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Chapter 1296 The Plan Begins

Chapter 1296 The Plan Begins

"You ask me what to use to deal with him?" Lin Xiu flipped his hand, only to see a sword appearing in front of him, and in the next moment, Lin Xiu's sword was already pointed at the Demon King.

The demon king's pupils contracted for a while, and he had a feeling that as long as he dared to resist, Lin Xiu's sword would stab his throat. This sword was not an ordinary sword, but a fairy sword.

If it was stabbed at the throat of the Demon King, it was absolutely impossible for the Demon King to survive. This sword was enough to kill him.

The Heavenly Demon King's expression became quite ugly at this time, he had never encountered such a thing before.

And the faces of the people around also changed, and the only person who dared to do such a thing here was Lin Xiu.

"I will use this to deal with him. No matter who he is, even if he is a fairy, I am sure I can kill him!" Lin Xiu showed a ferocious smile on his face. This smile made the face of the Demon King pale. .

"Lin Xiu, put down your sword before you speak!" Xuanjizi said.

Lin Xiu smiled, patted the face of the Demon King, and then put away the sword. He smiled and said, "I'm just joking with you. Why are you so nervous?"

Are you fucking kidding me?The corner of the Demon King's mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything.

At the moment just now, the Demon King felt his back was getting cold. This young man really dared to kill him!

"Benefactor Lin Xiu, even if you say you want to deal with the Divine Master, are we going to lure the Divine Master here?" Little Tathagata asked.

"Of course not, I've already said that we have to take the initiative, so we should enter the God's Domain and deal with the God Lord!" Lin Xiu said.

"Enter the God's Domain? If we enter the God's Domain, we may encounter unknown dangers. After all, we don't know much about the God's Domain, and fighting the gods in the God's Domain will affect our strength!" Rusheng said.

"I don't need too many people to enter God's Domain this time. I just need a few people to follow me in. If it succeeds, the gods will definitely come back. If it doesn't work, then when the Lord of God comes, we will be the same. Die!" Lin Xiu said.

Lin Xiu's words stunned the people around him, but what Lin Xiu said was not wrong, if they couldn't stop the Protoss, they would surely die. Once the God Lord came, would anyone else be able to deal with them?

"But how do you enter God's Domain?" asked the Blood Emperor.

"Since that teleportation black hole can allow people from the Protoss to teleport to our continent, then we should also be able to enter the realm of the gods through it!" Lin Xiu replied.

Lin Xiu had already thought about this question before, why can't they go to God's Domain if these Protoss people can come here?
They can kill the creatures of Wanfa Continent at will, so why can't they enter the realm of the gods and kill the gods?

Lin Xiu's proposal immediately silenced everyone. It has to be said that Lin Xiu's idea is quite prominent. They never imagined that Lin Xiu would propose such an idea!
But in the end, everyone agreed, but it was a question of who to let pass.

"The poor monk is willing to enter the realm of the gods with Lin Xiu's benefactor!" Only the little Tathagata said.

Lin Xiu glanced at Little Tathagata in surprise.

Entering the God Realm this time, it can be said that it was a narrow escape, and the little Tathagata was willing to go in with him?Isn't he out of his mind?
In Lin Xiu's thinking, none of these people would be willing to go in with him, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"Amitabha, there are Xuanjizi and several benefactors here, and they are already able to deal with the gods. On the contrary, benefactor Lin Xiu, your action this time is extremely dangerous, but if it succeeds, it will be a blessing for our entire continent, so the poor monk also wants Do your best!" Little Tathagata calmly replied.

"Then is there anyone else who wants to come together?" Lin Xiu said, looking around.

The people around immediately pretended not to hear, Lin Xiu also expected it, he said lightly: "Okay, if this is the case, then I will leave this place to everyone, and the little monk and I will enter the God Realm!"

After much deliberation, this plan can be considered finalized.

This place is the territory of the Protoss, and in this place, there is a god general.

This god will have a very powerful strength, a powerhouse at the level of the fairyland.

As the Heavenly Demon King said, although the gods here are at the level of the Immortal Realm, they have not fully grasped the power of the Immortals. Otherwise, it would be difficult to kill them.

Now this god will feel that something is wrong around him, and he immediately said: "Everyone prepare to fight!"

"As expected of a god general, he was able to spot us all at once!" Only a voice was heard.

The god general saw that the owner of this voice turned out to be a young man in armor.

In addition to this boy, there is also a ten-year-old monk and a demon king.

"Are you... One Punch Sensei, Qiyu?" Seeing Lin Xiu, the general's expression changed drastically.

One Punch Rishi Saitama?
Hearing this title, Lin Xiu was stunned for a moment, he almost forgot that he did have this title.

He replied: "You are right, I am Qiyu, since you know, you should also know how strong this young master is, right? Now you immediately kneel down and beg for mercy, and I can spare you, otherwise... "

"Hmph, do you think that if you kill Amaterasu, I will be afraid of you? Amaterasu's strength is just the bottom among our generals, and today I will avenge him!" The general sneered, He slashed at Lin Xiu with a knife.

"Amitabha, benefactor, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately! It is not good to kill too many sins!" Little Tathagata said lightly, and slammed down with his palm.

It was just a small palm, but it turned into a huge golden palm in the air. This palm descended from the sky and blasted at this general.

"Nine Strikes of Heavenly Demon!" The Heavenly Demon King yelled, rushed towards the general, and struck nine consecutive palms, only to see that the palm wind could even cut off the people around him.

At this time, the Immortal Immortal Sword in Lin Xiu's hand slashed out in front of him, and the sword energy instantly attacked the general.

The three of them teamed up to deal with this general, only to see that the general's expression changed slightly and white light appeared all over his body, and a layer of battle armor covered the surface of his body.

Boom boom boom!
Only three loud bangs were heard, but the general flew out from the explosion, and the knife still slashed at Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu was a little surprised that the three attacks couldn't hurt him, but he immediately swung his sword to meet him.

The power of the divine general is quite great, even Lin Xiu was repelled by him for more than ten feet, but in the next second, countless roots appeared behind Lin Xiu.

(End of this chapter)

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