Chapter 1294
When the people around heard Lin Xiu's words, they sighed, people are different, look at yourself, just hearing someone's voice, they are already scared like this, look at Lin Xiu again.

Lin Xiu doesn't have any fear at all, this is the real strong man, if he doesn't even have the heart of fearlessness, how can he practice against the sky?

Lin Xiu really didn't care about the owner of this voice. You must know that Lin Xiu has many magic weapons on his body now. With the Babel tree, Lin Xiu is not afraid of any gods at all.

The owner of this pair of eyes was obviously furious when he heard Lin Xiu's words. He said angrily, "Okay, if this is the case, I will destroy you and this continent together!"

"Destroy this continent with me? Do you think you can do it?" Lin Xiu said with a sneer.

"You will know soon, I will let you experience the power of our gods to destroy the world and nine disasters!" Only the voice came.

The Nine Disasters?

Lin Xiu was a little surprised when he heard these words, but at this moment, a layer of black clouds appeared in the sky.

Not only Lin Xiu's current location, but even the entire continent was covered by black clouds. In an instant, a catastrophe appeared on the entire continent.

Around the continent, the sea water suddenly rose, and huge waves of hundreds of feet appeared, constantly impacting the entire continent.

On the east side of the continent, flames appeared all over the sky. Flame meteors fell from the sky and hit the ground. Huge deep pits appeared on the ground immediately, and the flames began to ignite the entire continent.

In the south of the mainland, there was a gust of death. Anyone who was blown by this wind immediately turned into a skeleton, even the trees were all withered, and even the monsters were lifeless. It has become a dead zone.

Moreover, all the buildings seemed to be blown away, quite scary.

On the west side of the continent, the avalanche fell, covering a large area, and many people died.


The entire continent was plunged into boundless despair at this time, even where Lin Xiu was now, there was a disaster.

The thunder and lightning that descended from the sky directly split the ground, and the entire ground here unexpectedly trembled.

"Earthquake! There is going to be an earthquake here, how is it possible?"

"Is this continent really going to be destroyed? How could this happen?"

"We are really going to die, do we really have no chance to survive?"


The people around were already desperate. In this environment, how could they have a chance to survive. The power of the Nine Disasters was far beyond what they could resist.

Lin Xiu looked around, and he could feel that the whole land was sinking!

How can this be?Is this continent really going to be destroyed?
"Everyone listen to me!" Lin Xiu's voice came out, making everyone quiet.

The strength that Lin Xiu showed just now can still make the people present feel admiration, and now they also want to know if there is any other way Lin Xiu can help them.

"This time, this continent is going to sink, and I'm afraid you won't have a chance to survive. If you are willing to follow me, this time, I can save your life, give you a new environment to survive, and even have a chance Let you all become immortals!"

Lin Xiu's voice resounded all around, startling everyone.

Can they survive and have a chance to make them immortal?How can this be?

"Lin Xiu, is what you said true? You are not lying to us, are you?" Bu Zheng asked.

"I didn't lie to you. I have a place full of fairy energy. If you want to live in it, the possibility of becoming a fairy will be much greater than here, and I have no other way to let you Survive again!"

Lin Xiu continued: "This continent will be destroyed soon. If you don't leave, you can only disappear with this continent, so you don't have much time to think about it!"

Lin Xiu's voice silenced everyone around him.

Lin Xiu did not deceive them. The fastest way to become an immortal is to live in a place with abundant aura. Of course, in this world, the aura is not as strong as in the Xiantian ring.

It's full of fairy energy inside, if they live here, they do have a chance to become a fairy, of course, it will take a long time.

Bu Zheng immediately said: "Okay, we are willing to follow you!"

The people from the Demon League also agreed, and there is only one way to die. With their strength, it is impossible for them to cross the entire continent, so they can only die here. Now Lin Xiu gave them a chance.

"We are willing too!" Wu Xie said.

Since both of them agreed, the others naturally agreed, and Lin Xiu immediately included them all in the Xiantian ring.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xiu arrived at Long Island. It would take at least half a day for the Nine Disasters to destroy the entire continent. In this half day, Lin Xiu was enough to rescue the people related to him. As for the others , Lin Xiu is helpless.

After all, Lin Xiu's Xiantian ring is not a continent, nor can it accommodate so many people, and other people may have different ideas, Lin Xiu will not let them enter his Xiantian ring!
Lin Xiu's Xiantian ring is quite precious. If it is exposed, it will be a big trouble for Lin Xiu, so Lin Xiu will only let some people who can make him feel at ease enter it.

When Lin Xiu returned to the front of the teleportation array of the Holy Academy, Lin Xiu could see that the surrounding area began to explode, and cracks began to appear in the entire land. It's over!
Lin Xiu sighed: "You will die today because of the Protoss. I will avenge your revenge for you. I will make them disappear forever for this Protoss!"

Lin Xiu didn't live in this continent for much time, but seeing the entire continent being destroyed, his heart was still filled with anger.

This divine master of the protoss is too much, so what if he is in the realm of a fairy?So what if he is stronger?Even if Lin Xiu had never thought of himself as the savior of destroying the entire continent, it really made him angry that the souls of this continent died at the hands of this divine lord.

A strong light appeared in the teleportation array, and Lin Xiu disappeared into this continent.

And this continent is already sinking, and all the residents of this continent have been swallowed by the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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