Chapter 1287
Lin Xiu's words stunned all the Protoss people here. What is Lin Xiu talking about?He actually asked these Protoss people to kneel down and beg for mercy?
Isn't he crazy?We are the protoss, what is a god?Those who are superior to all living beings are the gods. People like Lin Xiu are just lowly human beings. Can human beings compare with gods?Of course it's impossible!
But it's just lowly humans who want us to kneel?What a joke, the majesty of our Protoss cannot be defiled by you low races. For a while, the surrounding Protoss were furious, and the leader was also a priest.

"Low beings with great skills are also qualified to make us gods kneel down? Do you think you can do it?" the priest said with a sneer.

"It seems that you need me to prove it. Well, if this is the case, I will prove it to you!" After Lin Xiu heard this, he smiled faintly, only to see his body swaying, and he had reached the priest in an instant in front of.

In the next second, Lin Xiu's palm had already slammed towards the priest.

The speed of this punch completely exceeded everyone's imagination. They would never have imagined that Lin Xiu's fist speed would be so terrifying. Lin Xiu's punch alone could cause an explosion in this space. ring.

The priest's face changed drastically. He wanted to resist Lin Xiu's punch, and a magic weapon appeared in front of him, but Lin Xiu's punch directly penetrated the magic weapon and hit his chest.

A mirror-like armor appeared on the priest's chest, but it didn't have the slightest effect. It couldn't resist Lin Xiu's punch at all!
Lin Xiu's fist had already penetrated the chest of this priest, and shattered his heart.

What a terrifying punch!
Even the strong man who came here with Lin Xiu was frightened by Lin Xiu's punch.

Before Lin Xiu was in the holy courtyard, he killed the enemy with one punch, but now, it is still a punch!
Lin Xiu's fist has such a powerful power!

As for the protoss, they had never seen such a terrifying fist before, and they were immediately stunned. This person was able to easily kill the gods. Who the hell is he?

At this time, the people of the Protoss couldn't even think of confronting Lin Xiu, and there was only fear in their hearts.

"I...I am willing to surrender, please let us go!"

"My lord, we were wrong, we beg your lord to spare our lives!"

"Please don't kill me, my lord, I have seniors and juniors!"


As long as it is a living thing, it will be afraid of death, and the Protoss is no exception. The Protoss did not encounter such a powerful enemy before, so it is impossible for them to apologize, but now it is different. These Protoss people saw Lin Xiu.

In front of Lin Xiu, the priest couldn't even resist a single punch. What kind of strength is this?
"I asked you to save me just now, but it's too late now!" Lin Xiu's eyes were full of ferocity, "You all, go to death!"

Tongtian Treebeard had already flown out, stabbing at the throat of the protoss powerhouse in front of him.

To grow the Tongtian tree, it needs more magic tools, but now, the blood energy of the strong gods can also nourish it. It is said that this is a sacred tree that can be directly connected to the fairy world. Now Lin Xiu is a little curious, what is it? Can you connect to fairyland?

Lin Xiu doesn't know whether this Tongtian tree can connect to the fairy world, but Lin Xiu knows that this Tongtian tree is quite useful against the gods.

Moreover, the tree roots that flew out from Lin Xiu's body could directly kill all the protoss under the Transcendence Tribulation Realm, and it was a large-scale kill.

Although the strong protoss here are powerful, they are not worth mentioning in front of Lin Xiu.

The more than 1 protoss powerhouses who came here, because the gods were killed by Lin Xiu's punch, their morale plummeted, and the appearance of the tree mustache made these protoss even less willing to fight. They have never seen such a scary stuff.

As long as each protoss powerhouse is entangled by this root, they will immediately become skeletons, and then those skeletons will be turned into ashes.

"No, what is this? Don't kill me!"

"Leave us alone, we don't want to do this!"

"Run away, as long as we escape back, we can go back to God's Domain!"


The protoss wanted to escape, but less than [-]% of them could escape, and Lin Xiu didn't intend to let these protoss go, Lin Xiu had already chased after them.

This time, Lin Xiu will not let go of how many protoss there are in Lingtian Canyon!

These protoss are nourishment, and Lin Xiu's Tongtian tree still needs to use them to support it!
Now in front of Lin Xiu, more protoss appeared.

The escaped protoss hurriedly found their priest and reported the matter to the past.

"What kills the priest with one punch? Could it be... this is the strong man who appeared in the holy courtyard?" the priest here said immediately.

There are a total of three priests here, besides the one killed by Lin Xiu just now, there is also one who was killed in the holy courtyard, and now there is only one priest in front of him left here!

"My lord, what are we going to do now?" Only a Protoss soldier was heard to say hastily.

"No matter who he is, we have to make him pay the price. We are the god race, no matter how powerful he is, he is just a low race!" the priest said immediately.

"But what shall we do?"

"Here we still have a hole card, use the Shenwu King Cannon immediately!"

Shenwu King Pao?

When the surrounding protoss heard these words, they finally felt relieved. This one is a magic weapon that is said to be able to seriously injure even a god general, and its power is quite terrifying.

If this magic weapon is used, no matter how strong that human being is, it will definitely not be able to resist it.

"What are you doing here in a daze? Immediately prepare to use the Shenwu King Cannon. Today, I will let these lower races know that we, the Protoss, are the real kings of this Ten Thousand Magic Continent!" the priest immediately said loudly.

The Shenwu King Cannon is a huge cannon. It can only be fired by using nearly ten thousand top-grade immortal stones. The power is so powerful that it is shocking.

Now this King of Divine Martial Artillery is facing the humans who came here. Lin Xiu and others have already dealt with their opponents, and immediately arrived at the camp of the protoss.

This is the place to use the teleportation array. As long as the protoss here are cleared, they can go back to Fenggu Continent.

From what Lin Xiu learned, there seemed to be traces of the Protoss in the Fenggu Continent. For the Fenggu Continent, the appearance of the Protoss would be a catastrophe.

Just when Lin Xiu was thinking this way, a ray of light suddenly blasted towards him. At this moment, within a thousand feet around Lin Xiu, everything was engulfed by an explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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