Chapter 1263 Wu Temple

Cen Wen had no choice but to accept Lin Xiu's threat. Even if he was unwilling, there was nothing he could do.

The previous Cen Wen has already seen that Lin Xiu's strength is actually much stronger than he imagined. Even in the Shattering Void Realm, Lin Xiu's strength is already a little bit weaker than that of the ordinary Transcending Tribulation Realm. No less.

If Lin Xiu shot with all his strength, he might even have a chance to fight against the Half Immortal Realm.

Now Lin Xiu has entered the tribulation-crossing state, even if it is only the early stage of the tribulation-crossing state, he probably can easily defeat the late stage of the tribulation-crossing state.

If he doesn't listen to Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu will be able to kill him. Cen Wen feels a little depressed, but there is no other way, it seems that he can only listen to Lin Xiu first.

This Cen Wen has already made a move, attacking the eye of the formation.

There is also a strong man hidden in this formation. He has obviously seen Cen Wen and Lin Xiu, but now he has already made a move.

This heavenly prison formation is now controlled by him, as long as he wants to, he can easily attract heavenly thunder.

A series of sky thunders came down, and their power was quite terrifying. These sky thunders not only attacked Cen Wen, but also attacked Lin Xiu.

But Lin Xiu is now an existence at the Tribulation Realm level, these thunders want to hurt him?It is simply impossible.

Even if Lin Xiu doesn't use any magic weapon to protect himself, with his current body, he is already strong enough to withstand the thunder here.

A series of thunder and lightning bombarded Lin Xiu's body, Lin Xiu didn't seem to feel it, and let the thunder and lightning bombard him.

When Cen Wen and the people in Zhen's eyes saw it, they couldn't help but turn pale with fright. Is this f*cking human?This is simply a fairy, right?

Cen Wen is completely different from Lin Xiu, he needs to use spiritual armor to protect his body, otherwise, the lightning here alone can destroy him, let alone there are strong people in this group of eyes.

Cen Wen could only bite the bullet and pass by, but in front of Cen Wen, a strong light appeared and blasted towards the eye of the formation.

A ray of light erupted from this formation eye immediately, and it was destroyed immediately upon seeing the formation eye, and a man appeared inside.

"Anyone who trespasses on our Wushen Temple will die!" the man shouted.

"Sure enough, it's someone from Wushen Temple!" Cen Wen was startled, but he didn't intend to show any mercy in his attack.

Regardless of whether the person in front of him is a member of Wushen Temple or not, he must die, let alone he has already admitted it.

When Cen Wen and this man were fighting for life and death, Lin Xiu was eating melon seeds beside him. After all, the battle between the two people in front of him was quite fierce. It would be a waste if he didn't watch such a beautiful scene by the side. .

The faces of Cen Wen and this man were a bit ugly, but the fighting between the two did not stop, and Cen Wen did not dare to stop. Lin Xiu's current status is more noble than him, and his strength is also stronger than him. Most importantly, Lin Xiu knew his murderous intention.

In this way, Lin Xiu wants to kill him, but there are many opportunities and reasons, and now is the opportunity to make up for his mistakes!
Cen Wen did not disappoint Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu could see that although the people from Wushen Temple were unwilling, they were still defeated by Cen Wen.

"Yes, Xiao Cen, it seems that you have not let me down. Work hard and keep working hard. You will have a place in Confucianism in the future!" Lin Xiu said with a smile, like a superior who is sympathetic to his subordinates.

"..." Cen Wen could only nod silently.

"Okay, then you should tell me now, where is the Wushen Temple?" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"Want me to tell you? Impossible, I won't betray Lord Wu!" said the man.

"Okay, it's a hard bone. In this case, I want to see how hard your bone is!" Lin Xiu said, a ray of light appeared in the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, and a figure appeared in front of him.

"Master!" Yan Tianmo appeared in front of Lin Xiu and saluted Lin Xiu.

When he saw Yan Tianmo, Cen Wen's eyelids twitched.

No way?How could this Yan Tianmo appear here?And Yan Tianmo seems to still call Lin Xiu the young master?
"If you demons torture people, what can you do?" Lin Xiu asked.

"If our demons torture people, there are many methods, such as piercing the intestines, hanging the stomach, gouging out the eyes, feeding the brain...Young Master, why do you ask this?" Yan Tianmo said dozens of punishments in a row, and then said.

"It's nothing, this person seems very stubborn, so I just want to interrogate him!" Lin Xiu said, "Would you like to explain what this intestine piercing means?"

Yan Tianmo knew very well that her future life was in Lin Xiu's hands, so if she wanted to live a good life, she had to please Lin Xiu, so she immediately said: "Intestine piercing means sticking a needle in a person's intestines. Come out one by one, as for tantalizing, it is..."

Following the various punishments Yan Tianmo said, the man's face became more and more ugly.

Not to mention him, even Cen Wen next to him, his face has changed now. The punishment these demons came up with is really quite terrifying.

Fortunately, this Yan Tianmo was on their side, otherwise, this time would be troublesome.

"I've said it, I'm willing to say it!" The person from Wushen Temple finally compromised.

Lin Xiu only needs to find out the location of Wushen Temple, and how many strong men there are in Wushen Temple, and then he can get rid of this man.

This formation has been broken, and the people behind quickly caught up.

"Xiao Cen has really worked hard this time. It is all thanks to him that this formation can be broken. Everyone must thank him!" Lin Xiu said again.

The people around immediately thanked Cen Wen, and Lin Xiu said: "I still need to trouble you, Xiao Cen, on the next road. I hope there will be no more accidents!"

Cen Wen's eyelids twitched and said, "Probably not!"

"Okay, if that's the case, let's move on!" Lin Xiu said again.

On the next road, there were no more obstacles. Soon, a city appeared in front of everyone. The size of this city was not smaller than that of the Desolate Temple.

"This is Wushen Temple!" Huang Ling looked at the temple in front of her, her eyes were full of complex colors.

"Are the others here?" Lin Xiu asked.

"We should be here first!" Cen Wen replied.

"Camp here first, we can go in now if it's not suitable for us!" Lin Xiu said again.

With the current strength of Lin Xiu and others, it is still a bit difficult to deal with the existence of the semi-immortal realm.

Lin Xiu didn't dare to be careless, it's better to wait for other people to arrive before going in together.

After waiting here for a day, finally, Yang Gan and others arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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