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Chapter 1304 Immortal Lin Xiu

Chapter 1304 Immortal Lin Xiu
Guan Yu is no longer the opponent of Ming Tian, ​​and now Lin Xiu can only rely on the Tongtian Tree.

"Father, I'm not his opponent!" Tongtianshu was able to communicate with Lin Xiu smoothly now, it said directly.

"Not his opponent? No way? Even you can't deal with him, who else can win him?" Lin Xiu said a little depressed.

"Father, you can win him!" Tongtianshu replied.

"What?" Hearing this sentence, Lin Xiu said with surprise on his face.

Can he win this hell?Are you kidding me, this young master is just here to watch a play, okay?You want me to hit him?How can this be played?Obviously told me to die!
"Father, I have taken out the source of this space. As long as you take it, you will be able to increase your strength and even enter the fairyland. As long as you can step into the fairyland, father, I think you will be able to win him! Tongtianshu replied.

A white bead appeared in front of Lin Xiu, and the roots of Tongtian Tree had already attacked the underworld.

"So, you are the Tongtian Tree?" Ming Tian showed a frenzied look on his face, "There should be a tree heart in your body, right? As long as you can take your tree heart out and use it to refine an immortal weapon, It's not impossible!"

Even Mingtian is quite obsessed with fairy artifacts. Immortal artifacts made from the body of Tongtianshu will definitely be quite powerful. Now is this opportunity.

As long as he can get rid of the Tongtian tree in front of him, he will have an extra fairy weapon, and it will probably be a second-order fairy weapon!

Tongtianshu also knows that he is not Mingtian's opponent, but if he is entangled with this Mingtian, he can still do it if he gives Lin Xiu some time.

Lin Xiu has already gone back to the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda. The ten days inside are equivalent to one day outside. Lin Xiu needs time to absorb this source of power.

The white bead was in front of Lin Xiu, and Lin Xiu immediately used the Heavenly Demon Five Elements Jue.

The power of this set of exercises is indeed quite terrifying. The beads in front of Lin Xiu began to shrink at a speed that could be seen with eyesight.

And Lin Xiu's realm has also begun to break through, eighth level half immortal, ninth level half immortal, and has already begun to break through!

This domain of the gods can actually be regarded as a small world. Tongtianshu did not tell Lin Xiu that without this source, this world can only last for three days at most before it will collapse. At that time, everything in this world will be destroyed. was destroyed.

And using the origin of a world to cultivate a strong man, only Tongtianshu can do it, even if it is other people, it is impossible to do such a thing.

Of course, Lin Xiu doesn't know about this, and he doesn't care about it. He has already started to devour this original power, and as long as he has devoured it, he can truly become a fairy!

The Tongtian tree was fighting fiercely in the sky. Mingtian didn't get close to the Tongtian tree at all during this day. He felt quite angry. The Tongtian tree didn't fight him head-on at all, and kept consuming his body.

It has been a full day, and Ming Tian still cannot get close to the Tongtian Tree.

If it continues like this, I don't know how long it will take to decide the winner.

"I don't have time to waste time here with you. Today, I will let you see my true strength! Extreme Demon Tianwei!" Ming Tian shouted loudly, only to see a ripple centered on him, spreading around go out.

Wherever this ripple went, all those monsters were shocked back, even the monsters hundreds of feet away were also affected, and here the Tongtian tree trunk closest to the underworld was the most severely impacted place .

All the roots around the Tongtian tree were broken, and Mingtian flipped his hand, and a steel fork stabbed towards the Tongtian tree. Tongtianshu also knew the danger. Do not use golden roots to greet.

However, this root, which can be compared with immortal energy, was directly cut off in front of this steel fork.

Tongtianshu was shocked, and could only use the remaining two golden roots to fight against the enemy again. After devouring the God Lord, Tongtianshu's golden roots grew one more, but in front of Mingtian, this kind of thing seemed to be It doesn't do much.

"Hahaha... no, this steel fork was refined by a great demon sitting under our demon king. Although it is not considered a second-order fairy weapon, how difficult is it to deal with you? Today I will kill you Trunk, dig your tree heart, refine your body!" Ming Tian said with a big laugh.

Amidst the laughter, Mingtian's body exudes bursts of demonic energy. Even if the demon king encounters this kind of demonic energy, he will probably be intimidated. In front of such a person, he is not qualified to be called For the "magic"!
"What should I do? This Tongtian tree seems to be unable to resist!" Mu Xian said in surprise.

"We have no way to make a move. He is too strong. It is useless for us to participate in a battle of this level!" Yan Chixia shook her head and said.

"Has Lin Xiu's benefactor not come back yet? In that case, let the poor monk take action!" Little Tathagata said with a sigh.

"Master Little Tathagata, do you really want to make a move? You are not their opponent!" Bai Suzhen said immediately.

"The benefactor Lin Xiu said, if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? So this time, let the poor monk take the lead!" Little Tathagata replied, only to see him go forward, and the whole body of Little Tathagata changed. into golden light.

And immediately after, the little Tathagata's body became very huge, and he slammed down on that Mingtian.

"What? Tathagata's golden body?" Ming Tian's face changed drastically when he heard that, and he immediately slammed his palm in front of him, only to see that golden body was instantly scattered. , is far from enough to see.

This palm alone destroyed his golden body.

"Wow!" Little Tathagata spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face became even uglier.

"I thought you really understood Buddhism's Tathagata Golden Body, but it turned out to be just some inferior means, and almost deceived me. The people in the Demon King's Village like to kill you bald donkeys the most. Okay, I I will kill you first today!" Ming Tian sneered and walked towards Little Tathagata.

Seeing this, the little Tathagata also knew that today was more than auspicious. He closed his eyes and said helplessly, "Benefactor, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

"I'll help you become a Buddha right now, go die!" Ming Tian said loudly, piercing the little Tathagata's head with the steel fork in his hand.

"I also hate bald donkeys, but you can't kill this little bald donkey!" Only a figure flashed by, and everyone saw that the little Tathagata had been rescued. This person was either Lin Xiu or Lin Xiu. who?

" actually stepped into the realm of immortals?" Ming Tian looked at Lin Xiu with an incredulous look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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