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Chapter 130 It's not illegal to look at it!

Chapter 130 It's not illegal to look at it!
Moon Master was stunned.

Yu Rou was also stunned.

But Lin Xiu didn't stop, his eyes lingered on the two of them without blinking.

Just kidding, everyone has already arrived, is it too late to escape now?Moreover, why did Master Ben run away?Shouldn't it be the two of them who are going to escape?

Could it be that they dare to stretch their legs to go ashore when I look at them like this?
As a coercive king (cheap, human), Lin Xiu still knows very well that these two women would not dare to separate those jade legs in front of him, and then walk ashore, and would not dare to put on clothes in front of him , let alone use the current naked body to attack Lin Xiu.

In this case, why run away?

" are you here!" Yue Shi immediately squatted under the water, covering her body with her hands, she calmed down very quickly, and immediately knew that she was the weak side.

"Bastard, turn around quickly, what are you still looking at, what are you still looking at!!!" Yu Rou was furious, but she also made the same movements as Yueshi.

"Master Huiyue, I lost something when I came here, and I didn't come here to spy on you taking a bath, don't get me wrong!" Lin Xiu said seriously, but he didn't hide his thief eyes at all.

Even if you are in a weak body now, it is not illegal to look at it!

Is it human nature to appreciate beauty?
Because of this, Lin Xiu's eyes kept falling on the two of them.

"Did you lose something? What did you lose?" Yue Shi asked immediately.

"It doesn't matter what I lost, what matters is what we do next? You two don't want to chase me, do you?" Lin Xiu had a mean smile on his face.

Although Moon Master's face was calm, but there was a murderous intent in his heart. This cheap person dared to peep at him taking a bath. If such a person didn't kill him and spread the news, what would his innocence be?

Yu Rou's eyes also showed murderous intent. Although she thinks highly of Lin Xiu, today's matter is not so easy to solve. How can she tolerate her innocence being seen by Lin Xiu?

"Lin Xiu, you can let us put on clothes before discussing this issue!" Moon Master suppressed the killing intent in her heart, she said.

"Of course there is no problem. You can wear whatever you want, and I won't stop you!" Lin Xiu said with a smile on his face.

"You!" Even Moon Master's expression became ugly at this moment, if you don't turn around, don't we have to put on clothes in front of you?

"Lin Xiu, don't go too far, what do you want?" Yu Rou said immediately.

"How dare I think about it? The two girls are much stronger than me. If the two want to kill me, I can't escape the two girls with my strength. So please forgive me I don't know if I can do it once?" Lin Xiu said while rolling his eyes.

"Don't even think about it!" Yu Rou said immediately.

"Okay, I promise you!" Moon Master replied.

"You two, I will definitely believe what you said, but there is one thing I hope you two will agree to!" Lin Xiu said with a cheap smile on his face again.

Lin Xiu had already thought of a countermeasure. For a person like Yu Rou, Lin Xiu believed what she said, but Lin Xiu didn't believe what Yue Shi said. Obviously, this woman's scheming was much more important than Yu Rou's.

"What's the matter?" Moon Master said.

"I really lost something in this lake. I hope you two don't leave this lake until I find it!" Lin Xiu said, and he had already walked to the clothes of the two of them. They were all put away.


"Lin Xiu!"

The faces of the two women changed drastically at the same time, and they shouted.

After collecting the clothes, how did they leave?Leaving naked like this?This is really a bitch, man!
"Don't worry, you two, I will store your clothes in a hidden place, and no one will find out!" Lin Xiu said immediately.

In fact, Lin Xiu can't be blamed. It's almost 12 o'clock now, and the treasure chest is about to be refreshed. Lin Xiu has no choice but to do this.

When Lin Xiu came here before, he found the two girls taking a bath. Lin Xiu had no choice but to "observe carefully" beside him, only to find that the two did not intend to leave for a short time, but the time was getting closer and closer to ten. It's two o'clock.

This made Lin Xiu very helpless, Lin Xiu had to stand up, otherwise the treasure chest would disappear, and Lin Xiu would have a very headache.

If it comes out, Lin Xiu will definitely misunderstand the two of them, but there is no way, in order to fight for his life, Lin Xiu can only fight!

The two women didn't expect Lin Xiu to be so bold, this is too much, peeking is not enough, but also stealing their clothes, no, it is stealing, this is a pervert!

I didn't expect him to be such a person!
Don't worry, don't worry about your sister!The two girls were so angry that their chests were about to explode. They stared at Lin Xiu as if they wanted to eat Lin Xiu.

"You two girls, don't look at me, I'll be shy, I really just want to pick up my things!" Lin Xiu put away the clothes of the two as if doing a magic trick, and then disappeared.

The two women frowned. Originally, Yueshi planned to kill Lin Xiu and take back the clothes, but now, Lin Xiu has changed their clothes.

What kind of gun is this?

"Lin Xiu, where did you take our clothes?" Yu Rou asked immediately.

"Anyway, it's not on me. If you really want to kill me, it's because you have no clothes to wear!" Lin Xiu laughed immediately.

Lin Xiu had already swam to the bottom of the lake, the more he dived, the more Lin Xiu felt something was wrong, could there be something at the bottom of the lake?
Lin Xiu felt that this lake seemed to be very deep, so it wouldn't be surprising if there was something hidden under this lake.

Lin Xiu thought so, and suddenly felt a very strong sense of crisis. Lin Xiu immediately swam out of the lake, only to see his body jumping out from the bottom of the lake: "You all come up!"

"Don't even think about it!" Yu Rou said angrily.

"There is no time to explain, if you don't come up, you will regret it!" Lin Xiu immediately said.

"What's in this lake?" Yueshi was the first to react.

All I saw was that the lake suddenly exploded, and a figure had already rushed towards Yu Rou.

"What?" The three of them were startled at the same time. This monster is obviously a giant fish. There seems to be a pair of horns on the head of this giant fish. They only saw its big mouth open, and there was a suction force in the mouth. Before the two could react, they had already been sucked into its mouth.

"Hey, that fish, can't you show me some face? How about letting them go?" Lin Xiu immediately shouted.

Lin Xiu became anxious. When he shouted, he used human language. After he finished speaking, he said something in animal language.

 The second update, the fourth update today, thank you for the 1888 book coins that will be rewarded better tomorrow, the 100 book coins rewarded by a sun-rolling dolphin, and the 200 book coins rewarded by Gu Mengdai. It's a round of PK, a bit of a headache!

(End of this chapter)

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