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Chapter 1303 Yunchang, take a break first

Chapter 1303 Yunchang, take a break first

This proposal is of course acceptable. The Protoss is quite yearning for the Immortal World. They are called the Protoss, and they want to be above all races. Now with the help of the Immortals, there is a chance for the entire Protoss to rise. This one The Almighty will not let go of the opportunity.

He is now very worried that Mingtian will misunderstand him or the Protoss because of Lin Xiu's words. If this is the case, his efforts will be in vain.

It's just that Mingtian doesn't care about the God Lord now, he is dealing with Guan Yu now.

"No matter what you say now, it's useless! You all have to die today!" said the God Master.

"Everyone has to die? Do you think you can do it? Even if Yun Chang is not that person's opponent today, I still have a helper, let's do it!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said.

Behind Lin Xiu, a giant tree suddenly jumped out. The giant tree seemed to be able to directly lead to the sky, and the position of the canopy could not be seen at all. Everyone was frightened, because the trunk of this giant tree did not know How wide it is, everyone can hardly see the end.

Where did this monster come from?

Not only the protoss here, but even Little Tathagata and other people around Lin Xiu felt quite incredible, because they had never seen this giant tree at all, let alone where it came from.

This giant tree turned out to be Lin Xiu's helper!
Countless roots had sprung out, and the Protoss in front of him immediately turned around and fled. Even the God Lord, his face has changed now. This tree looks much more terrifying than he imagined!
Some roots even rushed directly to the Divine Lord, trying to entangle him.

The God Lord has seen the power of these roots. As long as those protoss strongmen are entangled by these roots, all their flesh and blood will be sucked away. What's more frightening is that even their bones will turn into powder and disappear. .

This tree is simply a demon tree, if it is entangled by it, it will definitely be a disaster.

The God Master held a big knife in his hand and cut it in front of him. He cut off the tendril immediately, but this Tongtian Tree didn't give up. It seemed to know that the flesh and blood of the God Master was quite beneficial to him.

More roots began to surround the Divine Master, but the Divine Master was indeed much stronger than the Divine General, no matter how those roots entangled him, there was no way to hurt this Divine Master.

" this the Tongtian Tree?" The Divine Lord suddenly exclaimed at this moment, "The Tongtian Tree is the natural enemy of our Protoss, but it has already been cut off by the power of our Protoss and turned into flying smoke, how could it still appear? ?”

The protoss are not afraid of anything, even in the face of existences of the level of Little Tathagata, the protoss are not afraid, but the Tongtian tree is different.

The Tongtian tree feeds on immortal energy, and the gods have a lot of immortal energy in their bodies. This is a creature that is completely different from humans, and the gods are inherently powerful. They used to have no natural enemies, but later, The appearance of Tongtian Tree is completely different.

Tongtianshu can perfectly restrain the gods, and as soon as it catches the gods, it will directly kill the gods and devour the immortal energy in their bodies.

Later, when the gods invaded the entire continent, they cut off the tree with their last strength. In this way, the gods were no longer threatened. After ten thousand years of recuperation, the gods finally regained their vitality. This time It is planning to invade the mainland again.

But here, they met the natural enemy of their protoss, Tongtianshu!
As soon as this Tongtian tree appeared, it had already killed many protoss powerhouses, and used their flesh and blood to nourish itself.

Moreover, during the half a month since Lin Xiu arrived here, the Tongtian Tree has not stopped. It has been attacking the protoss powerhouses here day and night. In this God's Domain, few powerhouses can resist it. Stop the attack of the Babel tree.

In just half a month, an unknown number of gods in the cities of God's Domain were killed, and Tongtianshu had grown to a terrifying level.

The current Tongtian Tree has already possessed the strength of the Immortal Realm level, so it will naturally not let the God Lord go, but the ordinary roots can't hurt the God Lord at all.

Two golden roots had sprung out from the ground, and they slapped the Divine Master directly, and the Divine Master immediately slashed over, but this time, he was surprised, because when the knife was cut on the golden roots, unexpectedly Sparks splashed out.

But the divine master was blown away. The power of this root is so much stronger than other roots.

This knife alone can't cut off the root hair, even the root hair can't be cut off.

The Almighty was a little angry now, if he hadn't been injured, how could he have ended up like this, but these two root hairs didn't intend to let him go at all, they were already attacking him continuously.

The God Lord was shocked and angry, the power of these two roots had exceeded his expectations.

If this continues, he may really be in danger!

The divine master shouted again, the golden light on his body flickered, shaking away the two golden roots, but at this moment, only a white light descended from the sky, hitting the divine master's head hard.

The divine master was smashed to the ground, and all the golden light on his body disappeared.

"What?" The divine master had no idea that he would be attacked unexpectedly, he jumped up immediately, only to see a small white ruler blasting towards him, it was the fairy weapon that attacked him just now!

"Your head is quite hard!" Lin Xiu said a little surprised.

The person who attacked him just now was none other than Lin Xiu. This magic weapon is an immortal artifact called the Qiankun Ruler, which can break through the universe with one foot. device.

With this universe ruler in place, Lin Xiu could do it if he wanted to sneak attack on the divine lord.

The God Lord is quite angry now, this Lin Xiu dared to treat him like this, it is too much!
However, this blow did injure the Divine Master, and the Divine Master is now entangled in the golden roots, and he has no way to escape.

"No—" the Divine Master screamed unwillingly, but the Tongtian Tree had no mercy at all, and had already entangled him, only to see that the Divine Master was swallowed up, not even a bone remained.

After the Tongtian tree devoured the Divine Lord, it seemed to be even more excited, and the third golden root appeared in front of everyone.

"Boom!" A figure was shot down to the ground, it was Guan Yu. Lin Xiu looked at it and said, "Yun Chang, take a rest first, now I want to change his opponent!"

(End of this chapter)

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