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Chapter 1255 Is This Disguise?

Chapter 1255 Is This Disguise?
It didn't take long for Lin Xiu to leave here, but Yan Tianmo, he still needs to stay. If this Tianmo is sensible, Lin Xiu can let her go and let her become his maid. Sorry if you resist.

Lin Xiu has never been a soft-hearted person!
When Lin Xiu left the pagoda, he saw that the wooden fairy outside was still guarding him, so he said, "Let's go!"

"Where are you going?" Mu Xian asked quickly after hearing this.

"Of course I went to borrow the treasures of the Demon Race!" Lin Xiu smiled on his face. He touched his cheek, only to see changes in Lin Xiu's face and figure.

In Muxian's big eyes, Lin Xiu's appearance unexpectedly changed drastically.

Lin Xiu suddenly turned into a demon woman, and she was exactly the same as the Yantian demon just now!
" on earth did you do it?" Mu Xian's face changed drastically, she said.

"It's just the disguise technique, haven't you heard of it, Miss Wood Fairy?" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

Wood Immortals would have heard of the Disguise Technique, but for someone like Lin Xiu, is it the Disguise Technique?

What's so special is that even the people have changed, okay?
It doesn't matter if the face is changed, but Lin Xiu's whole body has turned into the appearance of Yan Tianmo!

This kind of thing, if it was in the past, the wooden immortal would never believe it, but now the wooden immortal cannot believe it.

Of course, this is not a bad thing for Muxian. Now that Lin Xiu can become Yan Tianmo, she only needs to become Lin Xiu's follower!
And now Lin Xiu had left the tent, as soon as Lin Xiu came out, the surrounding demons immediately greeted Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu was so cold that he didn't even look back.

Going further forward, the source of darkness here is in front of it. Lin Xiu already knows that there is a magic well in the front place. The water in the magic well can improve the strength of the demons, but ordinary people , There is really no chance to get close.

But Lin Xiu is naturally different, he has turned into Yan Tianmo, only to see Lin Xiu's palm on the edge of the well.

A powerful dark force surged out, and only a drop of black liquid was seen flying out of that magic well.

Lin Xiu spread out his palm, only to see the black liquid appear on his palm.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the pollution treasure chest!"

Pollution of the treasure chest can corrode other magical artifacts. After corroding the magical artifacts, the magical artifacts can lose their effect. The stronger the power of the contaminated magical artifacts, the higher the pollution value obtained.

"What is this? How do I feel that there is a very strong evil force in this water drop?" Mu Xian asked.

"This is the source of the magic energy here, but it doesn't matter now, it has been taken away by me!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

This pollution treasure chest seems to be able to be turned into other means of attack. Although it is a treasure chest, it can also be used as a hole card of Lin Xiu.

"So that's the case, what shall we do next?" Mu Xian asked again.

"Next? Of course we're going to..." Before Lin Xiu finished speaking, he felt someone approaching. When he looked, he saw a man from the demon race who was three meters tall walking towards him.

This man has a very strong strength, and his aura is also quite terrifying.

Demon King!
That's right, the man in front of him is the strongest one among the demon clan, the Demon King of Heaven!
The Heavenly Demon King is powerful and unusual, even in the realm of a half-immortal. If he wants to deal with him, Lin Xiu's current strength may not be able to do it.

It is obviously impossible to be a strong enemy, but Lin Xiu is not worried at all now. His disguise mask is unrecognizable by anyone in the fairyland, so why is Lin Xiu worried?
But the wooden fairy behind Lin Xiu was a little worried, the one in front of him was the Heavenly Demon King!

The Demon King came over and said, "Yan, why are you here?"

"Lord Heavenly Demon King, I came here because I found that there was a change in this magic well, so I came here on purpose!" Lin Xiu replied immediately.

"Oh? Did you find anything special?" said the Demon King.

"I didn't find anything special, but I think that Liang Shanbo might sneak in here!" Only Lin Xiu said.

As soon as this sentence came out, Mu Xian was stunned for a moment. Didn't Lin Xiu want to expose himself by saying this?After all, with such a statement, the Demon King will definitely be more vigilant.

However, upon hearing Lin Xiu's words, a smile appeared on the face of the Demon King: "Hahahaha... what is a mere Liang Shanbo? Not to mention him, I am not afraid even if the Confucian sect comes!"

After Lin Xiu heard this, he sneered in his heart, the stronger a person is, the more conceited he is, and this demon king is obviously the same!
"Of course Lord Tianmo is not afraid, but I am!" Lin Xiu shook his head and said, "This Liang Shanbo's strength is unfathomable, and he is handsome, suave, and graceful ([-] characters omitted)...I am not at all. His opponent!"

When Mu Xian heard Lin Xiu's words, her heart was beating wildly. Others didn't know, but she knew very well that Lin Xiu was a counterfeit. Lin Xiu said that, isn't he afraid of being discovered?
And it's fine if you say so, why do you keep praising yourself?Are you still shameless?
When Muxian thought so, the Demon King was a little surprised: "Which Liang Shanbo is really so good?"

"Of course, he is really excellent, he is the most outstanding man I have ever seen!" Lin Xiu said immediately.

"Yan, what is this female monster next to you?" He only heard the Sky Demon King staring at Muxian and said, and suddenly another topic was brought up.

The Wood Immortal is not Lin Xiu, she doesn't have a disguise mask on her body, so her transformation technique will be seen through by the Demon King in no time.

The strength of the Heavenly Demon King cannot be said to be strong. When the current Mu Xian faced him, he felt his heart trembling uncontrollably.

what to do?Mr. Liang, we are going to be seen through, what should we do?
Mu Xian was very anxious.

However, Lin Xiu's face showed indifference, she said: "Master Heavenly Demon King, this female monster is the monster I caught recently, and she is my plaything!"

"Your plaything?" The Demon King was taken aback when he heard it.

your plaything?Mu Xian was also stunned, he didn't expect Lin Xiu to say such a thing.

But Lin Xiu suddenly hugged Muxian in his arms at this moment, and kissed Muxian.

Mu Xian's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it was true, Lin Xiu actually took advantage of her at such a time!

Although Mu Xian wanted to struggle, she felt that she couldn't get out of Lin Xiu's grasp at all.

(End of this chapter)

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