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Chapter 1317 Yutian rides the wind to eliminate demons between heaven and earth

Chapter 1317 Yutian rides the wind to eliminate demons between heaven and earth

"I hope to see that His Majesty is well this time, otherwise, there will inevitably be some turmoil in our Great Tang Immortal Mansion!"


The people around immediately started talking.

Lin Xiu stood behind these people, but didn't say anything.

Lin Xiu looked in front of this place, only to see that there are many immortal soldiers here, and these immortal soldiers are here, but they are protecting the monks and His Majesty inside.

Now Wu Lingtian was sitting with Lin Xiu and others on his back, facing the sea.

Around Wu Lingtian, there are thousands of monks, and these monks are chanting here now.

It was not difficult to see that these monks were praying for Wu Lingtian.

After waiting here for a long time, he didn't feel any changes here. Just when Lin Xiu was a little impatient, he only saw streaks of black air appearing around him, and these black air were coming from the sea.

"This... what is this?"

"It's finally coming out, I don't know what it is? How did it appear here!"

"What an evil breath, I feel that these things come from bad people!"


The faces of the people around changed when they saw it, and Wu Lingtian obviously saw it, her delicate body trembled.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, with the old monk here, no one will be able to hurt your Majesty, and our national teacher is here!" Only Abbot Na Dazhen said.

Abbot Dazhen's words reassured Wu Lingtian a little, but now Wu Lingtian still felt a little scared. After all, these things were not humans, but ghosts. Just seeing them made her scared.

Now in the Great Tang Immortal Mansion, few people have seen ghosts. Ordinary ghosts are locked in the underworld, but most of the ghosts seen here are ghost cultivators, or just ordinary remnant souls.

Those who can form an attack and ignore other people's attacks are the real ghosts!
Now here are ghosts, and these ghosts are quite powerful. The leader is actually a knight on a horse. Behind him, a sedan chair is carried by four men. It looks quite strange!
These ghosts were walking towards Wu Lingtian.

The faces of the people around changed. These are the real souls of the dead, but why did they come here?

Unlike these people, Lin Xiu is very excited now. He can see that his treasure chest is trembling. Obviously, these dead souls are quite suitable for Lin Xiu to subdue. As long as Lin Xiu is willing, he can also take these dead souls Take it all away.

Of course, the current Lin Xiu didn't intend to make a move. His eyes fell on Wu Lingtian.

Wu Lingtian was obviously a little flustered, and she immediately looked at the abbot next to her.

The abbot's face changed slightly, and he immediately said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, these are just some dead souls. In my large land and water formation, they can't make any trouble!"

The monks around had already started to recite the scriptures, and not only that, but the Sanskrit sounds around them turned into streaks of golden light, attacking those dead souls.

The fearful light blasted out, and the knight held the spear in his hand and stabbed it in front of him. At this moment, the light in front of him was completely shattered, and it can be seen that the Sanskrit sounds of these monks were not in front of this knight. Too much effect.

The people around looked at each other. Didn't Abbot Dazhen say just now that with these monks around, these dead souls can't hurt them?
But now, the Sanskrit sounds of these monks have no effect at all.

But the knight rushed towards Wu Lingtian, stabbing Wu Lingtian directly with the spear in his hand.

"Stop!" Abbot Dazhen yelled, and an Arhat fist had already hit the knight. This fist was shining with golden light, but the knight's spear swept away and directly chopped off Abbot Dazhen's palm.

Abbot Dazhen was chopped off by him, and the wound was bleeding.

"Ah—" Abbot Dazhen's expression changed drastically, and he let out a scream.

"Your Majesty, you run away, he is very powerful, I am afraid that he is a Xuanxian level existence!" Abbot Dazhen's words made Wu Lingtian's face change again.

This abbot Dazhen is also an existence at the peak level of the Heavenly Wonderland, but now, in front of this knight, he is no opponent at all. What's going on?

The spear in the knight's hand, like a big killer, slashed directly in front of him, and the monk in front of him was cut in half immediately, and blood drenched the ground.

The other dead souls followed the knight ashore like soldiers, and attacked the monk in front of them.

The attacks of these soldiers and monks seem to be unable to hurt the dead souls here, and the dead souls can kill the monks and soldiers here as long as they make a move.

The faces of the people around changed drastically.

"Run away, it's the souls of the dead who are here to kill, if we don't run away we're going to die!"

"It's terrible, where did these people come from? Why are they so powerful!"

"Even Abbot Dazhen is not their opponent, let alone us!"

"Look, that dead soul is walking towards His Majesty!"


Under the surprised eyes of the people around, the knight ignored the others and walked towards Wu Lingtian. It was obvious that his target was Wu Lingtian!
Wu Lingtian's complexion changed drastically, and she immediately wanted to run away, but the knight raised his palm towards Wu Lingtian, and black lights appeared, and the knight actually imprisoned Wu Lingtian!

As the Queen of the Tang Dynasty, Wu Lingtian was naturally not without means. With a swipe of her hand, she only saw a ray of light appear in front of her, and a fairy sword slashed at the black light in front of her, and the black light was cut off by her immediately.

But in the next second, a spear had already stabbed Wu Lingtian. The moment the spear stabbed Wu Lingtian, a ray of light appeared on Wu Lingtian's body, and a layer of battle armor directly emerged to protect Wu Lingtian.

Before Wu Lingtian could heave a sigh of relief, he saw the knight stabbing him again, the armor on Wu Lingtian's body shone brightly, and then it became dim.

Obviously, the armor on Wu Lingtian's body has lost its effect. Wu Lingtian can see that there are cracks in the armor on his body. This knight's attack is so terrifying!
Just in the next second, the knight's spear had already stabbed towards Wu Lingtian.

"Yu Tian rides the wind to come, to eliminate demons, this brother, you kill people in public, have you ever thought that this will have a bad impact on those young people? If it doesn't affect the young people, it will affect the surrounding flowers and plants. Fish, shrimp and shrimp are not good either, and it will pollute the environment!"

Hearing an abrupt sound, everyone's attention was attracted.

(End of this chapter)

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