Chapter 1252 Snake Soup
Lin Xiu's flame is immortal fire, even if it cannot burn immortals, it is still enough to burn these heavenly demons to death!

Now Lin Xiu summoned this kind of fairy fire, and its power was quite terrifying. This sword demon couldn't resist this kind of attack at all, and his whole body was burned to ashes.

All the demons here are frightened by Lin Xiu. Where did this monster come from?

Why is Lin Xiu so scary?
"There are three of you, I hope you will not be as weak, otherwise, I am really disappointed, after all, I am so weak, but I am not qualified to be my opponent!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Shoot together!" Yan Tianmo said.

Three people disappeared at the same time, and they were really going to attack at the same time. Three heavenly demons attacked a young man at the same time. I am afraid that such a thing has never happened before. All the strong Confucianists here feel a little incredible. Xiu, it's really too strong!

It's just that the three heavenly demons joined forces, even the strong in the late stage of Transcending Tribulation Realm would not dare to be careless. Can Lin Xiu handle it?
"Your speed is too slow!" At this moment, figures appeared around Lin Xiu, it was the puppet demon, the speed of this person was so fast, as if countless phantoms appeared around him.

"What a fast speed, with his speed, I'm afraid even in the late stage of Transcending Tribulation Realm, he may not be able to resist it!" Only Yang Gan said.

"Will Young Master Liang be in danger?" Mu Xian asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, Elder Liang's life is on the line!" I heard Xu Banxian say, "It's just that he hasn't done anything yet, what the hell is he doing?"

Until now, Lin Xiu has not made a move, but neither has the Puppet Demon. The first one to strike is the Snake Demon!

The snake on the Snake Demon's body immediately pounced on Lin Xiu, and when it pounced, it turned from a snake the size of a bowl to a hundred-foot giant snake, as if it was going to swallow Lin Xiu.

In the next second, a figure appeared behind Lin Xiu, it was that Yan Tianmo.

Yan Tianmo's eyes were full of coldness. With a wave of her plain hand, countless pink rays of light appeared around Lin Xiu, as if a hallucination appeared around Lin Xiu.

By doing this, Yan Tianmo obviously intended to cover Lin Xiu's sight and attract Lin Xiu's attention, so that the giant snake could swallow Lin Xiu in one bite.

The giant snake opened its mouth and bit Lin Xiu in one bite.

At this time, Lin Xiu's voice sounded: "If such a big snake is made into snake soup, it will be enough for many people to eat!"

Make snake soup?

Hearing Lin Xiu's words, the Snake Demon became angry: "My snake is an ancient relic, and you want to eat it? I will never let you go! You..."

Before the Snake Demon finished speaking, he saw a huge cauldron appearing in the sky, and the snake directly sucked it in.

The snake was so huge that all of it was sucked into the giant cauldron. After seeing it, everyone couldn't help being shocked. They were a little suspicious. Is there any chance for this giant snake to survive?
Everyone thought of those demons just now, but they were all sucked in by Lin Xiu's giant cauldron. Now that these demons have not come out, I am afraid that this giant snake will have no chance to escape.

"Give me back my snake!" The snake demon turned into snakes and flew towards Lin Xiu.

After Lin Xiu saw it, he laughed loudly: "Exactly, one snake is not enough, let all this bunch of snakes come in!"

Lin Xiu ignored the snake demon, and directly swallowed these snakes into the Immortal Medicine Cauldron. With the power of this fairy artifact and the fighting power of the three-legged Golden Crow inside, Lin Xiu believed that even if it was an existence at the Tribulation Realm level, Also easily killed.

The snake celestial demon was also included in the medicine fairy cauldron, this was the second powerful celestial demon to be killed.

Yan Tianmo felt unbelievable that his illusion couldn't hurt Lin Xiu at all, what's going on?

Behind Lin Xiu, a figure came towards the back of his head, but Lin Xiu just smiled faintly. A beam of Buddha's light appeared on his body, and the light of the cassock directly covered the puppet demon, vaporizing it. Lost.

"You are finished!" Behind Lin Xiu, another figure appeared.

The puppet demon can create a new puppet to take the attack instead of itself, and what Lin Xiu killed just now was a puppet.

Now the one attacking Lin Xiu is the deity, and the palm of this puppet demon has grown claws, stabbing Lin Xiu's body.

But the Puppet Demon was not happy at all. He stabbed Lin Xiu, but he couldn't hurt Lin Xiu at all, because Lin Xiu's body was protected by a cassock, which was a fairy weapon. How could his attack be able to Penetrate Lin Xiu's cassock defense?

"Is this your trick? It's really weak!" Lin Xiu said, and with a wave of his hand, he slashed at the Puppet Demon's body. The Puppet Demon was cut in half immediately. His body was put in.

Three heavenly demons in a row were easily beheaded and killed by Lin Xiu.

Yan Tianmo's expression changed drastically, she never imagined that Lin Xiu would be so powerful that he could kill her three companions, she immediately turned around and ran away.

Yan Tianmo fled extremely fast, and left like a shooting star in an instant.

Everyone was quite surprised to see that Lin Xiu didn't chase after him. Lin Xiu said: "Your leaders have already escaped. You demons, do you still want to fight us?"

Lin Xiu's voice roared, shaking the fighting spirit of the surrounding demons, how dare they continue to fight!

As Lin Xiu said, the Yantian Demons have already been scared away, and the other three Heavenly Demons were also killed by Lin Xiu, so what's the use of them staying?
What followed was a massacre by the Confucian sect, and Lin Xiu didn't bother to chase it down. He directly summoned the Immortal Medicine Cauldron, took out the elixir refined by the demons inside, and added some medicinal materials.

People around felt very puzzled, what the hell is Lin Xiu doing?
But then, they could smell it, and a very strange fragrance appeared.

This fragrance can make people move their index fingers. Although the people present already have the ability to fast, they still couldn't help swallowing when they smelled this fragrance.

"Elder Liang, what is this?" Yang Gan asked.

"Snake soup, Confucius once made a snake soup that was [-] feet long. I don't have such great skills today, but I would like to invite everyone to taste the taste of this snake soup!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

When Confucius was dealing with the demons, he did make a snake soup with a snake that was [-] meters long, but few people knew about this allusion, and Lin Xiu did not expect to know it.

(End of this chapter)

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