Chapter 1271
Lin Xiu didn't want to be under others. If he went to the Dark Alliance, it would be obviously impossible to become the subordinate of the leader of the Dark Alliance!

However, it is not unacceptable to cooperate with the Dark Alliance.

"Master Lin Xiu was joking, but in fact we don't necessarily have to invite Master Lin Xiu to join our secret alliance, because as long as we can cooperate with Master Lin Xiu, we will also rescue Miss Shuang'er for you, Master Lin Xiu!" Only heard Fei Ling said.

"Rescue people for me? Then what do I need to pay?" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Lord Lin Xiu, we need you to do us a favor, but this favor will be told to you after we rescue Miss Shuang'er!" Fei Ling said again.

"Okay, then when do you plan to make a move?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Half a month later, the Holy Court will hold the Saintess Sacrifice. At that time, Miss Shuang'er will appear. That saint is Miss Shuang'er. At that time, we will also take action!" Only heard Fei Ling Said.

"Holy Maiden Sacrifice?" Lin Xiu was surprised when he heard it.

"That's right, this saint must be a person with great merit, otherwise, she would not be a candidate for the saint sacrifice. I think Lin Xiu, a maid, is also a kind person!" Fei Ling said.

Lin Xiu nodded and said, "You are right, she is indeed a kind girl!"

"What do you mean, Mr. Lin Xiu?" Only Fei Ling asked.

"I will be there in half a month, but I still want to ask, where is the dragon clan here!" Lin Xiu asked.

"Dragon Clan? In this Ten Thousand Law Continent, there is a Dragon Palace. There seem to be some sea dragons in the Dragon Palace. Mr. Lin Xiu, why are you asking this?" Only Fei Ling asked.

"It's nothing, I just want to meet the dragon!" Lin Xiu blinked and said.

Fei Ling always felt that Lin Xiu's smile was malicious, but she didn't care about it anymore, and now she had to go back to her life.

The location of the Dragon Palace is not far from where Lin Xiu is now, and counting the time, if he can finish the matter of the Dragon Palace within five days, Lin Xiu will be able to reach the Great Sanctuary again!

The Great Sanctuary is where the Holy Court is located, and Lin Xiu doesn't care about it now. He has already taken people to the Dragon Palace, and it would be best to raise two Kun seedlings there.

Lin Xiu had a feeling that if two Kun seedlings could be raised, I believe these Kun seedlings would bring some other changes to Lin Xiu.

The place where the Dragon Palace is located is not underwater, but an island, surrounded by sea dragons.

This is different from those dragons who believe in this Chinese dragon god. Seeing these sea dragons, Lin Xiu was naturally not polite, and he immediately began to use the sea dragons here to feed the Kunmiao.

"Ding, the kun seedlings have started to evolve, please continue to feed the kun seedlings. The current evolution direction of the kun seedlings is... Long Kun!"

It will be much simpler if the Kunmiao is successfully raised. Next, Lin Xiu will continue to hunt and kill the sea dragons here. No matter how powerful the sea dragons are, they are far inferior to Lin Xiu's.

Half a month later, Lin Xiu had arrived at the Great Sanctuary.

In the place of the Great Sanctuary, there are temples and holy sounds everywhere.

In this great sanctuary, there is a temple in every city, and what is worshiped in the temple is the Holy Spirit with twelve wings!
What Lin Xiu didn't imagine was that the place where the saint sacrifice was held this time turned out to be the holy city of light in the sanctuary, Zabi city!

The city of Zabi has a vast area, at least the size of a small kingdom, and there are hundreds of temples in it.

Now the Holy Maiden Sacrifice is held in the highest temple, the Sabi Temple. This temple is on the Holy Mountain. At that time, all the people of the Holy City must kneel under the Holy Mountain until the Holy Maiden Sacrifice is over. , to be able to proceed!
And today, it was the day of the Holy Maiden Sacrifice, and the Holy Maiden flew to the top of the holy mountain with a sedan chair dragged by two giant one-horned horses.

Inside the sedan chair, sat a young girl with a light veil on her head, no one could see her appearance.

On the holy mountain, there were people kneeling all the way down, and these people were chanting some mysterious spells, which were exactly the spells of the Holy Maiden Sacrifice.

The Holy Maiden Sacrifice is mainly to invite the Twelve-Winged Holy God to shine the holy light on the entire Great Sanctuary, so that all the people who believe in the Holy God can have a stable life.

As the Pope of the Holy See, this is a strong man in a semi-immortal realm. He holds a cane in his hand and mutters words.

The two one-horned giant horses had already landed on the top of the holy mountain with a sedan chair.

Above the sky, a ray of light appeared, and this ray of light shone straight into the sedan chair.

All I saw was that the sedan chair was shattered, and the girl's figure appeared in front of everyone.

"This time we are ready. Our lord will take action to resist the pope, and we will also launch a full-scale attack here. Our purpose is to eliminate the pope and the high-level officials of the Holy See, and we will also send some people to help Mr. Lin Xiu you!"

At this time, under the holy mountain, Fei Ling appeared beside Lin Xiu.

Fei Ling was dressed in holy white clothes, standing beside Lin Xiu, she really looked like a holy woman.

"I see, it seems that you want me to create a little confusion for you!" Lin Xiu said suddenly after hearing this.

"We just help each other!" Fei Ling said.

"Then when will we do it?" Lin Xiu asked.

"As soon as the signal arrives, we will start!" Fei Ling said to Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu pointed to a firework that appeared in the sky, and he asked, "You mean this signal?"

"Yes! Do it!" Fei Ling's body froze, and she had already made a move.

At this moment, Lin Xiu could see that the sky had turned black, and a dark cloud floated directly over the entire holy city, and then, countless fireballs began to rain down from the sky, like meteorites, and began to hit the holy city .

Lin Xiu felt that the end of the world seemed to be in front of him, and for the people here, it was indeed the end of the world. After all, they had never encountered such a thing in this holy city.

Isn't this the city protected by the Holy Spirit?Wouldn't it be safe here?How could there be so many terrible disasters?

In Lin Xiu's eyes, there is no pity or sympathy. The people in this holy city are all people who believe in the so-called "Holy Spirit". People's positions are different.

Moreover, the Holy Court captured his maid, Lin Xiu came here today not for kindness, but for revenge!

(End of this chapter)

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