Chapter 1335 Meng Po
But at this time, Yingbo directly swung the half ax in his hand, and chopped it down at King Yama.

Yan Luowang couldn't believe it, Yingbu's magic weapon had been destroyed, yet he still dared to attack him?

court death!

King Yan Luo is no longer showing mercy, this time, he must kill this young man who knows nothing about the sky and the earth!

The scroll was held up again, intending to kill Yingbu with the golden light on the scroll.

But at this moment, the people around only saw the black light flickering on Yingbo's body, and not only that, there was black energy condensed on Yingbo's broken axe, and he forced the axe to grow out again.

Yingbo's movements were quite fast, as if he didn't see the golden light, he slashed at King Yama.

This is the general approach of desperate three wolves.

But this approach is very useful. King Yama felt that Yingbu's ax was full of hostility.

The moment he lost his mind, the ax had already struck him.

Yan Luowang's face changed drastically. He couldn't imagine that the ax transformed from this kind of hostility could be so terrifying!
Now that King Yama was seriously injured, he felt that things had become a little complicated, even out of his imagination, and King Yama's face became quite ugly. He couldn't believe that this Yingbu in front of him could do such a thing. point!
However, King Yama is not without the power to fight back now. As soon as King Yama made a move, the golden light was already on Yingbo in front of him in an instant, and the battle armor on Yingbo was instantly shattered. In this way, his whole body was blown out.

Yingbo spat out a mouthful of blood, but his eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he pounced on him again.

Yingbo's fearless attack filled Yan Luowang's heart with fear. He didn't dare to fight Yingbo any longer. As soon as he turned around, he immediately thought of running away.

But Yingbo had already rushed up, as if he wanted to kill King Yama, and King Yama's expression became even uglier, and he shouted loudly: "Yingbo, don't go too far, do you really think I can't deal with you? "

Ying Buke ignored Yama's words, as if he would kill Yama with every axe.

King Yama bit his tongue, and a mouthful of golden blood sprayed onto the memorial, which turned into a huge golden pen and hit Yingbo's body.

Yingbo was blown away, but his eyes turned red at this time, and the black ax in his hand had already struck Yama.

Yama's chest was sunken directly, and this Yama's body was also knocked into the air. Not only that, he was also seriously injured.

These two powerhouses ended up with both losers!
When the other people saw this scene, they immediately retreated. The two bosses are already seriously injured, so what's the point of trying their best?
Yingbu's people had already left here, and King Yan Luo also brought other ghost soldiers back to Hades City. Lin Xiu had witnessed the whole process here, and he also heard what these ghost soldiers said.

"I didn't expect that traitor general to be so powerful. He is so strong that he can fight Lord Yama to such an extent!"

"I heard that Yingbo's strength is far inferior to that of the master behind him. No wonder he dared to challenge the authority of the entire underworld!"

"Now Lord Yan Luo Wang is so seriously injured, how can we cure him? In our underworld, there is no such person as Hua Tuo Immortal Physician!"


When Lin Xiu heard what these people said, his face showed joy. It seems that this time his chance is coming!

This time Yama was injured so badly that he even had a chance to die. If he took action now, he might be able to save him. However, Lin Xiu was also a little worried. Could this Yama be a villain? If Xiu saved him, but he wanted to attack Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu would be very wronged.

In addition, what Lin Xiu needs to worry about is that Yingbo. Lin Xiu has heard of the name Yingbo. This Yingbo should be Xiang Yu's subordinate. How could he appear here?

This kind of person should have died a long time ago, but he hasn't been reincarnated yet, and not only that, Yingbo will still appear here. Behind Yingbo, there seems to be a lord. If this is true, who is this protagonist?
Next, Hades City became quite busy. An old woman was invited to this Hades City. This old woman was the Meng Po of this temple.

In the underworld, there is a great lack of medical technology. Granny Meng can treat minor injuries, but for injuries of this level, looking for Granny Meng may not be very effective.

But even so, Po Meng was invited.

"What are you doing? Are you people so reckless?" Granny Meng yelled.

Granny Meng is only 1.2 meters tall. She is a hunchbacked old lady. She holds a cane in one hand and a bowl in the other. She is obviously quite dissatisfied with the invitation of the ghost messengers here.

But even so, Po Meng was invited here, after all, in the eyes of the ghost guards here, only Po Meng can save King Yama here.

"Meng Po, we also know that we have wronged you this time, but King Yama is seriously injured now, if you don't come, I'm afraid Lord Yama will be in big trouble this time!"

"So what? What does it have to do with the old body? Even if he is dead, it has nothing to do with the old body!" Granny Meng said coldly.

"Grandma Meng, don't say that, how can Lord Yama protect all of us, you can't treat him like this!" the ghost guard said with a wry smile.

"It's not because of his own weak strength that he made it like this!" Po Meng said disdainfully, "Okay, let's lead the way!"

Those ghost messengers were finally relieved when they heard Po Meng's words, but Po Meng was probably the only one who dared to say that about King Yama. If anyone else dared to speak like that, they would have already been killed by that King Yama.

But now Po Meng has promised to treat King Yama, and they are also relieved.

"Several people!" At this moment, a voice sounded, and the ghost messengers saw a young man appearing in front of them. This young man looked only eighteen or nineteen years old, very young .

Of course, this is the underworld, and the age on the outside is different from the real one. Who knows how long he will be an old monster?

"Are you?" Only a ghost messenger asked.

"I heard that Lord Yama was seriously injured, so I came here on purpose, maybe I can save Lord Yama!" said the boy in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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