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Chapter 1295 I have a proposal

Chapter 1295 I have a proposal

ten days later.

Wanfa Continent.

The strong here have already started a war of resistance against the protoss here, but it can be seen that even if there are several major forces in Wanfa Continent, they are now at a disadvantage.

Those protoss had seven generals, even if one of them was beheaded by Lin Xiu, the remaining generals were quite powerful, and it took a lot of effort for them to deal with it.

Little Tathagata made a move and killed one of the generals. Two Heavenly Venerables of the Taoist sect were seriously injured, and one of the generals was also killed. The head of the Confucian sect was seriously injured by the general. This time, Lin Xiu , A total of four generals were beheaded!
There are still three divine generals, and the master of the Confucianism Sect and the Heavenly Venerable of the Taoist Sect were also seriously injured, and their lives and deaths are unknown now. This time, many forces gathered together to discuss how to deal with the protoss here!
The powerhouses of several major forces will naturally not be willing to give up their camp all the time. With their strength, even if they encounter immortals, they are capable of beheading them. Even if the gods come, they will only threaten them. They want to kill them It is obviously impossible to sink like Fenggu Continent.

Moreover, it is not easy for the Protoss to kill all the strong men here. Of course, the power of the Protoss is unquestionable. If they lose some more strong men, it is really possible to plunge the entire continent into despair. .

This time, it can be said to be the peak meeting of the entire continent. Now here, it is hosted by the leader of the dark alliance, the blood emperor, the Taoist Tianzun Xuanjizi, the deputy head of the Confucianism school, Rusheng, the little Buddha of Buddhism, and the king of the demon clan. , and hundreds of high-level officials from other forces came here.

This time they mainly discussed how to deal with the Protoss here.

But now, there is no discussion here, because here, there are a total of six seats in the main seat, and now only five seats are occupied.

Among these four positions, each one is a powerful person who is well-known in the continent, but now, they are quietly waiting for someone to arrive.

"Who is this last person? Why hasn't he come yet? Isn't he too arrogant?"

"I don't know, but those who can make these four adults wait are definitely not ordinary people!"

"It can't be the Pope? I heard that the Pope is dead!"


The people around immediately started talking, but even though they talked like this, the five big brothers didn't intend to speak.

But at this time, a young man walked in. Under the shocked eyes of everyone, he walked towards that position, only to hear him say as he walked: "Sorry, I kept everyone waiting. When I came here, I was a little bit stuck. Because those Protoss people have been blocking me all the time!"

"Young people are so arrogant, they made us wait for half an hour!" Only the Demon King here sneered and said.

This Heavenly Demon King is different from the Heavenly Demon King Lin Xiu has seen before. This one is probably already in the Ninth Layer and a Half Fairyland.

"I didn't expect that there is also a demon king here. I have killed many demons before, and there is also a demon king!" Lin Xiu looked at the demon king with a smile and said, "and refined them all into pills!"

"You!" Hearing this, the Demon King patted the table and stood up, pointing at Lin Xiu, his face full of anger.

"What's wrong with me? I'm not afraid to tell you, this is my territory, so what if I ask you to wait for half an hour? If I'm willing, I can wipe out all your demons at any time!" Lin Xiu said with a gloomy look.

The people present couldn't help being shocked when they heard Lin Xiu's words. Lin Xiu was completely different from his appearance, and Lin Xiu dared to speak to the Demon King so arrogantly!
If it was anyone else, he would have been beheaded by the Demon King if he dared to speak like this, but this Lin Xiu, he did not dare, nor did he have the ability to do so!
Lin Xiu's strength is quite terrifying, and it is said that even the generals were beheaded by him, but Lin Xiu was not injured at all.

You must know that even if the little Tathagata and the others beheaded the god general, it was only at a very high price.

The Buddha Dharma of the Little Tathagata can only be performed once in a lifetime. The Taoist Heavenly Venerable had two Heavenly Venerables injured, and the Confucian School Master was seriously injured before he could kill the god general, but Lin Xiu was not injured at all.

Comparing the two, it is clear that they are superior and inferior, and it is said that Lin Xiu was able to kill thousands of Protoss at once. This Lin Xiu is the main force against the Protoss this time.

"Benefactor Lin Xiu, long time no see, you still have the same demeanor!" He only heard the little Tathagata say, clasping his hands together, with a benevolent look on his face.

"Little monk, it's you, I knew you would not be an ordinary person, so you really are the little Tathagata!" Lin Xiu said in surprise when he saw the little Tathagata.

"The poor monk would also like to thank Lin Xiu benefactor for your mercy in Foyu! And I haven't seen you in just a few months, Lin Xiu benefactor, your progress really makes the poor monk feel ashamed!" Little Tathagata said with a sigh.

"Where is it, I just want to practice faster, be stronger, and be more handsome ([-] characters omitted)... nothing else!" Lin Xiu waved his hands and said modestly.

"..." Little Tathagata.

"..." Heavenly Demon King.

"..." Ru Sheng.

The expressions on everyone's faces were also a little weird. Is this Lin Xiu being humble?
Or in his eyes, this is already modest!
"Lin Xiu, we came here this time to discuss how to deal with the protoss. Since you have arrived, let's start our meeting this time!" Xuanjizi said.

"Is this still negotiable? I have a proposal!" Lin Xiu said.

"What proposal?" Hearing Lin Xiu's words, the people around immediately asked.

"The current protoss have been scattered throughout the continent. Even if we eradicate them now, it is difficult to guarantee their next attack. If this is the case, we might as well take the initiative!" Lin Xiu said, his eyes full of excitement.

"Active attack? What active attack?" Only Little Tathagata asked.

"Let's enter the realm of the gods and kill their god master, so that we can finish it once and for all!" Lin Xiu said.

"Hahaha..." Hearing Lin Xiu's words, the Heavenly Demon King laughed loudly, and he said, "Do you think that the divine master is so easy to deal with? The immortal generals we have met now are probably just stepping into the realm of immortals." It won't be long!"

"And that God Lord, even if he didn't reach a higher level, he must be the existence of the peak of the Immortal Realm. He only needs to use one finger to kill you easily. What do you use to deal with him?"

(End of this chapter)

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