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Chapter 1318 Drinking Immortal Sword, Li Xiaoyao!

Chapter 1318 Drinking Immortal Sword, Li Xiaoyao!

As soon as the voice came out, it immediately attracted everyone's attention. Even the knight looked at the owner of the voice.

In the eyes of everyone, they only saw a boy about seventeen or eighteen years old standing there, with a sword on his back, and a calm expression on his face.

This young man's inscrutable appearance surprised everyone present. Where did this young genius come from?

This young genius is obviously not an ordinary person, otherwise, he would not dare to speak at this time.

You know, in this kind of place, even Abbot Na Dazhen can't do anything about him!

Abbot Dazhen, that person is at the level of a fairy, but he is not the opponent of this knight, and that His Majesty, although he is a strong man at the level of a fairy, but now he has no way to show his strength at all, and he even dare not compete with this knight. A knight fights.

If you speak now, you will obviously incur a fatal disaster for yourself.

The knight's gaze shifted to Lin Xiu, as if he wanted to attack Lin Xiu.

The horse under the knight was a mass of pitch-black horses, rushing directly towards Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu will not give up this opportunity, this is a good opportunity to pretend!
Lin Xiu was chanting a spell, and a door appeared above his head.

I only saw the dead souls rushing to this side, but they started to be absorbed by this gate.

"Ding, 10 past life points have been collected!"

"Ding, 100 past life points have been collected!"


Lin Xiu's reincarnation treasure box can create a door to reincarnation, which can directly inhale all the dead souls in front of him. As long as they are inhaled, they will go to reincarnation.

If this is the case, it is also a destination for the dead souls here. Lin Xiu kept chanting the rebirth mantra, and all the dead souls around him had been sucked into it.

However, there are a lot of dead souls here, and Lin Xiu has already collected 1 million dead souls at once, but only now does Lin Xiu discover that this treasure chest of dead souls can only be used once, that is to say, this gate of dead souls Can only be summoned once.

In the future, even if Lin Xiu wants to use the Gate of Rebirth, it is obviously impossible!
The Gate of Rebirth can absorb all the dead souls here, and then purify it. This is not something that ordinary people can do.

Now that Lin Xiu can use it once, it is already considered good!

If Lin Xiu wasn't here today, I'm afraid Wu Lingtian would really encounter something unexpected this time. After all, the Revenant Knight here is quite powerful in combat, even Abbot Dazhen is no match for it.

It is conceivable that if such a strong man wants to take Wu Lingtian's life, who can stop him, but now a person has been killed, this Lin Xiu, can directly purify the dead souls here.

Wu Lingtian hurriedly walked behind Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu was reciting the reincarnation curse, and all the dead souls in front of Lin Xiu began to be sucked in, even the dead soul knight also received a strong suction.

The Revenant Knight seems to be able to feel that this kind of suction has too much influence on him, and the Revenant Knight has no way to resist it, but now it directly sticks the spear in its hand to the ground to prevent itself from being sucked away.

Almost all the dead souls around were sucked into this gate of rebirth, which shocked everyone.

"Ding...Pretentious value +"

This time, Lin Xiu pretended to be a beautiful pretense, which directly made his pretense value reach 1 million, and Lin Xiu was able to exchange for an immortal experience pill treasure box.

Of course, the current Lin Xiu doesn't have time to talk about these things, he just wants to bring this knight into the gate of rebirth.

" me!" A gloomy voice suddenly appeared in Lin Xiu's mind, Lin Xiu was startled, he looked around, but there was nothing around him , and no one seemed to speak.

Lin Xiu's gaze finally fell on the dead knight, and he said in surprise, "You are talking to me?"

"That's right!" The voice sounded again.

"Why did you harm His Majesty?" Lin Xiu said again.

The people around looked at each other, what happened to Lin Xiu?Who is he talking to?

The voice sounded again: "She... the ancestor... was unkind... killed my whole... family... my sister... died... I...revenge!"

It is obviously difficult for the dead soul knight to speak, but Lin Xiu can also understand some things from his words. It turns out that the dead soul knight is actually the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty. He wanted to marry his younger sister to Taizong too.

But on the day when Tai Chao married the sister of the soulless knight, he wiped out the entire clan of the soulless knight, because Taizong worried that one day the soulless knight would betray him, because Taizong became the new emperor because of his betrayal of the old master!
Now that there is a problem in the underworld, the dead soul knight came here with the dead souls of his family. He originally wanted to destroy Datang and remove the entire Dafu Immortal Mansion!

The first thing the Revenant Knight did was to gather his former subordinates and join forces today to kill Wu Lingtian first.

It's just that when the Revenant Knight is fighting now, he will encounter Lin Xiu, which is something he can't figure out.

"Since you said so, your sister is also here?" Lin Xiu asked suddenly.

Lin Xiu's eyes fell not far away. In that sedan chair, the four bearers had been sucked away, but the black sedan chair was still there, and no one was seen coming out of it.

"My...sister... is missing..." the voice of the soulless knight came.

"Your sister is more important than your revenge?" Lin Xiu's voice sounded.

As soon as these words came out, the Revenant Knight fell silent.

"Your clansmen have been purified now, and even if you kill the present majesty, you will not be able to take revenge, so why are you so persistent?" Lin Xiu's voice came out again.

"Can you help me find my sister?" the Revenant Knight said suddenly.

"If you believe me, I will help you find your sister and send her to superbirth!" Lin Xiu said.

After the ghost knight heard it, he knelt down in front of Lin Xiu on one knee.

This scene immediately frightened everyone present. This ghost knight is actually kneeling down to Lin Xiu?What the hell is he trying to do?
This dead soul knight is obviously not an ordinary dead soul, because the other dead souls have already been sucked away by Lin Xiu, so how can they still have the ability to stay?
Only the current ghost knight can stay, but now he kneels down to Lin Xiu!
(End of this chapter)

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