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Chapter 1333 Yama's Crisis

Chapter 1333 Yama's Crisis
The ghost messenger told Lin Xiu the location of the Palace of the King of Hades, and also let Lin Xiu go. After all, if they really pursued it, they would be able to capture Lin Xiu.

Of course, these two ghost messengers don't have such strength, and Lin Xiu won't let them catch them. With Lin Xiu's strength, as long as he doesn't meet the existence of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, Lin Xiu won't worry.

However, even if he really met a strong person at the level of the Immortal Realm, Lin Xiu was sure that he would be able to escape. With Lin Xiu's various immortal weapons and means, even a strong person at the level of the Immortal Realm would not be able to keep him.

Lin Xiu has now gone to the Palace of the King of Hades.

In this place, there is indeed a palace of the king of hell, which is actually a city, but the whole city is used for business.

There are quite a lot of things in the underworld, so there are quite a lot of ghosts here.

In addition to ghosts, there are some weaker existences, and that is ghost soldiers.

These ghost soldiers are generally ordinary soldiers used to guard the entire underworld, and their status is similar to that of heavenly soldiers.

And now Lin Xiu has arrived here, but it may not be easy to sneak in.

Lin Xiu also had no choice. After all, in this palace of the King of Hades, he had a very powerful existence. Even if he didn't talk about the King of Hades, the strength of the bull-headed horse-faced, judge and others had far surpassed Lin Xiu's!
It is obviously impossible for Lin Xiu to ask Hades who found the book of life and death and then ask about the soul knight!

At this moment, Lin Xiu suddenly received a notification: "Found a special treasure chest, the Qitian treasure chest!"

Monkey King treasure chest?

Hearing this sentence, Lin Xiu showed surprise on his face.

"System, what is the Monkey King treasure chest? Could this be Monkey King's treasure chest?" Lin Xiu's eyes glowed.

"The system doesn't know, the host will know when he collects the treasure chest!" The system replied.

After Lin Xiu heard this, he was a little depressed. It was obviously impossible to enter this Hades City and then collect the Equaling Heaven Treasure Chest. Before Lin Xiu entered, he was probably caught.

Lin Xiu entered this underworld this time, not as a soul, but with his body. This means that if Lin Xiu is discovered, these ghosts in the underworld will probably not let him go. over his.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Xiu is very careful now, he does not want to be hunted down by ghost messengers.

At this time, Lin Xiu discovered that there were a group of black figures outside this Hades City.

There are thousands of black figures in this batch, and the one at the head is actually similar in appearance to the Revenant Knight. They are all black horses and black armor, which looks quite strange.

Lin Xiu was very surprised, what's going on?How could a group of troops appear in this place?

But then, Lin Xiu discovered something, that a group of ghost soldiers were sent out from the Hades City, which made Lin Xiu very happy. Obviously, this group of troops are the enemies of the Hades, they came here, It is precisely to attack this Hades City.

Normally, if Lin Xiu wanted to enter Hades City, it would be quite troublesome, and he might be discovered.

But it's different now. Someone here is attacking Hades City, and everyone in Hades City will definitely be quite nervous about it. Isn't this Lin Xiu's opportunity?

As soon as Lin Xiu thought of this, he immediately made up his mind. He directly used the disguise mask to transform his whole body into the appearance of a ghost messenger, and sneaked directly into Hades City.

Sure enough, just as Lin Xiu imagined, the current Hades City has become quite chaotic.

"Enemy attack, the enemy is coming, prepare to attack!"

"The first team of ghost soldiers has already been dispatched. Let's prepare immediately. If he fails to win, we will immediately send out the second batch of ghost soldiers!"

"Damn it, why did these people come so fast? Isn't their leader in the first hall now? Why did they send people to attack us?"


The people around obviously felt rather depressed, but there was nothing they could do about it. After all, they couldn't control the sudden appearance of these people.

They can only resist now.

Lin Xiu was surprised. It seemed that the underworld was really in chaos. Those men in black didn't know how they did it, but they were able to possess such great strength that they even dared to break into the first palace!
Lin Xiu had heard from Ning Zhi that the one in the first hall was the king of Hades, King Qin Guang.

King Qin Guang's strength far surpassed the other Kings of Hades, and he was ruthless, and no one who offended him could survive.

If someone dares to offend him, King Qin Guang will never let him go.

It was very rare for these ghosts to have the consciousness to resist. What is even more rare is that these people were able to attack Hades City.

Lin Xiu was already a little curious, who is the leader of these people, who can possess such great strength and courage.

Of course, Lin Xiu wouldn't pay attention to these things, and now Lin Xiu wanted to know where the Equaling Heaven Treasure Chest was.

Lin Xiu searched the entire Hades City, and finally his eyes fell on the Hades Mansion in front of him.

King Yan Luo actually lives here. Could it be that the Equaling Heaven Treasure Chest is here?
Lin Xiu thought to himself, it is not impossible, but there is a Hades inside, Lin Xiu has no confidence to deal with this Hades.

As if the sky wanted to help Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu saw a middle-aged man coming out of the Hell King's mansion. He was dressed in extraordinary clothes, and as soon as he came out, he flew out of the city.

This person is Hades?

Lin Xiu was startled, but he immediately found this opportunity and sneaked into the Hades Palace in front of him.

The one here is the king of hell named Yama, the king of the five halls of the underworld.

This Yan Luowang is really not weak, and has reached the peak level of a true immortal.

But now, King Yan Luo stood on the wall of this city of Hades, and only saw a group of black soldiers outside the city. His face immediately became gloomy: "Who sent you here? How dare you come to my five Trouble in the hall and the underworld?"

After hearing this, he immediately laughed: "You are the King of Yama, right? I came here today, on the order of my lord, to wipe out your five palaces and hells. My lord said, you Hades, He is the last person who should not exist in this hell!"

"What did you say?" Hearing these words, Yan Luo Wang's face darkened, this man dared to say such words in front of so many people, he was looking for death!

(End of this chapter)

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