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Chapter 1337 Old woman, what do you think?

Chapter 1337 Old woman, what do you think?
When everyone turned their heads, they saw only a young man standing there.

This young man doesn't look too outstanding, but he has a faint smile on his face, which makes people feel a kind of indescribable power, and the people present can feel the strength of this young man. Has reached the land of immortals.

Although there were quite a few experts above the Heavenly Immortal Realm among those present, Lin Xiu's age seemed to be very young.

But even so, Lin Xiu is not worthy of the attention of the people present. After all, Lin Xiu is just an existence in the realm of the earth fairy, and compared with the people present, he is still far behind.

"Who are you? Why do you say that?"

"Young man, you can eat things indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately!"

"What if you want to do something to Lord Yama?"

"Only you, dare to say such a thing? Didn't you see that Po Meng said that Lord Yan Luo Wang couldn't be cured?"


Lin Xiu didn't care about what these people said at all. His eyes fell on Po Meng. After all, the affairs here are not the function of the people here, but Po Meng decides.

Po Meng's current status seems to have surpassed other people, and now it is estimated that it depends on the decision of Po Meng in front of her.

At this moment, Po Meng said, "Lin Xiu, do you really have a solution?"

Granny Meng stared at Lin Xiu, obviously wanting to see what Lin Xiu was thinking.

It's just that in Lin Xiu's eyes, Po Meng only saw a deep world, which was different, and she couldn't see Lin Xiu's thoughts at all.

How can Granny Meng be able to see through what Lin Xiu has experienced, Lin Xiu replied with a smile: "I do have a way, but I can only try!"

try it?
You actually want to use the life of our lord Yama to try it?

What a joke!
"Ding, 10 resentment points have been collected!"

"Ding, 20 resentment points have been collected!"


A series of grievances rushed towards Lin Xiu, and these grievances added up to more than 200 million!
"You have to think clearly, if you fail, the consequences will be very serious!" I only heard Granny Meng say.

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone's eyes immediately focused on Lin Xiu.

But Lin Xiu didn't seem to notice the eyes of the people around him, he continued: "No, anyway, even if I don't try, he will die, won't he?"

Lin Xiu ignored the others, he had already walked towards that King Yama.

Someone around him stopped him immediately, only to see that at this moment, one of the men in black immediately stood in front of Lin Xiu, and he said, "What do you want to do? We won't let you touch a single hair of Lord Yama. of!"

"That's right, we don't know who you are at all, and we don't know if you will harm Lord Yama!" said the man in white clothes.

"You don't want me to treat Lord Yama? If so, I can leave!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

Hearing this sentence, the man in black and white was stunned at the same time, only to hear the man in black say: "Only by you, do you also want to heal Lord Yama? If you can do it, I, Hei Wuchang, will immediately commit suicide." Slap yourself three times!"

"Hei Wuchang, are you really serious about him? He's just here to make a splash. How can he heal Lord Yama?" Bai Wuchang said with a sneer.

"What if I can really heal King Yama?" Lin Xiu said.

"If you can do it, then I will slap myself three times like Hei Wuchang!" Bai Wuchang said immediately.

"But what if you can't heal Lord Yama's injury?" Hei Wuchang asked.

"Then, you can hook my soul away!" Lin Xiu smiled, he was quite confident, Lin Xiu had already seen the injury of King Yama.

The current Lin Xiu is also confident that he can heal the King Yama in front of him.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll see what you're capable of!" Hei Wuchang said loudly immediately.

In Hei Wuchang's eyes, even if Lin Xiu said this, it was obviously useless. He didn't believe that Lin Xiu's medical skills would be better than Meng Po's.

After Meng Po heard this, she sighed in her heart, she was indeed a young man who said such words so easily, even she couldn't save King Yama, how could Lin Xiu be able to?

Even Granny Meng didn't believe this, but since Lin Xiu had already said so, she wanted to see if Lin Xiu had such abilities.

Other people around also stepped aside, and Lin Xiu didn't give Yan Luo Wang a diagnosis, he just took out a gold needle.

"Lin Xiu, don't you even try to feel the pulse? Then how do you know how he is injured?" Only Granny Meng said.

"Take the pulse? No need, I already know where his injuries are and how to heal him!" Lin Xiu's eyes can see through King Yama's body, so he can naturally heal his injuries.

All I saw was the golden needle flying out of Lin Xiu's hand, piercing Yan Luo's chest, and then, a sword appeared in Lin Xiu's hand.

"What are you doing?" Seeing Lin Xiu's actions, Black and White Impermanence and other people's expressions changed at the same time, and this Lin Xiu wanted to move his sword!

"Give him bloodletting, otherwise, he will never recover in this life!" Lin Xiu said.

"You obviously want to murder our Lord Yama, I won't let you do that!" Bai Wuchang said loudly immediately.

"Old woman, what do you think?" Lin Xiu looked at Granny Meng.

The corner of Meng Po's mouth twitched.

"Ding, 150 resentment points have been collected!"

Granny Meng gave Lin Xiu a hard look, and then said: "Get out of the way, let him do it, anyway, if this kid can't cure them, the two of them can't survive, let him try!"

"But Po Meng, he..." Hei Wuchang wanted to say something else.

"What? My words don't work anymore, right?" Granny Meng stared, who else would dare to say no?
Everyone stepped aside immediately, their eyes were all on Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu didn't pay attention to the others. His Rose Immortal Sword had already sliced ​​through King Yama's chest. It was scorched black on his chest. After Lin Xiu saw it, he was a little surprised, but there was a The bottle, the powder inside was poured into some injured internal organs.

Not long after, Lin Xiu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I've tried my best!"

"Do your best? Why didn't Master Yama not wake up?" Bai Wuchang said.

"You must have harmed Lord Yama, you have no ability to heal him!" Hei Wuchang also said.

"Yes, I think so too, don't let him go!" The people around immediately shouted.

Lin Xiu looked at these people in front of him with the eyes of a fool.

(End of this chapter)

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