smooth, and if it was only about strength, Xu Banxian didn't think that his strength could be compared with Compared with that giant demon.

But Lin Xiu used his opponent's strengths to defeat the giant sky demon. In terms of strength, his strength was much stronger than the giant sky demon.

With the combat power shown by Lin Xiu, he will not be compared to the late stage of Transcending Tribulation Realm, and he may even be qualified to compare with the Half Immortal Realm!

Lin Xiu's strength is too strong!
"This Mr. Liang is not an ordinary person. He actually made trouble with Buddhism, and Buddhism didn't seem to pursue it, and even gave him a title!" Yang Gan said with a wry smile.

"What title?" Xu Banxian asked.

"The Elder, the Special Envoy to Learn from the Western Paradise!" Only Yang Gan could be heard replying.

"What? You mean, he is that Tang Sanzang?" Xu Banxian was startled when he heard that.

If he has never heard of the name of Tang Sanzang, he would be too ignorant. After all, this "Tang Sanzang" once made a big disturbance in the Buddhist realm, ransacked 38 Buddhist temples in the Buddhist realm, and destroyed all the scriptures in it. Robbed.

Not only that, but this Tang Sanzang also defeated four Buddhist elders and broke the Great Arhat Formation. All the superiors in the entire Wanfa Continent may have heard of Lin Xiu's name.

It's just that Xu Banxian didn't expect that Lin Xiu was that Tang Sanzang.

Fortunately, this Tang Sanzang did not take away their academy like he did with Buddhism, otherwise, their Confucianism would probably not be much better than Buddhism.

After knowing Lin Xiu's identity, Xu Banxian was relieved. If so, this Lin Xiu really doesn't need to be afraid of the demon here.

But the other Confucianists didn't know about Tang Sanzang. They only saw Lin Xiu provoking these demons. It would be too dangerous to do so, and Lin Xiu was provoking four powerful demons at the Tribulation Realm level at the same time.

Cen Wen sneered in his heart, even if Lin Xiu was that Tang Sanzang, so what?Now in front of him is the Heavenly Demon. The Heavenly Demon is not those pedantic Buddhist monks. These Heavenly Demons are cruel and merciless. They will not give Lin Xiu a chance to leave here easily.

"Young man, since you still want to know our names, I'll tell you!" said the Heavenly Demon dressed in snakes, "I am the Snake Heavenly Demon!"

"I am Sword Heavenly Demon!" Said the sword-wielding Heavenly Demon.

"I'm the puppet demon!" said the demon with two pairs of bat wings behind him.

"As for me, it's Yan Tianmo, which one of us do you want to challenge?" Yan Tianmo said with a smile.

"Which one of you is challenging? You think too much of yourself. I am not challenging any of you, but I am saying, four of you, let's go together. I want one person to beat the four of you." !” Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Looking for death!" Upon hearing Lin Xiu's words, Jian Tianmo moved towards Lin Xiu's sword with a terrifying sword aura.

"Don't you see the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky!" A sword appeared in Lin Xiu's hand, and he swung it towards the sword demon.

The terrifying sword light formed a sword pillar and blasted directly at that sword demon!

The sword light emitted by Jian Tianmo was destroyed almost instantly, and countless sword lights rushed towards Jian Tianmo at the same time
Jian Tianmo's face changed drastically, he had no way to follow this sword pillar.

Countless swords stabbed Tianmo Jian at the same time, nailing him to the ground, and a hundred sword lights hit Tianmo Jian at the same time, but even so, Tianmo Jian didn't die, he was still able to move.

It's just this scene that really made the people present feel unbelievable.

All the demon and Confucian disciples were shocked by Lin Xiu's move. It's fine to defeat the giant demon with one move, but now Lin Xiu also defeated the sword demon with one move!
This is too powerful!
"Is that all your strength is? It's too weak, and I can't even take a single move. I'm very disappointed in you. Is there no stronger opponent?" Lin Xiu said, a ball of flame appeared in his palm, The flames were thrown towards the Sword Demon in front of him.

"No—" Jian Tianmo let out a scream, and his whole body was set on fire.

(End of this chapter)

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