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Chapter 1349 Fierce Battle

Chapter 1349 Fierce Battle

After a while, they arrived at the gathering point this time.Lin Xiu took a small look and found that the number of people who came here was less than one-tenth of the number that came in just now.It is enough to imagine the fierce competition this time.

Most of the people stopped in front of a door guarded by a very strange animal with a nose like an elephant on its head and a body like a shell.

But no one dared to underestimate this monster, because it was the mythical beast cultivated by Sword Immortal—the geoduck clam, and its strength had reached the level of Xuanxian.

Seeing Lin Xiu's arrival, the geoduck's expression softened slightly.

"The last contestant has arrived, and the door of the trial has opened. Only the last three experts who have passed the door of the trial will have the chance to obtain this fragment of the Qinglian Sword Art."

"Now anyone who wants to go in can go in. If you want to come out, you can squeeze and explode this talisman at any time, and you can be teleported out of the space," Geoduck added.

There is no reason not to go in at this point, all the people present stepped into this door without hesitation.

"Let's go too, Xiaobai"

"En." Saying that, he dragged Xiaobai into the door of trial.

"Lord Li Bai, that person has finally appeared." The geoduck outside the door said with relief.

Following a burst of shaking, Lin Xiu and Xiao Bai also stepped into this mysterious space.But when they entered, they found that everyone entered an independent space.

So when Lin Xiu teleported over, he didn't see Xiao Bai by his side.

"Is it true that Li Bai's strength is only at the Martial Emperor level? He can open up so much space at will?"

Lin Xiu also got Li Bai's God Demon Card before, and successfully summoned Li Bai, but at that time Li Bai only had the strength of a high-ranking Martial Emperor, but now this one seems to be completely different.

But creating a space at random is not something that a high-level Martial Emperor can do casually, at least he has to be in the realm of Xuanxian to barely do it.Could it be that what he summoned was just a clone of Li Bai?

Forget it, don't think about it, let's hurry up, or let others get there first.

In this dark space, I walked forward for a while, and suddenly a torch was lit in the front passage.Then a projection map appeared on the wall.

Lin Xiu took a closer look, isn't this the sword fairy Li Bai?

I saw a sword fairy appearing on the screen, still looking like a drunk, but completely without the chicness that Lin Xiu summoned back then, looking solemnly at the sky, as if facing an enemy.

Not long after, the situation on the screen changed suddenly, and a black air enveloped the sky. After a while, a man in black appeared, holding a big black sword, and circles of black air lingered on the sword, looking very evil .

"You are finally here." Li Bai looked at the visitor and said coldly.

"How can I refuse the invitation of Li Bai, Qinglian Sword Immortal."

"Don't talk nonsense, if you lose, get the hell out of Qinglian Town."

"What a self-sacrificing person, it depends on whether you have the strength"

The two seemed to be of equal strength, and they were inextricably fighting together, but the black man seemed to have the upper hand, and the Sword Immortal seemed to be in a position to be overwhelmed.

Suddenly, the mysterious man took out a mysterious elixir from his pocket.No, that doesn't seem to be made by ordinary medicine.

Lin Xiu discovered through his pupil technique that there was something wrong with this thing, and that elixir was composed of the resentment of many dead souls.This man is also a ruthless man. If he wants to end this battle in this way, it seems that Sword Immortal will be in big trouble.

Sure enough, after taking that elixir, the black energy on the man's body became more intense, and his strength also greatly increased, showing an overwhelming advantage. It seemed that the sword fairy was about to be killed by this man.I saw the sword fairy took out the flagon pinned to his waist, took it out and took a sip.He kept muttering something in his mouth.

After a while, the sword fairy Li Bai's sword was surrounded by dots of blue light, and then the dots of blue light turned into blue lotus flowers surrounding the sword.

One, two. .In the end, it turned into a full nine flowers.

Seeing that his form was wrong, the man in black hurriedly activated his special skills, and the dead souls rushed towards Li Bai's surroundings like crazy, but this attack with all his strength did not work.

The moment these dead souls met those Qinglians again, they fled around as if they had met a god.

But just when Lin Xiu thought Li Bai was going to win, suddenly the man in black bit his tongue and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Immediately, thousands of dead souls rushed from all directions, rushing towards Li Bai.But at this time Li Bai didn't panic, he just waved his sword a few times, and the nine green lotuses merged into one, resisting in front of his chest, unexpectedly blocking the tens of thousands of dead souls.

Finally it was Jianxian's turn to attack, and he really seemed to be drunk, but he didn't seem to be drunk.

With stumbling steps, he stabbed at the opponent with his sword.But this sword, which didn't seem very powerful, pierced the man in black with a bright blue light, and pierced through it directly.

But this man in black is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Seeing that the situation is not good, he detonated himself when the sword fairy rushed over, trying to use the power of self-explosion to destroy the town.

How could the Sword Immortal not understand his intention, and he tried his best to absorb all the power of the explosion by himself.But after all, this is the self-destruction of a strong man. Although the power did not affect the common people, the sword fairy also fell on this mountain because of his exhaustion of vitality due to heavy injuries.

This sword fairy is indeed a hero, in order to protect the common people, he did not hesitate to sacrifice himself.

Seeing this, Lin Xiu couldn't help showing respect for Li Bai.

At this moment, a white light appeared in front of Lin Xiu, it was so dazzling that the person who illuminated it couldn't open their eyes.When the white light disappeared, a person appeared in front of his eyes.

This person, he is none other than the famous Qinglian Sword Immortal - Li Bai.

"Hey, didn't you die, why did you appear here, come on, it's haunted in broad daylight"

"Little brother, that's right, my body has indeed died, this is just a wisp of my remnant soul."

"What you saw just now was the battle between me and the Demon God Wanxie King. Although I eliminated him in the end, I only have a remnant soul left."

"Then dare to ask senior, what realm did you reach before your fall, and what realm did the man in black reach?"

To be able to create a space at will, at least one must be a strong person in the Mysterious Wonderland.Lin Xiu thought to himself, even if it is not as good, I believe it will not be much worse, otherwise, where would he have such strength?
(End of this chapter)

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