Chapter 1264 Yan Clan
"Elder Liang, it seems that you arrived one step ahead of us!" Xu Banxian said.

"It's a fluke, a fluke!" Lin Xiu said.

"Since everyone is here, let's go in!" Yang Gan said.

Everyone nodded and walked into this Wucheng.

There are bound to be many dangers in this city, so everyone must be careful.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered this Wucheng, the city gate was closed, and only fireballs were seen falling from the sky.

"Welcome to my Wucheng, disciples of Confucianism, and descendants of Huangdian!" Only a voice echoed around.

"Hallmaster of Wudian, are you still unwilling to come out? Why don't you come out and let us see your true face?" Xu Banxian said.

"Don't worry, I prepared a meeting gift for you, come out!" Only Wu's voice sounded.

In the next instant, countless groups of black shadows surged around.

These black shadows are all quite strange creatures, they are all red, and there are still flames on their bodies.

"Yan Clan!" Seeing these things, Xu Banxian's face changed drastically, "How come there are so many Yan Clan here?"

"Hahaha, enjoy it, let me prepare the fire banquet for you, if you still have a chance to survive, then I will give you a chance to meet me!" That Wu's voice sounded.

"Old Xu, what is the Yan Clan?" Lin Xiu asked.

At this moment, the red wolf in front of him opened its mouth towards Lin Xiu, and sprayed a flame towards Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu waved his hand casually and said, "Go away, don't hinder me!"

The flame was slapped by Lin Xiu's palm and flew out, and it couldn't hurt Lin Xiu at all.

"The Yan people are a race that lives underground. Their tempers are quite violent, and they can change into different forms. What's more, no matter what form they become, their flames are quite terrifying. Even a half-immortal It may not be possible to..."

Seeing Lin Xiu slapping the flame away so easily, Xu Banxian couldn't continue to say this.

Nima, also a guy is a monster?
Even if it was me, I wouldn't dare to be so casual, but he made a move, but he didn't appear to be injured at all!

"You mean, they all breathe fire, right?" Lin Xiu asked with his eyes brightened.

"Yes, everyone, be careful, protect yourself and I will search for the whereabouts of those people from Wushen Temple!" Only Xu Banxian said.

At this moment, the crimson creatures around had already started to spit out flames.

An egg appeared in Lin Xiu's hand, only to see a fireball flying in front of the strange egg, and it was immediately swallowed up.

"Ding, the kun seedlings have started to evolve. Please continue to feed the kun seedlings. The current evolution direction of the kun seedlings is... the fire kun!"

It worked!
Lin Xiu hadn't bred a kun for a long time, and now this kun evolved successfully. Lin Xiu immediately threw out this strange egg, and the flames emitted by the Yan clan in front of him were powerful. , is also a great tonic.

"Ding, the devouring was successful, the Huokun's level has increased, and it is currently in the Golden Infant Realm!"


Xu Banxian flew out alone, Lin Xiu and others were dealing with the Yan Clan here, but with Lin Xiu here, the Confucian disciples here did not suffer too serious injuries.

The fire kun in Lin Xiu's hand was promoted very quickly, and he had already advanced to the growth habitat in less than an hour. He only saw a giant kun with a red body flying out and pounced on the Yan tribe in front of him.

The Yan Clan here used to be only in the form of a ball of fire, but they could change into the appearance of various monsters or animals. Now when they saw the Huokun appear, they seemed to be swallowed up easily as if they had encountered a nemesis.

Huo Kun devoured these Yan clans, opening a way for Lin Xiu and others.

This place is similar to the Temple of the Desolate God, that is to say, it will have a central temple just like the Temple of the Desolate God!

At this moment, there was only a loud noise, and a figure descended from the sky, and it turned out to be Xu Banxian.

"Old Xu, what's wrong with you?" Lin Xiu said quickly after seeing it.

"Wu, it really is a formidable opponent, everyone be careful!" Xu Banxian said immediately.

"Xu Banxian, do you only have such strength?" A voice came over.

All eyes looked in that direction, and Lin Xiu immediately saw a middle-aged man. This middle-aged man did not look mighty, but ordinary. Behind him, there were nine powerful men The existence of each of them has the strength of crossing the tribulation level.

"You are already in the realm of the eighth-level half-immortal. I underestimated you too much, but this time it won't happen!" Xu Banxian flew into the air again and said.

"In your Confucian sect, there are not many people who can make me afraid, only your sect master and two deputy sect masters. As for you, Xu Banxian, you don't have such qualifications. It would be best if you send yourself to the door today. Already!" Wu said with a sneer.

"What a big tone, do you think you are qualified to compare with our sect master and deputy sect master?" Xu Banxian said.

"Of course, otherwise, why do you think I stayed here? Since you sent the descendants of the Desolate Palace, I will naturally not accept it politely. As long as I can get the soul of the Desolate Palace, I can become a real Immortal, when the time comes, not to mention your Confucian sect, even the entire continent can only be under my feet!"

Wu said loudly, his eyes were full of complacency.

Lin Xiu was a little surprised. Hearing what Wu said, there is really some mysterious relationship between their Desolate Temple and Wu Temple. Otherwise, this Wu would not have such great confidence.

At this time, Huang Ling's face was also a little ugly. Although Xu Banxian's strength was not weak, it seemed that there was still a big gap compared with Wu. What should I do?
"I'll drag this old guy, you go and get rid of these people first, and also get back the descendants of Huangdian!" Wu said immediately.

"Yes!" The nine Wushen Temple Transcending Tribulation experts replied at the same time, rushing towards Lin Xiu and the others.

"Be careful!" Xu Banxian shouted immediately, he wanted to make a move, but was stopped directly by Wu.

"Xu Banxian, your opponent is me! You can only watch as your people are all beheaded by my temple guards!" Wu Yinsen said.

Xu Banxian's complexion changed drastically, but there was nothing he could do, now he could only deal with Wu first.

At this moment, a huge figure appeared, only to see a Wushen Temple guard being grabbed by a golden palm, and his body was shattered in the next second.

(End of this chapter)

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