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Chapter 1270 Fei Ling's Identity

Chapter 1270 Fei Ling's Identity

As soon as Lin Xiu said these words, Ruburt immediately made a move and slammed towards Lin Xiu with a palm.

Lin Xiu waved his hand casually, only to see that Lu Burt was blown away by Lin Xiu's punch. The power of Lin Xiu's punch was that punch at the peak of the Tribulation Realm. If Lin Xiu hadn't been merciful, the current Lu Bob has been bombarded!
Even so, Ruburt flew upside down and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"You..." Ruburt's eyes were full of disbelief.

At this moment, a group of people rushed up from downstairs, the leader was a strong Confucianist, Mr. Lu Xing from Confucianism, this Mr. Lu Xing seemed to have just come out of retreat, he Also really stepped into the realm of crossing the catastrophe.

It is only a matter of time before Lu Xing becomes a great Confucian!

So Lu Xing's status in Confucianism is quite high.

When Lu Xing came here now, everyone around him immediately noticed it.

"Mr. Lu Xing is here, this kid seems to be doomed!"

"Who told him to offend Lu Yuan, he is Mr. Lu Xing's only son!"

"I'm afraid he will lose at least one arm, and maybe even his life!"


The people around immediately began to discuss, but Lin Xiu didn't worry at all, and was still drinking here.

"Brother!" Ruburt came over immediately and said, "I'm useless, I can't take care of Yuan'er, but the two of them poisoned Yuan'er, you must not let him go!"

Lu Xing didn't pay attention to Lu Bo, but went directly to Lin Xiu. When Lu Yuan saw his father coming, his face showed a ferocious expression: "Father, you must not let the two of them go, they are the ones who killed you." baby!"

Lu Xing slapped Lu Yuan across the face, and he said angrily, "Who told you to be disrespectful to Elder Liang?"

This slap completely blinded Lu Yuan, and Lu Yuan said in surprise, "What... what Elder Liang? Dad, who are you talking about Elder Liang?"

"Of course it's Liang Shanbo, Elder Liang, how dare you offend Elder Liang and his friends? Don't you want to live anymore?" Lu Xing was only heard pointing at his son and cursing loudly.

This is Lin Xiu, even he would not dare to offend Lin Xiu, this bastard son, dare to offend Lin Xiu?It's just courting death!
Who doesn't know that although this Elder Liang Shanbo is young, he is cruel and ruthless. No matter who offends him, it will not be easy, and the most terrifying thing is that the strength of this Elder Liang Shanbo is unfathomable. Offending him is obviously court death.

"Lu Xing, right? This is your good son. He should be molesting a good family... Oh, girl, you still want to shoot me!" Lin Xiu showed a faint smile on his face, "Tell me, this matter , how to deal with it?"

As soon as Lin Xiu said this, Lu Yuan's body trembled. Although he had never met Lin Xiu, he had heard of Lin Xiu's name. This Liang Shanbo, no matter his status or status, was far from what he could It's not okay to provoke, even if it's his father.

"I don't know what Elder Liang wants to do? As long as Elder Liang says a word, I will definitely do it even if it means taking the life of this scoundrel!" Lu Xing said.

"It's okay to kill him, but breaking his leg, I think I can save my face, right? Mr. Lu?" Lin Xiu said.

As soon as Lin Xiu said this, Lu Xing heaved a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Lin Xiu would take Lu Yuan's life. Lin Xiu just wanted Lu Yuan's legs to save face, so let it hurt for a while!

Lu Xing waved his hand immediately, and two people came over and broke Lu Yuan's legs.

When the people around saw this scene, their faces were full of disbelief. You must know that this is Lu Xing. His status is not comparable to that of others, but even so, Lu Xing is still in front of Lin Xiu. You need to bow your head and dare not say anything at all.

Thinking about it this way, one can know how high Lin Xiu's status is!
At least Lin Xiu's status was not comparable to that of Lu Xing, and the name Liang Shanbo also reminded other people around him.

"Liang Shanbo? Isn't that the elder Ke Qing from the Confucian school?"

"It is said that his status is very high, but Xu Banxian's half teacher in the Confucianism sect has the grace to teach him!"

"Yes, and his strength is also quite strong. It is said that he has entered the realm of half-immortal, and he is the only one!"


The people around immediately started talking.

"Okay, this is the end of the matter here, you go away, don't bother me!" Lin Xiu said.

"Yes, yes!" Lu Xing led the people away immediately.

This Lin Xiu is not something they can compare to. Even a great Confucian is far inferior to Lin Xiu in terms of status, let alone other people.

Lu Yuan was able to save his life this time because of the Confucian sect. If it were someone else, Lin Xiu would have already dealt with him.

After these people left, Lin Xiu's eyes fell on the woman in front of him again.

"Miss Feiling, there is no one else here now, so you should be able to tell me what I want to know?" Lin Xiu asked.

Feiling took off the hat on her head, she smiled and said: "Lord Lin Xiu, it seems that you are still very worried about that little girl of yours, I thought you have forgotten that little girl Maid, you have twins!"

Lin Xiu glanced at Feiling, and had to say, this Feiling is indeed a beauty, and there is a beauty mole on the corner of her mouth, which makes her look even more pretty.

"Shuang'er is my maid and a very important person to me. How could I forget her? But Miss Feiling, can I tell you who I am first? You already know my identity, yours I don't know the identity yet!" Lin Xiu said.

"I'm from the Dark Alliance!" Fei Ling looked at Lin Xiu and said to Lin Xiu.

There was no surprise on Lin Xiu's face, he could already guess it.

There are only two possibilities for Fei Ling's identity, either she is a member of the Holy See, or she is a member of the Dark Alliance!

However, if you want to cooperate with Lin Xiu, the possibility of a secret alliance is obviously greater!
"It turned out to be a member of the Dark Alliance, but what is Miss Feiling's identity in the Dark Alliance?" Lin Xiu asked again.

Lin Xiu didn't want to talk to anyone in the dark alliance. If the dark alliance wanted to cooperate with Lin Xiu, at least they should send someone who could talk to them.

"I am one of the guardians of the Twelve Palaces of the Dark Alliance. I am still above the elders in red robes, and below the leader and the two deputy leaders. This time, I am here on behalf of the Dark Alliance, and I invite you, Mr. Lin Xiu, to join us. From the Dark Alliance!" Only Fei Ling said.

"It's fine to join the Dark Alliance. You have no position in the Dark Alliance to give me, unless you want to give up the position of the leader!" Lin Xiu said with a wave of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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