Chapter 1353

It's only been a few days, and this kid can reach such a level, the blow just now is absolutely impossible without the strength of the Xuanxian Realm.But this kid is obviously only in the late stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm, how could he initiate such a terrifying attack.

The commander understood that he had indeed kicked a piece of iron this time. After letting this kid grow up for a while, he would definitely be a terrifying existence.

"Great Immortal, it's the little one who has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai. Why don't you let the little one go first. If the lord needs help in the future, the little one will definitely do his best."

This great commander is also a cunning person, thinking that Lin Xiu will be careless and let him go, so that he can go to save the soldiers, and then kill him here.

But Lin Xiu is also an old Jianghu, where he would do such stupid things, so naturally he would not be soft.

He took out the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, and abruptly sealed the Great Commander into the pagoda.

"Lin Xiu, if you dare to kill me, when our eldest prince and son Zhen Yuan arrive, you will die a terrible death."

Naturally, Lin Xiu would not understand his threat. In this world where strength is the most important thing, it's either you die or I live. Being soft-hearted will only cause you more trouble.

During the few days of repairing in Qinglian Town, Lin Xiu was pleasantly surprised to find that the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda could not only collect immortal artifacts, but also seal them in the pagoda as his strength improved.And you can obtain experience pills for yourself by refining other strong people. Although the speed of refining is a bit slow, it can indeed greatly speed up Lin Xiu's cultivation speed.

Although this method is somewhat cruel, it is not an exaggeration to use it on this great commander. Whoever told him to treat Lin Xiu's daughter like that at that time, he deserved it.

Just when the father and daughter finished cleaning the battlefield, they wanted to leave Moon Dragon City.The treasure map on Lin Xiu's body suddenly reacted.

Lin Xiu took out the treasure map from the ring, opened it, and found that the imprint that had been stained with ink had reacted, and the following words appeared faintly.It turns out that the name of another treasure is called Arhat Damiishhen.

Such a domineering name, such a powerful Arhat, I'm going to see how powerful this Arhat is.

"Xiaobai, let's go, Daddy will take you on a treasure hunt."

"Open the dungeon: look for the Arhat's death, get the approval of the Arhat and practice the Arhat's death."

The system finally released a dungeon task after many days.

"System, you finally spoke. I thought you were dead."

"..." There was another silence.

The map shows that this treasure is in a forest not far from Moon Dragon small with

Lin Xiu came to this forest without too much rest.

I didn't encounter any powerful beasts along the way.Walking suddenly, an Arhat riding an elephant came to meet him, who seemed to be holding a treasure in his hand.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, this is an ordinary arhat.But Lin Xiu saw a clue, the treasure in the Arhat's hand turned out to be a seventh-order fairy weapon.

You must know that even a genius like Lin Xiu can only have a fifth-level one at most.
Immortal Artifact, this Immortal Artifact had been given to Xiang Yu before.It was the first time for Lin Xiu to see a seventh-order fairy weapon.

"Excuse me, benefactor, I just picked up a fairy artifact outside, is it your benefactor?"

Wow, isn't this a pie in broad daylight? Anyway, no one along the way took this fairy weapon and ran away, and no one would know.Just when Lin Xiu wanted to answer that it was him.The reason in his head suddenly reminded him that this might be a test.

Along the way, with Lin Xiu's strong mental power and perception ability, it shouldn't be a problem to find such an Arhat.But it was only when the Arhat appeared in front of him that Lin Xiu felt his existence.

There are only two possibilities, either this Arhat's strength is far superior to Lin Xiu's, or he has used some kind of secret method to hide his aura, no matter which one it is, it is enough to show that he is unfathomable.

And who would be so foolish as to throw away his seventh-tier fairy artifacts? You must know that only first-class powers usually own this kind of fairy artifacts.

The more Lin Xiu thought about it, the more wrong it became. Could it be that this arhat wanted to use this fairy weapon to test me? My good guy, I was almost fooled.

"Senior, this thing really doesn't belong to me. Why don't you look for it elsewhere."

Hearing what Lin Xiu said, Luo Han nodded slightly, with a slight smile in his eyes.

Sure enough, this is a test, but fortunately, I am not greedy.Even such a small expression was noticed by Lin Xiu.

After a while, Arhat and the elephant disappeared from the sight of Xiaobai and Lin Xiu.It's not far from the red light mark, so Lin Xiu didn't stop too much.

This is a large lake and where the red dot disappears.The lake water is very clear and the surrounding air is also very fresh.

Moreover, the immortal energy here seems to be several times stronger than that of the outside world, so it is really a good place for cultivation.

What is strange is that there is a temple suspended in the middle of the lake, and there are faintly visible monks meditating and chanting in it.

Could this be the place he was looking for? Just when Lin Xiu was wondering, a young monk came out of the temple.shouted at Lin Xiu and the others
"Come in, benefactor, the host has been waiting inside for a long time."

The sound of waiting for a long time made Lin Xiu and Xiaobai look confused, what?Didn't know we were coming.This is too perverted.

But without too much hesitation, he flew into the temple in the lake.

The temple looks small from the outside, but when I got inside, I found that there is something special about this temple. There are actually 18 arhats enshrined in it.Others may not recognize it, but Lin Xiu naturally does. This is the famous "18 Arhats". He never thought that he would see it with his own eyes here.The monks inside are not sitting on the ground to practice, but suspended in the air to meditate.

Lin Xiu carefully felt that all the monks here are not weak, and they all have the strength above the immortal soldier. Although they can't compare with the West Sea Dragon Palace, they are enough for them to stick to one side.

Just as Lin Xiu was lamenting the power of this temple, an acquaintance appeared in front of him.

"Isn't this the old man riding an elephant just now? Why is he here?" Xiao Bai looked at Luo Han with a puzzled expression.

"Benefactor Lin Xiu, you are finally here. I have been waiting here for a long time. This time I am here to perfect your Arhat Golden Body Art?"

This Arhat is indeed unfathomable, he can see Lin Xiu's intentions and all his methods at a glance.

"Dare to ask Master, is Master the famous Arhat riding an elephant?" Lin Xiu is also a person who has experienced big scenes, and he was not too surprised when facing this Arhat who knew his purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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