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Chapter 1256 The Second Special Treasure Chest

Chapter 1256 The Second Special Treasure Chest

It's not that Lin Xiu's strength is great, but because Muxian feels her body is a little weak. She has never had such intimate contact with the opposite sex, and now she feels quite depressed and helpless.

It is also a helpless move for Lin Xiu to do this now, but his behavior has a great impact on Mu Xian.

Seeing this scene, the Heavenly Demon King's face became even more gloomy, and he said: "Enough, Yan, let her leave here first, I have something to say to you alone!"

Lin Xiu said to Mu Xian: "My little baby, you go outside first, I want to talk to Lord Tianmowang!"

"Okay!" Mu Xian nodded and said.

After the wooden fairy left, the Sky Demon King's eyes fell on Lin Xiu, his eyes were a little hot, and he walked towards Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu felt something was wrong, because there was something wrong with the demon king's eyes.

I only heard the Heavenly Demon King say: "Yan, how could you treat me like this?"

"What? Lord Demon King, what are you talking about? Why am I treating you like this?" Lin Xiu said hastily.

The Demon King walked towards Lin Xiu and continued, "You should know how deep my feelings for you are, and why do you fall in love with a female goblin?"

"Lord Heavenly Demon King, this...this is also human nature. After all, although I am a female Heavenly Demon, I can also like people of the same sex, right?" Lin Xiu said quickly, and only now did he know that the Yantian Demon and the Heavenly Demon King are still in the same relationship. There is this relationship.

But looking at the situation, the Heavenly Demon King is bitterly in love with Yan Tianmo, but Yan Tianmo doesn't like him.

This is too bloody!

What's even more bloody is that this incident is about to happen to me!Who did this young master provoke?
"Yan, you know what I mean, I want you to be my woman!" The demon king was already approaching Lin Xiu.

"Lord Heavenly Demon King, you have to control yourself!" Lin Xiu said hastily.

It doesn't matter if you reveal your identity, the most important thing is not to reveal your true nature!Lin Xiu didn't want to have anything to do with the Demon King this day. If it was really a last resort, Lin Xiu wouldn't mind revealing his identity.

The demon king was less than two meters away from Lin Xiu, his eyes were full of desire: "Yan, if you promise me to be my woman, I can give you everything you want!"

"Lord Heavenly Demon King, is what you said true?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Of course!" said the Demon King.

"Master Demon King that day, can you give me the demon crystal on your chest?" Lin Xiu said, staring at the demon crystal on the Demon King's body.

"This demon crystal can control the entire demon clan, but it's not as good as you!" The demon king took the crystal off and handed it to Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu immediately stretched out his hand to catch the crystal.

At the moment of contact, Lin Xiu was able to receive a reminder.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for discovering the magic pill treasure chest!"

The magic pill treasure box can collect demons in it, the stronger the strength of the received demons, the higher the value of magic pills obtained!
It's a special treasure chest!
Just when Lin Xiu was about to snatch the treasure chest, someone broke in suddenly.

"Master Heavenly Demon King, we found a large number of Confucian disciples!" said a Heavenly Demon.

What the Heavenly Demon said made the Heavenly Demon King immediately put away the demon crystal, and he said, "What? There is such a thing?"

"Yes, Lord Heavenly Demon King, we have already been detected by someone. These Confucian disciples are not weak, but we have sent [-] demon soldiers to attack. This time, these Confucian disciples will definitely be wiped out by us, but... "That demon said.

"But what?" asked the Heavenly Demon King.

"However, among those Confucian disciples, there are a lot of powerful beings. We are worried that there will be a strong man at the half-fairyland level, and that Lin Xiu is also quite strong, so we want to ask the Lord Demon King to take action!" That day said the devil.

"So that's it!" The Demon King looked at Lin Xiu and said, "Yan, let's get rid of these Confucian scum first this time, and then I will give you the demon crystal!"

Lin Xiu's heart was bleeding, this fucking bastard, if he came one step later, Lin Xiu would have been able to get the treasure chest of magic pills, now it will obviously become quite troublesome if he wants to get the treasure chest of magic pills again !

"Master Heavenly Demon King, if this is the case, I will go with you too!" Lin Xiu said.

Lin Xiu was not willing to give up this treasure chest... No, seeing these Confucian disciples in danger, how could Lin Xiu refuse to save them?

Lin Xiu Dayi thought awe-inspiringly.

Of course, if Xu Banxian didn't act this time, even Lin Xiu would have no chance to save these Confucianists.

Now I just hope that the people of Confucianism can be smarter and retreat as soon as possible, otherwise, even if Lin Xiu wanted to pass them on, he would have no chance!
"Yan, are you okay? You fought with that Liang Shanbo before, but you were injured, why don't you stay here and rest?" Only the Demon King said.

"Lord Heavenly Demon King, the injury I received is actually not serious, and this time I can see Lord Heavenly Demon King showing his power, so naturally I can't just rest here!" Lin Xiu said immediately.

"But this time there may be a little danger!" said the Demon King.

"This Liang Shanbo has killed so many of our demon compatriots, I want to see the Lord Heavenly Demon King kill him with my own eyes!" Lin Xiu said again.

"Okay, since Yan Yan said so, then you come with me! I will definitely let this Liang Shanbo know what the consequences will be if you offend our demons!" Hearing this, the Demon King immediately said happily.

The Demon King made a move as soon as he said he would, but he didn't stop at all. He left the demon camp with a group of demons and Lin Xiu.

When Yang Gan and Cen Wen camped, they didn't find anything wrong. They didn't even notice the demons. After all, they also sent some Confucian disciples to investigate in this kind of place.

But as time went on, they also felt that something was wrong.

Those Confucian disciples who scouted did not seem to come back!
"Let's send someone out to take a look!" Yang Gan said.

Not long after, a disciple came back, and the disciple's face was full of panic: "It's not good, Mr. Yang Gan, I found that there are many demons coming outside, and these demons are also very powerful. We are all surrounded!"

"Surrounded us?" Upon hearing this sentence, Yang Qian and the other Confucian disciples around were startled.

"Disciples of Confucianism, listen, we demons have surrounded you, if you don't surrender now, you will only die!" The voice of demons echoed around.

(End of this chapter)

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