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Chapter 1347 The Reunion of Father and Daughter

Chapter 1347 The Reunion of Father and Daughter

"Brat, let me see where you are going this time."

Immediately, the commander-in-chief put away his mace and took out another weapon, which was a weapon that looked like an ax and a mace.One half is a wolf's head, the other half is a dragon's head.

Although it looks very strange, when it was taken out, there was a coercion similar to a dragon rushing towards Lin Xiu, but for Lin Xiu, who has the blood of the dragon, it was naturally not enough to threaten him, and he immediately activated his own blood. Dissipate this coercion.

This turned out to be a fourth-rank fairy weapon, which seemed to have been tempered by the blood of the dragon clan, and there was a faint coercion.

"Don't be afraid, call me Grandpa now, I will spare your life." Seeing Lin Xiu in a daze, the commander couldn't help laughing.

"Grandson, stop beating, you talk a lot, how about being a man?"

This completely enraged the commander. He was holding that strange weapon and spinning around himself, and there were a lot of roars of wolves and tigers, and he turned faster and faster with the weapon, and finally ended up with A terrifying speed rushed past.

No matter how fast Lin Xiu was, he couldn't dodge this move after multiple accelerations in such a short time, so he could only urge the Qibao Linglong Tower to defend.

I saw a beam of light mixed with a dragon's head and a wolf's head flying towards Lin Xiu. Even the air around Lin Xiu had been torn apart. It was hard to imagine whether this defense would work.

In the end, the two parties flew out, but Lin Xiu retreated 10 meters, while the commander only retreated dozens of steps.

Although protected by the two great defensive artifacts, cassock and pagoda, Lin Xiu still suffered a lot of shocks. He felt a burst of energy and blood, but luckily he was not seriously injured.This half-step Xuanxian's all-powerful blow was so terrifying.

Seeing that Lin Xiu was injured, the commander couldn't help but rejoice that his attack finally worked, but he didn't know that this was just the beginning.

"How about you kid? Are you still crazy? The next blow will definitely kill you." The commander sneered.

Then he activated his weapon again, ready to repeat the same trick, but when he rushed over again, an umbrella and a chain fell in front of Lin Xiu, no matter how the commander accelerated, he could no longer move forward half a step .

The owners of this umbrella and this chain are naturally Qin Guangwang and Xiang Yu who were subdued by Lin Xiu.The weapons of the two of them are naturally no worse than the commander, and their own strength is higher than that of the commander. It can be said that it is easy to block this blow.

"Who is coming"

"King Qin Guang of the underworld!

"Ghost King Xiang Yu"

Two voices came rolling in, and the voice shocked the Grand Commander. Although he is in this place, he is far away in the Longteng Continent, but they usually pay attention to the affairs of the Immortal Realm.Naturally, they knew the prestige of these two.But why did these two people help a little boy who was only in the late stage of the Heavenly Wonderland.

What is the relationship between them?
"My lords, this is a matter between me and this little friend. I hope you two don't interfere."

"Sorry, the little friend you mentioned is our master, and his business is our business."

This time I really hit the iron plate, forget it, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, let's go back and discuss the countermeasures with the eldest prince.

"It turned out to be an ugly old man who bullies the weak and fears the hard, hahaha" Lin Xiu said looking at the deflated commander
"You, see you again next time, let's see how you can still smile." The commander-in-chief couldn't help being angry, but the opponent's strength was two blocks higher than his own, so he had to run away if he couldn't beat him.

"Let's go in and see how Xiaobai is doing."

Lin Xiu and his party immediately entered the Dragon Palace, and found Xiaobai in a dark room. At this time, Xiaobai must have suffered for too long and seemed to be dying, but when he saw Lin Xiu coming in, Still can't help but be happy.

Lin Xiu is also very distressed, how much she has suffered during the days when she left Xiaobai, and she is only a teenager.

"Xiaobai, are you okay, daddy came late and made you suffer"

"Father is finally here. These bad guys always want to take my dragon scale. Fortunately, this dragon scale recognizes the owner and has the function of self-defense, so they won't let them succeed. Otherwise, you won't be able to see me Xiaobai," he said. As he spoke, Xiaobai's eyes became moist.

"Don't worry, Daddy and Uncle Xiang Yu will avenge you. Be hungry, come and Daddy specially brought you your favorite chicken drumstick."

Maybe it was because he hadn't eaten for too long, Xiaobai ate all the chicken legs he brought.Then he began to look at King Qin Guang with puzzled eyes.

"Who is this uncle standing next to Xiang Yu? It seems that Xiaobai has never seen it before."

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you, this is Uncle King Qin Guang that Dad met in the underworld."

"By the way, why did you two come here? Aren't you supposed to collect information about Zhen Yuanzi in the underworld? Why did you come here?" Lin Xiu didn't expect to see them in this place so soon.

"It's a coincidence, my lord, there is information that Zhen Yuanzi appeared in Longteng Continent recently, so we came here to search for information, and we didn't expect to meet you here."

"Zhen Yuanzi came to Longteng Continent, what are you doing?"

"I don't know about that, my lord, but now that Xiaobai has been rescued, where are you going next?"

"Look for the remaining remnants of the Qinglian Sword Jue. Although my realm has improved, my Qinglian Sword Jue is only the first three moves, and it cannot exert the full power of the exercise. I want to see the complete Qinglian Sword Jue True power."

If Xiang Yu and King Qin Guang hadn't arrived in time for this battle with the Grand Commander, it's really hard to say who will win this battle.Lin Xiu deeply felt that it was time for him to improve his combat power, otherwise it would be foolish to take the blood of the Dragon Emperor. It just so happened that he got the treasure map about the Qinglian Sword Art, and the location showed that it was in the Longteng Continent.

Why don't you go find out, maybe you can meet Li Bai's remnant soul there, and then there will be a qualitative improvement in your combat effectiveness.The Qinglian Sword Art created by Li Bai is so powerful in the first three moves, it is hard to imagine how terrifying Li Bai's own strength will be.

"Since your lord has decided to find out, why don't you let us accompany you? Anyway, it's time to collect information on Zhen Yuanzi. Besides, we can take care of each other by your side."

"Okay, then you can go with me."

With two thugs with such explosive fighting power following him, why not do it, more strength means more hope of finding the treasure, Lin Xiu naturally doesn't understand this truth.

"Then let's go, the target——Qinglian Town!"

(End of this chapter)

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