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Chapter 1339 Po Meng and King Yama

Chapter 1339 Po Meng and King Yama
But Meng Po is naturally not an ordinary person, and she would not show her surprise in front of Lin Xiu. She said calmly, "Concubine Song? I don't know this name, do you have personal details?"

"Yes!" Lin Xiu began to tell Granny Song the information about Concubine Song, and Granny Meng nodded after listening.

I only heard Granny Meng say: "Since she died thousands of years ago, this woman may have already been reincarnated. What do you want her for?"

"Of course I don't know her, but her dead brother, please ask me for something. He asked me to speak to his sister! He also gave me a token!" Lin Xiu said.

"A word? A token?" Hearing this sentence, Meng Po was a little surprised and said.

"I can't tell you about this. If I really can't find that concubine Song here, I have to go to the hell in other palaces to see!" Lin Xiu now feels a little tricky, after all, this kind of finding someone , It's obviously a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Even if Lin Xiu wanted to find Song Ji, he couldn't find it.

Concubine Song didn't know which temple and underworld she was in, so how did Lin Xiu find her?
Lin Xiu has already begun to have the idea of ​​giving up. This underworld is in a state of turmoil. If Lin Xiu stays here again, there may not be any good things. It is better to leave quickly.

"Lin Xiu, since you saved King Yama, I will help you, and I will also send ghost soldiers to inquire about the person you are looking for, to see if I can find her!" Granny Meng said to Lin Xiu Said.

Lin Xiu nodded, but he didn't believe that Granny Meng could help him.

It's just that since Po Meng said so, Lin Xiu naturally couldn't say anything more.

In the Underworld, Lin Xiu collects grievances very quickly, which also makes Lin Xiu feel surprised, because now Lin Xiu collects grievances, not only can he collect grievances against Lin Xiu, even for other people The resentment generated can also be collected.

This also allowed Lin Xiu to collect almost 1000 million resentment points every day.

And from the third day in Yama City, King Yama had already woken up, and those ghost officials immediately went to King Yama to inquire about his situation.

What King Yan Luo didn't expect was that it was Lin Xiu who cured him. It was a little surprising that this young man possessed such powerful medical skills.

After Yan Luowang saw Lin Xiu, he was even more surprised. He was different from other people, and Yama's eyesight was quite astonishing.

With the eyesight of the current Yan Luo Wang, he can tell at a glance that Lin Xiu is not the real soul body. He said: "Except for Meng Po, everyone else should go out!"

The others looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding why King Yama would say that, but no one dared not listen to what King Yama said.

The people here retreated immediately, and in this room, there were only Yan Luo Wang, Meng Po, and Lin Xiu.

"Young man, although I don't know what method you used to make your body reach the underworld, but I think you should have some purpose! You might as well tell me!" Only King Yama said.

"Lord Yama, since you said that, I will tell you my purpose!" Lin Xiu said again what he said to Po Meng before.

"The soul of King Jinyinjiao was indeed taken away by Zhen Yuanzi. If you want to find it, you probably won't be able to find it back. As for Concubine Song..." King Yan Luo hesitated, but seemed to be locked on by a gaze, He had no choice but to smile wryly and said, "She's not here, you'd better go to other palaces to have a look!"

"I know, but Lord Yan Luo, you also know that my current identity, if other ghosts, may not be able to see it, but I can't hide it from you. If other people know that I have a physical body, I will probably be punished." Dangerous!" Lin Xiu said.

Lin Xiu helped King Yama this time, but fortunately, this King Yama was not a vicious person, otherwise, Lin Xiu would be in danger this time.

Once human beings appear in the underworld, they will be the public enemy of the underworld. Of course, this King Yama is obviously not someone who will repay kindness and revenge, and he has no intention of taking action against Lin Xiu.

"I have a magic weapon here, called the breath-holding pendant. If you wear it, even King Qin Guang will not be able to discover that you are human, but even so, the longer you stay in the underworld, the more dangerous you will be. If there is nothing wrong, you should go back to Yangjian early!" Yan Luowang said again.

As soon as King Yan Luo waved his hand, a jade pendant flew towards Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu took it and looked at it. The jade pendant was extremely green and looked quite beautiful. The fluorescent light flowing on the jade pendant made it even more extraordinary. You can know that this is not an ordinary magic weapon.

Po Meng was a little surprised, she didn't expect King Yama to give this jade pendant to Lin Xiu, her eyes swept over King Yama, but King Yama didn't seem to notice it.

"Thank you Lord Yama!" Lin Xiu said with a happy smile after hearing this.

"Okay, you can leave here now, as for where you want to go, you can do whatever you want!" King Yama said.

"I need to go back and think about it! By the way, my lord, I also want to ask, where does the ghost baby flower grow?" Lin Xiu asked again.

"Ghost baby flower? Why do you ask this kind of thing?" Meng Po asked.

"I have a friend who needs to be treated with him!" I only heard Lin Xiu say.

"Ghost baby flowers are only found in the first hall of the underworld, and there are no such things in the other halls of the underworld!" I only heard Granny Meng say.

"In this case, it seems that I have to go to the first hall of hell!" Lin Xiu thought for a while and said again.

"Lin Xiu, I advise you to think about it first, the first hall is much more dangerous than our fifth hall!" King Yama waved his hand and said.

Lin Xiu nodded and backed out.

After Lin Xiu left, King Yama sighed and said, "Why didn't you recognize him?"

"I'm already a dead person, what's the point of meeting him?" Granny Meng said calmly.

"Here, who is not dead? He was entrusted by your brother to come here. You are the concubine Song he is looking for. You should confess to him!" Only King Yan Luo said.

"I don't need to confess to him, I don't want to recognize each other, and I don't want to think about the past. If he can't find anyone, he will naturally leave!" I only heard Granny Meng say.

As soon as this sentence came out, King Yan Luo couldn't help shaking his head, and he said, "You are still so stubborn, mother!"

"Don't call me that. What did you give him your jade pendant for? You should know that it is the jade pendant I used to protect you. Without it, how can you hide your human aura?" Po Meng said with a frown.

(End of this chapter)

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