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Chapter 1320 Wu Lingtian's favorability for you has increased

Chapter 1320 Wu Lingtian's favorability for you has increased
"Li Xiaoyao, there is something I want to discuss with you!" Wu Lingtian said.

"Your Majesty, just say anything, as long as I can do it, I will definitely not refuse!" Lin Xiu said.

"Since this is the case, I'll just say it straight. I hope you can stay in our Great Tang Immortal Mansion. As long as you are willing, our Great Tang Immortal Mansion will definitely give you the best cultivation resources so that you can enter the Land of Earth Immortals as soon as possible." environment!" Wu Lingtian said to Lin Xiu.

"Can you only let me enter the realm of the earth fairy?" Lin Xiu asked in surprise after hearing this.

"Li Xiaoyao, you just arrived in this fairy world, so you probably don't know it yet? Although the realm of immortal soldiers is an entry-level fairy realm, the one who can really escape from cannon fodder is only the realm of the earth fairy! And in the realm of the earth fairy From the beginning, they belonged to real immortals!" Wu Lingtian explained to Lin Xiu.

"A real immortal?" Lin Xiu asked again.

"That's right, only by becoming a real immortal can you not be manipulated by others, and you will also have certain rights. If ordinary people want to step from the realm of immortal soldiers to the realm of earth immortals, they need to practice four small realms. Even if it takes thousands of years, it may not be possible!" Wu Lingtian continued.

"It took so long?" Lin Xiu showed a surprised expression. Of course, these are only for other people. For Lin Xiu, he only needs to keep acting aggressive to get enough acting points. To upgrade, it is much simpler than others.

Lin Xiu couldn't even imagine how long it would take other people to cultivate to the first level.

Lin Xiu's talent is actually not strong, but the speed of cultivation is faster than anyone else's. Although Lin Xiu's current strength is not as good as other people's, but as time goes by, Lin Xiu's The strength will definitely be much stronger than others.

"That's right, but if you can get enough resources, your strength can be improved faster. Even some strong men with low qualifications, if they can get a hundred years now, they can improve the strength of a small realm!" Wu Lingtian said again.

After Lin Xiu heard it, his expression didn't change much, because it was nothing to him.

"Li Xiaoyao, you saved me this time, and I can promise to give you a reward. If you want a reward, I can reward you with one hundred thousand immortal energy pills. It should be helpful for your cultivation. Of course, If you refuse, I can also give you other rewards!"

"For example, if you become an official of our Great Tang Immortal Mansion, I will assign you more rewards in the future, and at the same time, I will send someone to guide you!"

I only heard Wu Lingtian looking at Lin Xiu, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

If Lin Xiu is willing to stay, that would be the best, and their Great Tang Immortal Mansion may have one more general in the future.

But whether Lin Xiu is willing is another matter.

The current Lin Xiu would naturally not agree to be anyone's subordinate, and he came here this time not only to work for the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, but also to get the blood of the Emperor.

The blood of the emperor, what is this thing?This is naturally something that only a human emperor would have. The woman in front of Lin Xiu is the human emperor. If Lin Xiu wants to obtain this kind of human emperor's blood, of course he needs to ask her for it.

Lin Xiu said: "I don't want to agree to the two proposals put forward by Your Majesty. I dare not hide them from Your Majesty. I have two requests. I hope Your Majesty can agree to them!"

"Li Xiaoyao, what request do you have, please tell me!" Wu Lingtian replied.

"Since Your Majesty said so, I will say it out. The first request is for my own sake. I think His Majesty has the air of a king and is a dragon among men, so I want to ask His Majesty for a drop of blood!" Lin Xiu Said.

As soon as these words came out, Wu Lingtian's face changed slightly, asking her for a drop of blood, this may be a trivial matter to other people, but to her, Wu Lingtian, it was not a trivial matter.

In the fairy world, a drop of blood can do many things. If there are some monstrous beings, just a drop of blood can control people's lives. Of course, such people are still rare, but Wu Lingtian doesn't want to take risks. Willing to put my life in the hands of others.

"Li Xiaoyao, let's talk about the second condition first!" Wu Lingtian said.

"The second condition is that the soulless knight made a request to me before I sent him to reincarnate!" Lin Xiu said.

"A request? What request?" Wu Lingtian asked.

"This one request is that he wants to find his sister. It is precisely because he wants to find his sister and overcomes his desire for revenge. That's why he gives up revenge and is willing to reincarnate!" Lin Xiu Looking up at the sky at 45 degrees, a look of helplessness appeared on his face.

"What?" Wu Lingtian was surprised when he heard it.

"Your Majesty, I have promised him that I will find his sister for him and return his belongings to her!" Lin Xiu said.

"Li Xiaoyao, he is just a villain, why should you care about his words, and the world is big, where are you going to find his sister's whereabouts?" Wu Lingtian shook his head and said.

After Lin Xiu heard this, he said with a righteous look on his face: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for speaking bluntly. How can I break my promise? Since I promised him, I must do it for him. No matter how difficult it is, I will never give up."

"Ding, from now on, the coercion system will get new rules. The host will get different coercion values ​​for people of different levels. The higher the force value!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be a fairy in the mysterious fairyland, and got 4 pretending points!"

"Wu Lingtian's favorability for you has increased, and it is currently 50!"

Lin Xiu's words were rarely heard by Wu Lingtian. After all, for warriors, apart from cultivation and benefits, no one would care about everything. Lin Xiu said such righteous words, Wu Lingtian had never heard of it.

Even if they heard about it, they wouldn't care, because they had nothing to do with Wu Lingtian, but Lin Xiu was different. This man had saved Wu Lingtian, so Wu Lingtian had a good impression of Lin Xiu.

Now when he heard Lin Xiu's words, Wu Lingtian sighed even more in his heart, this Li Xiaoyao is really a good person!
The name of Wine Sword Immortal is really not in vain!

"Then what is your condition?" Wu Lingtian asked.

"Your Majesty, I want to go to the underworld!" I only heard Lin Xiu say.

"What?" Upon hearing this condition, Wu Lingtian almost stood up in shock. She looked at Lin Xiu and said, "You want to go to the underworld?"

(End of this chapter)

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