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Chapter 1321 The Land of Immortals

Chapter 1321 The Land of Immortals
"Yes, Your Majesty, I'm going to the underworld, because only there is it possible to find his sister!" Lin Xiu nodded and said.

As soon as these words came out, Wu Lingtian's expression changed: "Do you know where the underworld is?"

"Your Majesty, I have never been to the Underworld, how would I know what it is?" Lin Xiu shook his head and said.

"The Underworld is the Heavenly Palace, the place outside the Dragon Palace. In the Underworld, there are quite a lot of strength and combat power, and not only that, there are ten halls of Hades, thousands of ghost soldiers, countless traps and dangerous places in the Underworld! "

"Except for 5000 years ago, Sun Wukong, a disciple of the Sanzang Holy Monk, once broke into it. Others went in, but there was no return. You actually want to go in? With your current strength, if you really reach it, you will probably be killed." In great danger!"

Wu Lingtian said with a earnest look.

"Wait, are you saying that the strength of the underworld can be compared with that of Tiangong?" Lin Xiu said in surprise.

"That's right, there are ten floors of Yama Hall in the underworld, and each floor's defense is much stronger than the previous one, and on the last floor, there are even ten Yama kings sitting in command! There is no chance to survive, they will stay in the underworld forever!"

Wu Lingtian nodded, and continued: "Hell is a mysterious place where heaven and earth were born. There is a place where all souls should return. If you enter it, you will never come back. So, do you still want to go?"

Lin Xiu was a little surprised. It seemed that this world was really different from the fairy world he had heard and heard about. The underworld in Journey to the West was quite weak, and it seemed that any gods and monsters could break in and make trouble.

Looking at it now, this is obviously impossible. Thousands of ghost soldiers, as well as the unfathomable Ten Palaces of Hades, are all quite powerful existences. If you want to make trouble in front of these powerful existences, you may not have enough lives. use!
It's just that Lin Xiu suddenly thought of the Great Tang Immortal Mansion. This Immortal Mansion seems to be as famous as the Underworld and the Heavenly Palace. If this is the case, the strength of this Great Tang Immortal Mansion should be more than just superficial.

As if seeing through Lin Xiu's thoughts, Wu Lingtian explained: "In the Great Tang Immortal Mansion, although I am the superficial queen, it is not I who is really powerful, and the powerful ones in the Great Tang Immortal Mansion can indeed Compete with the powerhouses of the underworld and the heavenly palace!"

Lin Xiu could hear her pride from Wu Lingtian's words. It seemed that this Great Tang Immortal Mansion was indeed not simple.

Afterwards, Wu Lingtian never mentioned the matter of Lin Xiu asking for a drop of her blood. Lin Xiu was a little depressed, but he also accepted the fact that this was Wu Lingtian after all. Willing to be someone else's subordinate.

Even if there is only a slight possibility, she will not be willing.

It is precisely because of this that Wu Lingtian will never hand over a drop of blood to Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu could understand, and he was naturally not surprised, but Lin Xiu also believed that he would still have a chance to get it, it was just a matter of time.

If he wanted to go to the underworld, he needed Ning Zhi's help. As for how to do it, Wu Lingtian asked Lin Xiu to wait in the Datang Immortal Mansion.

Lin Xiu opened the reincarnation treasure box in the room, because Lin Xiu no longer had the door to the reincarnation, and it was obviously impossible to subdue the dead souls here in such a large number. Now Lin Xiu has collected 10 billion reincarnation points, If you want to go further, you have to collect 100 billion past life points.

If Lin Xiu was asked to let these things die one by one, it would obviously be impossible!In the end, Lin Xiu still decided to open this treasure chest now. In the Yuehui treasure chest, what Lin Xiu opened was a bead.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the second-order fairy artifact, raising ghost beads!"

Raising ghost beads can trap all dead souls and evil things in it, let them devour each other, give birth to powerful ghosts and control them.

Note that if the ghosts in the income are too strong, it may cause problems in raising ghost beads!
The introduction of this ghost raising bead is quite obvious, Lin Xiu can see that this ghost raising bead seems to be able to cultivate powerful ghosts, but other ghosts must be collected in it first before they can be allowed to perform Gu Fighting, finally able to grow a powerful ghost.

Lin Xiu opened the fairyland experience pill treasure box again, and ate that experience pill. Immediately, Lin Xiu felt a lot of fairy energy gushing out of his body, and it began to flow from his belly to his limbs, internal organs.

Lin Xiu's Heavenly Demon Five Elements Jue is constantly working, but now Lin Xiu can feel that the Heavenly Demon Five Elements Jue he has practiced is probably not as effective as it used to be. After this fairy world, it can only be regarded as medium.

There are many skills in this world that are better than the Heavenly Demon Five Elements Jue, and the speed at which the Heavenly Demon Five Elements Jue absorbs spiritual energy is far inferior to other skills.

Now Lin Xiu's digestion speed of this experience pill is much slower than before.

But even so, Lin Xiu's realm is still rising, from the early stage of the Immortal Armament Realm, to the middle stage, and then to the later stage, reaching perfection, and finally breaking through.

Lin Xiu's realm has directly stepped into the realm of Earth Immortal. Now Lin Xiu has truly transcended the mundane world, which can make him a powerful immortal.

However, Lin Xiu's realm has improved so quickly, which completely exceeded other people's expectations. When Lin Xiu appeared in front of other people, he scared everyone present. Lin Xiu only practiced here for three days It's just time, and he directly broke through the four small realms.

Not only that, but he also stepped into the realm of the earth fairy. This kind of cultivation speed is appalling.

When this news reached Wu Lingtian's ears, Wu Lingtian's expression also changed. What kind of cultivation speed is this?Breaking through a big realm directly in three days is unheard of!

During this day, Lin Xiu received a series of reminders one after another.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be a fairy in the mysterious fairyland, and got 4 pretending points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be a fairy in the fairyland, and got 3 pretending points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be a fairyland immortal, and got 2 pretending points!"


In this day alone, Lin Xiu has already collected more than 1000 million pretense points, which is much more efficient than before.

It seems that I can continue to pretend to be coercive. If this continues, it won't be long before Lin Xiu can exchange experience pills again.

(End of this chapter)

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