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Chapter 1348 Qinglian Sword Art

Chapter 1348 Qinglian Sword Art
Qinglian Town, a small town in the northwest of Longteng Continent, was named Qinglian Town because Qinglian Sword Immortal Li Bai lived here for several years.Lin Xiu and his party came to this unremarkable small town after a day's long journey.

"Daddy, let's find a place to rest, Xiaobai has been walking for too long and can't walk anymore, okay?"

"Okay, okay, let's find a tavern and have a good rest." Looking at the pitiful Xiaobai, Lin Xiu couldn't help but laugh. After all, he is only a teenager, so he will inevitably be a little tired after walking for a long time.

Talking about walking into a tavern called Longfu Inn, the business inside is very prosperous, and it is full of people as soon as they enter, Lin Xiu and his party found a corner and sat down.Since they brought Xiaobai out for dinner, it was inevitable to order a few chicken legs, so Xiang Yu and King Qin Guang ordered a few plates of beef and a few jugs of wine, and sat down to have a few drinks.Lin Xiu didn't feel any hunger either, so he began to observe the guests around him.

"Hey, have you heard that there will be a peerless cultivation technique appearing near our town soon?"

"You mean the remnants of the Qinglian Sword Art? The first three moves were found by a kid named Lin Xiu."

Hearing the words Qinglian Sword Art, Lin Xiu couldn't help secretly happy, he really came to the right place,

"I heard that the one guarding the treasure this time is a divine beast named Geoduck, and its strength is comparable to that of a human in the middle stage of Xuanxian. Hey, I have no chance."

Lin Xiu hurried over and asked about the location.

This time the treasure appeared in a place called Qinglian Mountains. It is said that the sword fairy Li Bai fought with the demon god for three days and three nights here, and finally both fell in this mountain range.And the geoduck is a divine beast cultivated by Li Bai. Since Li Bai fell to this point, it has been guarding by his side, which can be regarded as loyal.

However, there is a level limit for those who enter the mountains this time, that is, they must be below the Xuanxian Realm.It just so happens that Lin Xiu is at this stage, which is also very beneficial to him, because Lin Xiuxuan should be invincible below the fairyland.

The group arrived after a short rest. At the foot of the Qinglian Mountains, Lin Xiu activated his pupil technique, and seemed to know why only people below the Xuanxian Realm were allowed to enter. ,

It turned out that the entire mountain range was covered by a large formation. This formation should have been left behind when the sword fairy Li Bai fought against the demon god, and the energy inside was still very strong.

"It seems that we really can't go in and help you, my lord." Xiang Yu and King Qin Guang tried to cross the barrier several times, but they were directly bounced back by a force.

"It's okay, I can go in alone. You watch Xiaobai outside, tell him not to wander around, and wait for my good news."

"No, Daddy, I want to accompany you in, this time we can't be separated again"

"Be good, Xiaobai, sensible, you are still young, and everyone in the house is not a fuel-efficient lamp. If something happens later, Daddy will regret it."

"No, I'm going"

The eccentric Xiaobai put on a posture that if you don't take me there, I'll just cry and see what you do.

Lin Xiu, who couldn't laugh or cry, had no choice but to take Xiaobai into the Qinglian Mountain Range.

In fact, it is not without any benefits to bring Xiaobai. Xiaobai's potential and strength are very good, but he lacks some actual combat to stimulate it.If you give her enough experience, she might be the second Lin Xiu in the future.

Don't look at Xiaobai's current strength as the peak of the Immortal Soldier, but with the strength of the reverse scale between the eyebrows and the power of the blood, the Earth Fairyland can also win a battle, and it is also a good helper to bring.

After the father and daughter entered the Qinglian Mountains together, they found that this opportunity had indeed attracted many masters.Based on a rough induction, there are at least a few hundred masters from the Earth Wonderland around, and there are quite a few people from the Heaven Wonderland.However, since most people travel together, everyone is a little jealous of each other, so conflicts rarely break out.

"Found the Xingyao Treasure Chest, 200 meters ahead" the system's voice suddenly sounded.

I thought the system was blown up, it took so long to show up, but the Xingyao Treasure Chest is not bad, it is worth going to have a look.

Ahead, a group of youths in white Taoist uniforms were bullying a lonely youth, and the treasure chest fell on one of the youths in white Taoist uniforms.

"Hurry up and hand over your third-level sword, or you will die." One of the young men in white Taoist clothes who seemed to be the leader threatened, and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Wow, so many people bullying a person just for a third-order fairy sword is really enough, even I can't stand it."

"Daddy, let's go help that little brother, he is so pitiful, he is being bullied by so many people"

"It was just to get a treasure chest, but Xiaobai even opened his mouth, so dad will teach you a lesson for these moths."

Seeing that poor little brother was about to be stabbed to death with random knives, suddenly a tall and thin man in black appeared in front of his eyes.

"Stinky boy, don't block our good deeds, or you will do it together"

"Hey, are the young people nowadays so irritable? I didn't want to hurt you, but who made you unlucky, the treasure chest just happened to be on one of you?"

"Don't talk nonsense with him, let's go together and kill this boy who is messing with us." Following the order of the leading boy in white, all the youths in white uniforms rushed towards Lin Xiu and Xiao Bai.

"Something that doesn't know how to live or die."

I saw that Lin Xiu just threw a symbolic punch towards the front, but no matter the enemies that flew over, they were all ejected and killed on the spot.

"I told you not to mess with Immortal One Punch, but you didn't listen, hey" he shook his head as he spoke.

The young man who thought he was doomed, looked at this scene, his mouth couldn't close. They were a group of young people in the early days of the Celestial Wonderland. Why did they die on the spot with a single punch? How strong is this person? fear.

"Thank you Daxian for saving my life, I am grateful, and I will definitely repay you in the future." After saying that, he quickly slipped away.

"This person is also interesting. He said he wanted to repay his father, but he ran faster than anything else. He didn't even ask his name. Who will he repay his favor in the future?" Xiao Bai also looked at the crying and laughing Lin with a speechless expression. build.

"No matter, let's see what's in this treasure chest."

"Opening the treasure chest, 20, 19..."

"Successfully open the Xingyao Treasure Chest and get a jug."

A jug, what can it be used for? It's drinking, it can't be used to attack.Lin Xiu opened so many treasure chests, and the things that came out of this treasure chest made him puzzled the most.

Forget it, put it away first, maybe it will come in handy that day.

After getting the mysterious jug, Lin Xiu, father and daughter Xiaobai continued to go to the center of Qinglian Mountains.Although there were many wild beasts along the way, but with the pressure of Lin Xiu and Xiao Bailong's bloodline, no wild beast dared to approach them, so the speed of progress was naturally very fast.

(End of this chapter)

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