Chapter 1332

But even so, when Lin Xiu passed by them, he still caught their attention.

The two ghost messengers shouted at Lin Xiu: "Wait a minute, what is your name? Where is your home?"

"Me? My name is Li Xiaoyao, and my hometown is Yuhang Town. I used to be the head teacher of Shushan Mountain, and my dharma name is poor!" Lin Xiu replied.

"What? Li Xiaoyao? Impoverished? It seems that you have some magic power, but you are still conscious. How did you die?" a ghost messenger asked.

"I wanted to slay demons with all my heart, but unfortunately I met a powerful monster on the road. I fought with him for three days and three nights, and finally died of exhaustion!" Lin Xiu sighed and said with a frustrated face.

"War for three days and three nights? What kind of monster did you meet?" The two ghosts looked at each other in surprise and said.

"That monster is really powerful. He has a pair of horns and eyes the size of copper bells. He also has a magic weapon in his hand, which is a stick. It's powerful, and its sound is like thunder, and..." Lin Xiu described it exaggeratedly.

After the two ghost messengers heard it, they couldn't help being surprised: "You met the Bull Demon King?"

According to what Lin Xiu said, the appearance of this monster is really similar to that of the Bull Demon King. Obviously, what Lin Xiu met was the Bull Demon King!
After Lin Xiu heard this, he sneered in his heart, but his face showed a blank look: "I don't know if he is the Bull Demon King you mentioned, but he said that he has a brother, a monkey, who is more powerful than you." It’s not much inferior to him!”

"Then you must be the Bull Demon King. I didn't expect that you, the fairy elder, would be able to rival the Bull Demon King. It's a pity that if you die here, you will only be able to become a mortal after reincarnation!" Ghost said.

"You two ghost messenger brothers, I also know that I am dead, but it is not easy for me to cultivate, and since I was a child, I have taken killing demons and demons as my duty, and I have never done a bad thing. What we pay attention to in the world is merit. , The underworld should also pay attention to yin virtue, so I can only be reincarnated, maybe even become a beast like a pig or dog?" Lin Xiu said with a look of sadness.

From Lin Xiu's face, it can be seen that he is dissatisfied with this world, and he also complains about the catastrophe of life. When seeing Lin Xiu's expression, even two ghosts have to be moved.

One of the ghost messengers said in a low voice: "This fairy elder, if you really don't want to be reincarnated, there is nothing you can do!"

"Brother Guicha, please tell me if there is anything you can do!" Only Lin Xiu said.

"This method is actually not difficult. In our underworld, there is Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, who..." Before the ghost messenger could finish speaking, he was interrupted by another ghost servant.

"Do you want to die? If the Five Kings of Hades know about this, we will die!" the ghost messenger hurriedly said.

"This immortal elder died fighting a big devil like the Bull Demon King. He deserves our respect. Although I don't like Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, if the immortal elder follows him, it may be better than reincarnation. Better!" The ghost messenger said immediately.

Lin Xiu's method of deceiving is not a joke. With Lin Xiu's current mental strength, let alone a ghost, even if the King of Hades comes, Lin Xiu can still fool him.

Hearing what this ghost messenger said, the other ghost messenger stopped talking.

"Immortal Elder, you can go to find Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. With his strength, he will be able to keep you. If Immortal Elder, you have enough potential, you can even join Buddhism and become a Bodhisattva. Your talent is outstanding, even if you become a Buddha, it is not impossible!" The ghost messenger said again.

"What? Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva?" Lin Xiu said in surprise.

"Yes, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is also in our underworld, and as long as you are taken away by him, even the King of Hades will have no way to arrest you and reincarnate you!" The ghost messenger replied.

"Brother ghost messengers, if this is the case, I have one more thing I want to ask you two!" Only Lin Xiu said.

"Just ask the fairy if you have anything to say, and we will definitely tell you everything!" The ghost messenger replied.

Lin Xiu nodded, and then said: "Two, I have an old friend. He used to be a person who practiced Taoism and eliminated demons just like me. Now he has been reincarnated. Before he was reincarnated, he met me once. He Said that he couldn't let go of his sister the most, so he wanted to ask me to help him find his sister!"

"Immortal Chief, you have entered our underworld now, you are dead, and you still want to help others?" When the two ghosts heard this, they were greatly admired. This is the real benevolent person. Don't forget to help people!
"You two, in this world, there must be pursuits. Some people chase fame and fortune, some people work hard for two meals, and I will feel uncomfortable if I don't do good deeds for a day!" Lin Xiu said with a sigh.

The two ghost messengers were even more admirable when they heard this, but their faces showed embarrassment: "Sir, to tell you the truth, we are just a small ghost messenger, and we have no right to help you find out about your friend. In our Underworld, the only person who can help you is the Yin Division!"

"However, in our fifth hall, there are hundreds of Yin Divisions, but if you want to really find out what happened to everyone before or after death, then only in the life and death book of Hades Fort will there be such records!" Another Guicha added.

"That is to say, I have a chance to find my friend's sister only when I go to the Palace of the King of Hades?" Lin Xiu asked.

Hearing this sentence, the ghost almost nodded: "That's right, Immortal Elder, you are quite right!"

"You two, I have an unfeeling request!" Lin Xiu said.

"Immortal Chief, you don't want us to help you steal the life and death book of the King of Hades, do you? This is absolutely impossible!" The ghost guard waved his hand and said.

Although this ghost messenger admires Lin Xiu quite a lot, it doesn't mean that they are desperate to help Lin Xiu. No matter how benevolent Lin Xiu is, he is just an outsider to them. It was discovered that it was a capital offense, and they didn't have such a great heart.

Lin Xiu naturally knew what the two ghosts were thinking. He waved his hand and said, "You two have misunderstood. How can I let you do such a thing? You two, I just want you to guide me. Here I don’t think there should be any problem with doing this in the direction of the King’s Hall of Hell, right?”

The two ghost guards looked at each other, and then they said: "Immortal Chief, we can tell you about this, but you must not say it, we are the ones who told you about this!"

This condition is very reasonable, Lin Xiu will naturally agree.

(End of this chapter)

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