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Chapter 1286 Spirit Sky Canyon

Chapter 1286 Spirit Sky Canyon
In the astonished eyes of the priest, Lin Xiu's punch directly blew his head off.

Lin Xiu didn't need to use any tricks at all, and he was able to kill this priest easily.

The people around were obviously shocked by this scene, they couldn't believe it, this was Lin Xiu's punch?Just this punch, the power is so terrifying, is this still human?
The other protoss around were shocked at this time. Their strongest priest was an existence at the level of transcending tribulations, but in front of Lin Xiu, he couldn't even take a punch!
The surrounding protoss immediately planned to retreat, but how could Lin Xiu give them a chance?
Lin Xiu slapped his palms in front of him, and said lightly: "All of you aliens that shouldn't exist, leave me alone!"

Lin Xiu slammed down with a palm, but directly pressed all the protoss powerhouses in front of him to the ground. The coercion of this palm alone made these protoss unable to stand up again.

Green energy rushed around, only to see that the protoss turned into spiritual energy and disappeared.

Lin Xiu's Tongtian Tree is constantly absorbing the energy of these protoss powerhouses. The Tongtian Tree grows bigger and bigger, and now it has been able to communicate with Lin Xiu's mind and stretch out to deal with the protoss here.

The green energy wrapped around Lin Xiu's body seemed to turn into fibrous roots all over the sky, and began to devour the protoss here.

The Protoss had never seen such a terrifying scene before. They saw with their own eyes that their companions were hit by this green energy, and their bodies turned into streaks of blue smoke and disappeared.

so horrible!

The protoss had never seen such a terrifying scene. They were afraid and even wanted to run away.

It's just that the strong men brought by Lin Xiu have blocked the retreat of these protoss strong men.

"What are you waiting for? Now is the time for us to fight back!" Ren Duxing shouted loudly.

As soon as this sentence came out, the people around immediately shouted loudly: "Kill!"

The surrounding powerhouses rushed out immediately. As long as there were no gods and immortal-level protoss around, the powerhouses in the small sanctuary here could still handle the protoss here.

In addition, now that the protoss saw that their gods and powerful protoss had been wiped out by Lin Xiu, their morale had already plummeted. There was no intention of fighting these powerful protoss. Now they just want to escape.

However, the strong men in the holy courtyard became more and more courageous as they fought. The blood and bones on the strong men of the Protoss are all good things for refining magic weapons, and the effect is even better than that of the demons. If they can hunt Killing a batch of them would also be of great benefit to them!

Now that Lin Xiu is here, they can rest assured to fight!

At this moment, the powerhouses in the small sanctuary have already started to fight back.

Lin Xiu didn't have to worry about the safety of these people. Lin Xiu alone could kill most of the tens of thousands of Protoss here, and the remaining protoss were also wiped out by other powers.

Lin Xiu, Ren Duxing and others left after the battle here.

Lin Xiu also told them his purpose of coming here this time.

"You want to go back to Fenggu Continent?" Ren Duxing's face showed a hint of helplessness when he heard this, "I'm afraid it's impossible!"

"Why?" Lin Xiu asked.

"We do have a huge teleportation formation here, which can pass through two continents, but the current location of the teleportation formation is in the Lingtian Canyon. The aura in that place is quite strong, and it is even possible to set up a teleportation profound formation there instead of It takes too much fairy stone!"

I only heard the door owner of the magic sound door explain: "Now it has been occupied by the protoss, and we have no way to activate the teleportation array now!"

Lin Xiu glanced at the people around him. All the people here were leaders of several major forces, even a demon king of the demon clan.

The former Lin Xiu was not qualified to sit with them, but now Lin Xiu is an existence they can only look up to.

With the current strength that Lin Xiu possesses, he can easily destroy them all.

Of course, Lin Xiu is too lazy to do this now, because Lin Xiu's target is no longer them.

Now Lin Xiu just wants to go back to Fenggu Continent, clean up the protoss there, and protect the people there. After all, there are still Lin Xiu's relatives there!
"Since they took away our place, it's easy. I'll take everyone back to take back that Lingtian Canyon!" Lin Xiu said.

"There are too many Protoss there, and there is a teleportation black hole there, which can keep these Protoss pouring out from there. If we want to deal with these Protoss, we must first destroy that teleportation black hole. In this case, There will be no more Protoss coming!"

The suzerain of Tianmo Sword Sect said to Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu nodded, and said, "Okay, let me take care of all this!"

The next day, under the admiring gazes of all the powerhouses in the holy courtyard, Lin Xiu led the others to the Lingtian Canyon.

Inside the Lingtian Canyon, there are a total of [-] gods guarding it. In the black hole here, there are many powerful beings. They can come out of this black hole at any time.

Lin Xiu's current magic water treasure chest has collected 100 million magic water points, so he naturally doesn't mind killing more protoss, so that Lin Xiu can get more magic water points!
"We have three gods here this time. There is no need for us to send so many gods to such a broken place!"

"Who says it's not? The people here are all inferior humans, and their strength is far inferior to ours! Not to mention gods, even adults at the immortal level can sweep this place!"

"It's better for the human beings here to cooperate a little bit, so that they can suffer less, otherwise, they can only be unlucky!"


The protoss looked down on the humans here, so when they saw these humans, they didn't care at all. Even if someone came back and announced that a large number of humans had come here, no one would care.

"It seems that these humans are really too courageous, looking for death! Listen everyone, now is the time for you to take action. As long as you can catch these humans, they will be dealt with by you. Let them experience it. It is not comparable to these inferior races!"

I only heard the priest say loudly immediately.

"Yes!" The protoss around immediately responded.

Under the leadership of the gods, a large number of protoss powerhouses have gone in the direction where the humans came.

At this time, Lin Xiu had already seen these strong men of the Protoss, and only heard Lin Xiu say: "People of the Protoss, I will give you a chance to kneel down and beg for mercy, and I will spare you!"

(End of this chapter)

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