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Chapter 1338 The whereabouts of King Jinyinjiao's soul

Chapter 1338 The whereabouts of King Jinyinjiao's soul
Only Lin Xiu let out a long sigh.

"What are you sighing for?" Hei Wuchang frowned and said.

"Do you know that you are going to die, so you sigh here on purpose? Don't worry, we will give you a good time!" Bai Wuchang said.

"I sigh because although I can heal King Yama's injury, but I can't heal people with brain problems. What a sad thing is this?" Lin Xiu said helplessly.

Can't cure people with brain problems?

Is it...

Hearing Lin Xiu's words, the people around were stunned for a moment, and then their faces showed anger.

Damn, when Lin Xiu said this, it was obvious that they had a problem with their brains!
Just when Black and White Wuchang and other ghost officials wanted to get angry, Meng Po said, "King Yama is indeed fine, and Lin Xiu has indeed cured him!"

As soon as this sentence came out, the people around were shocked. They couldn't believe it was true. What did Po Meng say?The current King Yama is really cured?
Hei Wuchang was a little disbelieving and said: "Meng Po, are you reading right? Lord Yama is really cured?"

"Just now when Lin Xiu did this kind of thing to Lord Yan Luo, it is obvious that he will not treat Lord Yan Luo..." Bai Wuchang said hastily.

"Shut up, what do you know?" Meng Po said coldly, "Lin Xiu's medical skills are far superior to mine. If it weren't for him today, King Yama would have died. You should thank him very much!"

Black and White Impermanence didn't dare to say anything more, but the way they looked at Lin Xiu also changed. Is it true that Lin Xiu has cured King Yama as Po Meng said?It doesn't look like it at all.

King Yama is still in a coma, and these people just saw Lin Xiu cut up King Yama's body. How could such a person still heal King Yama?Why does it sound a little unlikely?

Thinking of this, when they looked at Lin Xiu again, everyone felt a little resentful in their hearts. If they didn't know the relationship between Po Meng and King Yama, they really doubted whether Lin Xiu and Po Meng had joined forces to deceive people.

"You don't have to believe it now, it doesn't matter, he will wake up in two days!" Lin Xiu said lightly, "I can stay here for a few days!"

In this city, Lin Xiu can still collect more resentment points. Now Lin Xiu's resentment points have reached 1000 million. If he continues to collect, it should not be difficult to advance. Much simpler.

After the people around heard it, they had no choice but to agree to this matter, but Po Meng was very surprised by this man who appeared suddenly, she said: "Just do as he said!"

What Meng Po said surprised the people around, and everyone didn't expect Meng Po to say such a thing, but now they can only listen to Meng Po's words.

For the next few days, everyone spent time waiting here, but now they realized that it was really not a wise choice to leave Lin Xiu in this city of Hades. Their people were very angry at Lin Xiu.

In order to collect the grievance points here, Lin Xiu not only made black and white impermanence unable to step down, but also offended many people, but now Lin Xiu is the savior of King Yama, and no one dares to disrespect him.

If King Yama really can't wake up, then Lin Xiu will have to pay for his life, so it is obviously unwise to argue with the dead. If Lin Xiu can save King Yama, then Lin Xiu's status will become higher and offend him , is also stupid.

Thinking about it this way, everyone really ordered Lin Xiu to have nothing to do!
At this time, Lin Xiu didn't pay attention to their intentions, but Lin Xiu was asking about Po Meng's relationship and looking for other people.

"Lin Xiu, who are you looking for?" Granny Meng asked, "I, an old woman, have some skills, so maybe I can help you!"

"There are three people I'm looking for, I hope you can help me, Po Meng!" Lin Xiu said.

"Tell me, who is it?" Meng Po said.

"Golden Horn King, Silver Horn King." Lin Xiu said.

"If you want to find these two people, I might as well tell you that the souls of these two people are not in the underworld!" After hearing this, Meng Po shook her head and said.

"Aren't their souls here? Could it be that they have all been reincarnated?" Hearing this sentence, Lin Xiu couldn't help being taken aback.

"No, I mean, their souls have never entered the underworld!" Po Meng said again.

"They are already dead, but their souls haven't entered the underworld?" Hearing this, Lin Xiu said in surprise.

"That's right, their souls did not enter the underworld, because they were taken away!" Granny Meng said again.

"Who took their souls?" Lin Xiu asked.

"This matter, if you want to know, I will tell you!" Only Meng Po said.

"I really want to know, Po Meng, please tell me!" Lin Xiu said.

"The one who took away their souls was a powerful man, and his status is not inferior to the lords of the Heavenly Palace and the Underworld! His name is Zhenyuanzi!" Po Meng said to Lin Xiu.

"Zhen Yuanzi?" Lin Xiu was a little surprised when he heard this sentence. How could Lin Xiu have never heard of the name Zhen Yuanzi, the Great Immortal Zhen Yuan?It's just that Lin Xiu didn't expect that it would be Zhen Yuanzi who took the soul of King Jinyinjiao!
"It seems that you know Zhen Yuanzi. Zhen Yuanzi's strength is extraordinary. He has already established Wuzhuang Temple and recruited a lot of disciples in Wuzhuang Temple. Because of the help of ginseng and fruit trees, the current Wuzhuang Temple is no less inferior to Heavenly Palace and Underworld!" said Granny Meng.

"This ginseng fruit tree has such a miraculous effect?" Hearing this sentence, Lin Xiu was a little surprised.

"It is indeed very effective, but if it were me, I wouldn't eat that ginseng fruit tree!" Meng Poruo said meaningfully.

Lin Xiu was a little puzzled and didn't understand why Granny Meng said that, but since Granny Meng said that, it's obvious that there should be something wrong with this ginseng fruit tree.

Of course, Lin Xiu didn't know what the problem was.

"I still have a question to ask!" Lin Xiu said.

"Is there another person? Who do you want to ask?" Granny Meng said calmly.

Now that he knows that the soul of King Jinyinjiao is in the hands of Zhen Yuanzi, Lin Xiu doesn't need to look for these two people anymore. Now, he only needs to look for the sister of the soulless knight.

"The person I'm looking for is Concubine Song!" Lin Xiu said.

"You... what did you say?" Granny Meng's voice trembled a little after hearing this, and a strange color flashed in her eyes. If she hadn't restrained herself, she would have already lost control in front of Lin Xiu.

(End of this chapter)

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