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Chapter 131: A Lustful Heart But No Lustful Courage!

Chapter 131: A Lustful Heart But No Lustful Courage!

No matter what time, you still want it to give you face!This thought came up when two people were being swallowed.

The body of the demon fish is huge, at least fifty feet in size.

The demon fish let out a strange cry: "Human, why should I give you face?"

"Because I have this!" Lin Xiu flipped his hands over and took out the Dragon Soul Stone.

"You actually have this thing, give it to me!" Yaoyu said.

"If I leave it to you, will you let them go?" Lin Xiu asked again.

"No, I want to snatch it over by force!" Yaoyu said
"Okay, if you have the ability, come here!" Lin Xiu laughed.

After Lin Xiu finished speaking, he pretended to run away, but when the monster fish opened its mouth, Lin Xiu seemed to be unable to escape, only seeing him being sucked back, the monster fish opened its mouth, and immediately sucked him swallowed.

"Hahahaha... With this dragon soul stone, I can turn into a dragon!" After the monster fish made a strange cry, it dived to the bottom of the lake again.

If it hadn't felt the breath of humans here, it wouldn't have come here. I didn't expect such a harvest.

Lin Xiu got into the belly of the demon fish, and suddenly found himself surrounded by sea water and two people.

"Why did you come in?" Moon Master frowned.

"Master Yue, Miss Yu Rou, I'm very sorry about what happened before!" Lin Xiu said to the two of them.

Although the surroundings are dark, it does not affect the sight of the three warriors, at least they can still be seen in a short distance.

"You also said, I... Forget it, we are all trapped here now, I'm afraid we won't be able to escape!" Yu Rou was a little angry at first, but she couldn't help but sigh when she thought that she was going to die here.

"Lin Xiu, you can actually escape by yourself, there is no need to stay, you are so stupid!" Yueshi shook his head.

"Master Yue, you underestimate me too much. Since I came here, I came here to pretend to be aggressive... No, I came here to save you!" Lin Xiu laughed.

"Save us? It's up to you? If I'm not mistaken, this fish should be a giant wave fish. It is already an adult giant wave fish, and its strength can reach the ninth level of Wuxu Realm. How can you save us?" Yu Rou I don't feel good about it.

"You two, I offended you before, if I can rescue you this time, this account will be written off, what do you think?" Lin Xiu said.

"Okay, I agree!" Yueshi replied.

"You can really do it, and I don't care about what happened before!" Yu Rou also said.

If they die, there will be nothing left. The two are beauties, and they haven't lived enough. They don't want to die in the belly of this fish. After they die, they still need to be turned into nourishment!
"Okay! If that's the case, I'll be a hero and save the two beauties!" Lin Xiu put away the wretched smile at this moment, only to see him flipping his hand, and a sword appeared in his hand Up, Lin Xiu's sword pierced in to the side, this is the abdomen of the giant wave fish, this piercing in, immediately brought out a piece of blood.

"It's useless, this fish has a very thick belly, even if you can injure it a little, it's impossible to pierce a wound." Yu Rou said immediately.

"Not necessarily!" Lin Xiu said, only to see his palm light up, and the two women saw a flame appear on Lin Xiu's palm, a flame they had never seen before.

Myriad Beast Spirit Fire!

After all, it is a strange fire, even in this world, it is a very terrifying existence. After Lin Xiu stuffed a bottle of elixir into his mouth, the flame in the palm of his hand suddenly swelled. On the wall of the fish maw.

The Myriad Beast Spirit Fire burned a gap in an instant, and there was still a smell of burnt meat in the air. The power of this Myriad Beast Spirit Fire was also beyond Yu Rou's and Yueshi's expectations, even beyond Lin's expectations. To my own surprise, once it burns, it will not be extinguished, and there is a huge gap around it.

What a powerful flame, the two women couldn't help being shocked when they saw this scene, Lin Xiu has so many tricks?
Yu Rou had seen Lin Xiu's flame before, but she didn't expect its power to be so terrifying.

But this is also because the giant wave fish thinks too much about Lin Xiu, otherwise, it would not easily put Lin Xiu in its stomach. As long as the belly of the giant wave fish is not boiled from the inside, it may not die. Julangyu is too careless.

Through this gap, one can even see the outside. This giant wave fish was boiled by Lin Xiu, and the sea water from outside rushed in immediately.

Even with magic weapons, it is impossible to break the belly of the giant wave fish in a short time, so the giant wave fish did not expect that Lin Xiu and the three could escape, but now, because of the relationship between the beast spirit fire, the three People can escape from it.

Not only that, Lin Xiu even killed Julangyu.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the high-level third-level monster giant wave fish, successfully collecting the monster blood of the giant wave fish, and collecting 1000 energy points!"


"This is what happens if you don't give me face!" Lin Xiu immediately shouted.

After the two girls heard this, the corners of their mouths twitched. What time is it? Are you still pretending?
When Lin Xiu turned his head, he saw that the body of the giant wave fish seemed to be sinking, but a treasure chest flew out of its body. It turned out that the treasure chest was hidden here!
Lin Xiu was overjoyed, and immediately swam to this treasure chest.

"Ding, it has been detected that this treasure chest is a golden treasure chest. It takes 140 seconds to open the treasure chest. Please wait patiently for the host!"

When Lin Xiu heard this, he was overjoyed. This turned out to be another golden treasure chest, but it was no wonder that this treasure chest was indeed very rare in the body of this giant fish monster. The system said that the harder it is to get a treasure chest, the higher the level of the treasure chest will be higher.

Now that the treasure box has been taken, Lin Xiu immediately swam to the lake, and the two women naturally followed, and they didn't want to stay here anymore.

As soon as Lin Xiu landed, he immediately took out the clothes of the two of them and put them aside, then he ran away immediately, saying: "You two girls, I won't leave a name for my good deeds, see you two by fate!"

Obviously, Lin Xiu was still very worried that the two of them would retaliate. Anyway, I have seen it all and touched it... I haven't touched it yet, but it doesn't matter. After all, Lin Xiu's body is like this now. There is no difference between touching and not touching. big.

The two women looked at Lin Xiu's leaving back, annoyed and amused, they didn't leave their names for any good deeds, obviously because they were afraid that they would settle accounts after the fall.

"Hmph, what a coward, who has a lustful heart but no guts!" Yu Rou snorted.

"He seems to be holding something and left. Could it be that what he said just now is true, he didn't come here for peeping?" Yueshi asked doubtfully.

"Who knows! Anyway, don't let me see him next time, or I won't let him go!" Yu Rou said coldly.

 The third update!Ask for a reward, ask for red!

(End of this chapter)

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