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Chapter 1257 Mr. Liang, you are really too deep into the drama!

Chapter 1257 Mr. Liang, you are really too deep into the drama!
The demons have already surrounded this place?

Yang Qian soared into the air, only to see countless black shadows around him, even the sky around him, it was obvious that there were demons all around here!

He was originally here to deal with the demons here, but now they are encircling and suppressing them, Yang Qian's face is a bit ugly.

And the others are similar, the demons here are indeed powerful, based on the number and strength of these demons, the Confucian disciples here actually have no chance of surviving this time.

Unless it is surrender!
However, it is obviously impossible to surrender, because of the cruelty of the demons, but no captive who has ever surrendered can survive, even if he is dead, he must never surrender!

"I'll be the striker, all of you will leave here with me, Cen Wen, I'll leave it to you later!" Yang Qian said immediately.

"Okay!" Cen Wen replied immediately.

If you want to break out from here, I am afraid that the strong demons here will never let them go. Even if it is Yang Gan, it is obviously not easy to take other people away from here, but Yang Gan has no way to avoid it. Take the lead and rush out.

Although the demons want to kill all these Confucian disciples, but all of these Confucian disciples have righteousness, as long as they don't consume all of their righteousness, then these Confucian disciples can't be killed at all!
Now that there are two great Confucianists, Yang Gan and Cen Wen, plus other Confucian disciples, the awe-inspiring righteousness here is so powerful that as long as those demons rush over, they will be smashed to pieces immediately.

However, the number of these demons is too large. They are not afraid of death at all. A large number of demons rushed over directly, which is quite terrifying, and the righteousness is always limited. Even Yang Qian, it is impossible to have infinite Endless righteousness.

Now that Yang Gan and the others broke through, they had to face countless demons. Those weak demons rushed forward, but in the next second, they were destroyed by the huge righteousness, but even so, these demons But still continue to rush forward one after another.

Yang Qian's face changed slightly, these demons are going to use their numbers to consume them to death!
Every time Yang Gan takes a step, there will be at least a hundred demons rushing towards him. Even the Confucian disciples behind him are under tremendous pressure. If this continues, their righteousness will be consumed before they rush out empty.

"Hahaha..." At this moment, a sound of wild laughter appeared, and the figure had already flew over from a distance. Wherever it went, those demons were all bombed out, and their bodies were directly shattered. This person Possesses a powerful aura of righteousness.

The demons were shocked. Where did this terrifying existence come from?It has such a powerful strength!
When the disciples of the Confucianism School saw this person, they couldn't help being shocked. This is that Xu Banxian!
"Great, Xu Banxian has finally arrived!"

"When Xu Banxian arrives, we will be safe!"

"Xu Banxian, please take us out of here!"


The surrounding Confucian disciples said one after another.

At this time, Yang Gan said loudly: "Everyone, Xu Banxian has arrived, what are you still afraid of? We will definitely be able to rush out with all our strength!"

"Yes!" The people around immediately responded, and followed Yang Qian and rushed out.

The arrival of Xu Banxian not only gave a great boost, but also gave hope to the Confucian disciples here, and the Confucian disciples here immediately started to fight back.

Xu Banxian just waved his hand, and all the strong demons here were killed. The strong demons here could never have imagined that this strong man would be so powerful!

It is obviously impossible for the strong demons here to kill Xu Banxian with numbers. To deal with existences of this level, one must be in the realm of half-immortals.

But at this time, only nine black dragons were seen pulling a cart down from the sky and landed in front of everyone.

Seeing this Jiaolong car, Xu Banxian's face changed slightly. He could feel that there was a powerful presence in this car.

"Disciples of Confucianism, you dare to invade the territory of our demon clan, who gave you the courage!" Only a voice was heard.

"We Confucian disciples are upright, we can go wherever we want, and this is not the world of your demon clan. We Confucian disciples are here today to kill demons!" Xu Banxian said with a sneer.

"Bold, do you dare to talk to me like this?" I only saw a figure flying out of that dragon car, it was the Demon King that day!
The Heavenly Demon King uttered a long howl, which shocked the faces of the strong Confucianists in front of him, and some of the weaker Confucian disciples vomited blood and died.

The appearance of the Demon King caused Xu Banxian's expression to change slightly.

"Are you the Heavenly Demon King?"

"Are you Xu Banxian from the Confucian school?"

"Okay, let me meet you now!"

As Xu Banxian said, he summoned a golden book in his hand, and the golden book emitted a golden light, shining towards the Demon King.

The Heavenly Demon King flipped his hand, only to see that a skull had already flew out, collided with the golden light fiercely, and immediately stirred up dust all over the sky.

Around the attack of the two, an invisible force rippled out.

The Demon King's face turned serious, and he said, "Yan, I'll leave these messes to you, and I'll teach you a lesson and deal with this guy!"

As the Demon King said, Lin Xiu, who handed over the demon crystal, jumped into the air.

The fighting strength of the two is strong, if they fight here, other people will definitely be involved, and the two are unwilling to do so, so they choose other battlefields.

The Demon King is very confident. He believes that he will not lose to the man in front of him. After he finishes cleaning up Xu Banxian, the battle here will also be over!
Xu Banxian also knew that now he has no way to intervene in the affairs here, the most important thing now is to defeat the Demon King first, only in this way can he deal with other demons.

Xu Banxian and the Heavenly Demon King turned into two rays of light and disappeared in front of everyone. The two appeared in the sky and started a fierce battle.

But at this time, everyone's eyes fell on Lin Xiu, this Yan Tianmo had returned!
Now Lin Xiu had a smile on his face, his face was still the appearance of Yan Tianmo, this smile made all the demons and other Confucian disciples lose their minds.

"What are you looking at? You trash, have you never seen a beautiful woman?" Lin Xiu's voice sounded and spread around, startling everyone present.

The corner of the wood fairy's mouth twitched beside Lin Xiu, Mr. Liang, you are really too deep into the drama!
(End of this chapter)

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