Chapter 1331
But the current Lin Xiu didn't intend to stay at all. Hearing Wu Lingtian's words, Lin Xiu had a smile on his face: "Your Majesty, if you really want me to stay?"

"Of course!" Wu Lingtian replied.

"Then if I stay, what reward will His Majesty give me?" Lin Xiu said again.

"As long as you open your mouth and I can do it, then I will definitely give it to you!" Wu Lingtian said.

"What I want, His Majesty will definitely give it to me!" Lin Xiu blinked and said.

"What do you want?" Wu Lingtian asked with some doubts.

Lin Xiu approached Wu Lingtian and said in a low voice: "I have met many women, but you are the most attractive, Your Majesty. If you are willing to marry me, Your Majesty, then I will stay!"

When Wu Lingtian heard Lin Xiu's words, her face turned red all of a sudden. Wu Lingtian had met countless people, but she had never seen such a shameless guy who dared to say this in front of so many people. In a word.

Although Lin Xiu had purposely kept his voice low when he spoke just now, no one else should have heard it, but even so, Wu Lingtian felt ashamed and angry, and she really wanted to slap Lin Xiu to death.

But Lin Xiu seemed to know what Wu Lingtian was thinking, he immediately took a few steps back, and then said: "Your Majesty, I will take my leave first!"

After Lin Xiu finished speaking, before Wu Lingtian could reply, he walked towards Ning Zhi.

It was the first time for Wu Lingtian to be molested by someone, and she felt a strange feeling in her heart. Wu Lingtian is a queen, how could anyone have ever molested her like this?
And more importantly, how old does this Lin Xiu look like?It's too much for him to do such a thing!

If there is an opportunity in the future, you must not let him go!
This idea appeared in Wu Lingtian's mind, but now Lin Xiu has entered the fairy formation arranged by Ning Zhi.

"Master Li, let me say it again, if you want to enter the underworld, you will probably encounter danger, and your body must also stay in the world, so this time, if you can't come back in a short time, you There may be problems with your soul and body!" Ning Zhi said to Lin Xiu.

"What's the problem?" Lin Xiu asked.

"If the body has no soul, it will rot!" Ning Zhi replied.

If the body rots away, then what's the use of leaving this body?Do you want to drag a rotting body around?
Lin Xiu clearly understood what Ning Zhi meant, and he said, "I see, Master Ning Zhi, let's begin!"

"Since Master Li, you have already made up your mind, all right!" Ning Zhi finished speaking, holding the formula in his hand, only to see black light begin to emerge from the fairy formation under Lin Xiu's step.

Immediately afterwards, a ghostly aura rushed directly towards Tianlu, swallowing Lin Xiu directly.

Lin Xiu's face changed drastically. Under this black light, Lin Xiu felt that his whole body was being swallowed up. At this moment, Lin Xiu was a little vigilant. If Ning Zhi attacked him now...

However, as soon as Lin Xiu's thoughts turned around, he denied this idea. After all, Ning Zhi had no reason to do so, but even so, Lin Xiu used the Arhat Golden Body to resist the black energy.

Just when this black beam of light disappeared, Lin Xiu's whole body had also disappeared.

When Ning Zhi saw this scene, his expression changed drastically.

"How is it possible?" Ning Zhi almost exclaimed.

"Master Ning Zhi, what happened?" Wu Lingtian asked hastily.

"Master Li's body has disappeared. This has never happened before. In the past, people would only enter the underworld after their souls left their bodies. There has never been a disappearance of their bodies!" Ning Zhi's face was full of disbelief.

"Then why is Li Xiaoyao gone now?" Wu Lingtian also asked anxiously.

This young man who behaves differently from ordinary people occupies a special place in Wu Lingtian's heart. Of course, there is still a considerable distance from liking her, but Lin Xiu saved her twice, but it left a good impression in Wu Lingtian's heart. .

Now Wu Lingtian is naturally grateful to Lin Xiu.

"He probably entered the underworld with his body and soul!" Ning Zhi thought for a while, and finally deduced it.

The body and the soul enter the underworld together?If those people in the Underworld knew about it, then Lin Xiu would probably become a great tonic in their eyes!

I just hope that Lin Xiu can find a way to hide his identity. After all, there is not much difference between a person and a ghost in the underworld, but if Lin Xiu is injured, his anger will leak out, and the surrounding ghosts will naturally You can also discover the fact that Lin Xiu is not a ghost!

"What will happen?" Wu Lingtian asked again.

"Your Majesty, if a human body enters the underworld, human blood is the most nourishing thing for the ghosts in the underworld. As long as they know that Master Li is not a ghost, they will definitely attack Master Li!" Ning Zhi said.

"So, isn't Li Xiaoyao very dangerous?" Wu Lingtian asked with his eyes fixed.

"That's right, that's true!" Ning Zhi nodded.

"Is there any way to rescue him again?" Wu Lingtian asked again.

"Your Majesty, this is impossible, and I don't have the ability!" Ning Zhi shook his head and said.

It was dark, and the surroundings were pitch black. In this place, there was not even a sun, and there was a full moon hanging high in the sky.

Lin Xiu saw rows of strange white shadows around him. The feet of these white shadows did not touch the ground, but they kept moving forward. Obviously, these should be ghosts!

These ghosts had empty eyes and pale faces. They kept walking forward without noticing Lin Xiu at all.

Lin Xiu looked behind and saw a road that stretched as far as the eye could see, and when he looked ahead, there was a long road ahead, and at the end of the road, there seemed to be a hall.

Lin Xiu's face changed slightly. Could it be that this is Huangquan Road?

This road is quite far, and there are countless ghosts on the road, but these ghosts are unconscious and will not jump in line, they will just keep queuing forward.

Only Lin Xiu is a different person. After all, Lin Xiu is not a dead person like the people around him, but a stowaway.

At this time, Lin Xiu also discovered that there were some strange people standing in front of him.

These people held chains in their hands and wore ancient official uniforms, except that the word "ghost messenger" was not engraved on their foreheads.

The ghost agents here are obviously here to manage the dead souls here, but fortunately, there are only two ghost agents here, and these ghost agents should be of a relatively low level, and their realm is only the realm of immortal soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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