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Chapter 1334 Equaling Heaven Treasure Chest

Chapter 1334 Equaling Heaven Treasure Chest
"You kings of Hades are just parasites in this world. My master is the one who can truly unify the underworld. Under his hands, the underworld will become even stronger!" The man shouted, "Underworld hero Bu, today I am going to challenge you five palaces, who dares to fight me!"

If this man is so arrogant, he doesn't pay attention to King Yama here at all!
"Okay, how courageous, I want to see if your strength is as powerful as you said!" King Yan Luo was really angry, he could never have imagined that that person would be so arrogant!

Not only is he fighting Qin Guangwang in the first hall, but he even dared to send other people to deal with him on the fifth floor. Could it be that person really thinks that the King of Hades is an existence that can be easily manipulated?
A memorial appeared in Yan Luowang's hand, and a series of golden lights emanated from his memorial, attacking Yingbu in front of him.

Ying Bu held a big ax in his hand, and with one ax the golden light flew out.

"Everyone, follow me!" Yingbo yelled and rushed out first.

As Yingbo rushed out, other soldiers followed immediately. They were very loyal soldiers, so it was impossible for Yingbo to rush out alone.

The strength of these soldiers is also quite strong. When they join the battle group, the ghost soldiers and ghost messengers around King Yama will naturally also take action.

Outside this Hades City, the battle here has already begun!

In the Hades City, a figure has sneaked into the Hades Mansion, but Lin Xiu must find his treasure chest here.

It is not difficult to have a treasure chest and compass to guide Lin Xiu to do this. I only saw Lin Xiu walking towards the front quickly. His speed was extremely fast, and he avoided several ghosts.

Lin Xiu has sneaked into the palace of the king of hell in the mansion of the king of hell.

This is the place where Yan Luowang handles affairs. Now there are two ghost messengers from the fairyland guarding the door. Lin Xiu thought about it, and he chose the most direct method to break into it.

I only saw Lin Xiu holding the Immortal Immortal Sword in his hand, shaking his body, and appearing in front of the two of them. Before they could even react, they were cut in half by Lin Xiu's sword.

Lin Xiu walked directly into this Hall of Yama, which is like a court in the world, but here, there are all kinds of strange things, such as a wheel, a bookshelf, and a table .

What Lin Xiu wanted to find the Qitian treasure chest was in this hall.

However, Lin Xiu searched for a long time, but could not find this Qitian treasure chest.

"System, what does this treasure chest look like?" Lin Xiu asked.

"This needs to be searched by the host itself!" The system replied.

Search by yourself?Although there are not many things in this hall, there are also many, but the most important thing is that Lin Xiu has no idea what the appearance of this treasure chest looks like.

The treasure chests that Lin Xiu found in the past were all kinds of treasure chests, but this time, it was the first time that Lin Xiu could not find this treasure chest.

It's just that this problem should not be on Lin Xiu, because Lin Xiu searched for a while, and he finally found that there was a hair in one of the books.

Lin Xiu picked up the hair and immediately received a system prompt.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for collecting the Qitian treasure chest!"

You need to collect 10 monkey hairs of Monkey King to open the Monkey King Treasure Box. Open the Monkey King Treasure Box to summon Monkey King Monkey King.

Every time you collect a monkey hair, you can summon Monkey King's clone to fight, and the clone has 1% of Monkey King's strength!

Doppelgänger has [-]% strength?If this is the case, how strong is this clone?
Lin Xiu didn't know, but judging from the clone of Monkey King summoned by Lin Xiu before, even if it was just a clone of Monkey King, he was quite powerful.

Seeing this Monkey King treasure chest now, Lin Xiu was also a little excited. If Monkey King could really be summoned, not to mention being invincible, at least in this world, there are definitely not many people who can threaten Lin Xiu!
But here, how many monkey hairs can be collected?

Lin Xiu can only find a monkey hair left here, that is to say, now Lin Xiu can only summon Monkey King to come out for a while.

But even so, this hole card is enough to make Lin Xiu feel relieved.

Lin Xiu immediately began to search around. If this is the place where Hades works, then there should be a book of life and death here.

Lin Xiu's eyes fell on the bookshelf. Just now he had a feeling that the space inside this bookshelf is quite huge. There are quite a few books on this bookshelf, and it seems that every book contains A person's life.

If you really want to find the ghost knight sister and King Jinyinjiao, when will you find them?
It seems that it is obviously impossible to rely on oneself!
You have to find the King of Hades to complete this task!
If this task can be completed, Lin Xiu can also subdue the Nine-Tailed Fox, which is a good thing for Lin Xiu. If he can fool King Jinyinjiao, it will obviously be more beneficial to Lin Xiu.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiu decided to leave from here and go directly to the outside of the city. Lin Xiu still wanted to see how the two armies would fight now!
When Lin Xiu went out, he only saw that the two groups of forces outside the city had already fought together. Now people on both sides had been killed and injured, and there were obviously a lot of casualties, whether it was people from the Hades City side or Many people from that group of rebels died in battle here.

They were already ghosts, and if they died here, even their souls would disappear.

But the people on both sides now have no intention of backing down.

Yingbo was also very desperate at this time. The strength of this King of Yama was not much different from him. This time he had to win the King of Yama, so that he would have a chance to go back and meet the lord. Otherwise, he would have no face to go back at all.

Thinking of the power of that lord, Ying Bu didn't dare to delay any longer, a ghostly aura appeared on his axe.

Yingbo shot with all his strength at this time, but the momentum was overwhelming. King Yan obviously knew that this Yingbo was going to fight him desperately, his face darkened, and he shot immediately.

The magic weapon in the hands of King Yan Luo is not comparable to ordinary fairy weapons. I only saw that the scroll was thrown out, and countless golden lights hit Yingbu in front of him.

Yingbo's giant ax was cut in half by the golden light. Obviously, the magic weapon in his hand was far from the magic weapon in Yama's hand, otherwise it would not have been destroyed so simply.

(End of this chapter)

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