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Chapter 1354 Endless Desert

Chapter 1354 Endless Desert
"This old man is the elephant-riding arhat among the 18 arhats. I didn't expect the benefactor to know me."

The elephant-riding arhat was also very surprised that Lin Xiu knew him. After all, he practiced in this area and rarely appeared in the outside world. How could Lin Xiu know him after only seeing him once.

How could the elephant-riding arhat know that in his previous life, a man named Wu Chengen wrote a book "Journey to the West", which mentioned eighteen arhats.

"Senior is humble. Senior's prestige is far and wide. It has long been famous in this fairy world. This is junior's curiosity. How did senior know that I have learned this Arhat Golden Body Art?" Lin Xiu didn't want to get too entangled in these insignificant things. .

"Ah, this Arhat Golden Body Jue is learned from an ancient Buddhist book by the old man. Therefore, there are some special feelings for those who have learned this exercise. And the benefactor did not come here for the Arhat Golden Body Jue this time. Bar."

"After I learned this skill, I found that although it is a martial skill that increases its own attributes, various attributes can be improved after use, but it is mainly used as a defensive skill, and the offensive ability is different from other skills. In comparison, there is still a big gap.”

Later, I improved this exercise a little bit and got today's Arhat Great Destroyer Body.

Great Destroyer, just like its name, has the power to destroy heaven and earth when it is cultivated to great success. Earlier, I also tested Lin Xiu's benefactor with a seventh-rank fairy weapon.Because I think only those who have no greed in their hearts can practice this method to great success.Benefactor Lin Xiu also passed my test and got this opportunity.At such a young age, having such a state of mind is really impressive.

"Okay, I've finished what I have to say. Whether you can succeed or not depends on you, Lin Xiu, the benefactor. Many people have challenged this test before, but no one has succeeded so far. I wish you good luck, benefactor."

What, there are actually people who have learned this Arhat Golden Body Secret like me.I have come to challenge them all, but none of them succeeded. This is incredible, but in front of me, Lin Xiu, the word failure does not exist. Come on, I want to see what kind of trial has stumped so many people. people.

"The content of this trial is to cross the endless desert. If you succeed in crossing, you can obtain the cultivation method of Arhat's great body destruction. Of course, if you can't hold on, you can quit. Lin Xiu benefactor, are you ready? This old man will send you inside .”

"Well, I'm ready."

Seeing that the arhat riding the elephant was muttering something, Lin Xiu was sent into that unknown space.

"Little Bai benefactor, do you think Lin Xiu's benefactor can succeed?"

"I believe in Daddy, I will definitely succeed, Daddy is the best." Xiao Bai looked at Luo Han confidently and said.

Because she has seen too many miracles on Lin Xiu, it seems that he can save himself from danger every time, and of course this time is no exception.

In the mysterious space, except for the yellow sand, there is nothing, no life at all, only the occasional wind blowing, and a thin figure proves that this place is not illusory.

That figure was naturally Lin Xiu. Ever since he entered the desert, he felt infinite pressure. The sand seemed to absorb his own strength, and every time he took a step, his strength was weakened.

However, he didn't know that the difficulties had just begun.

The most tormenting thing in the endless desert is not the lack of strength, but the loneliness in the soul.Here, there is nothing but endless sand and wind.There is nothing more tormenting than loneliness.

But Lin Xiu is not a mortal, and years of licking blood with the tip of a knife has made his mind strong enough.But after all, he is still a mortal.

Gradually, due to the gradual disintegration of physical and mental strength, he also began to experience hallucinations.

As he was walking, he suddenly found his father appeared in front of him.Without even thinking about it, Lin Xiu rushed over.But when he really walked over, he found that it was no one at all, but a rattlesnake rushing towards him.

Although it was only a snake in the early stage of the Immortal Armament Realm, it still caused Lin Xiu a lot of trouble when Lin Xiu was in a completely relaxed state. Fortunately, Lin Xiu practiced the Arhat Golden Body Art, and his own physique has also improved. , did not really hurt Lin Xiu.

But it also gave Lin Xiu a wake-up call. There is nothing here except yellow sand and snakes. The rest are illusions. Don't believe it.Moreover, he found that the most frightening thing here was that he couldn't activate the celestial weapon. He originally wanted to use the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda to resist the invasion of the body by the mad sand, but he returned in vain.

It is not difficult to explain why so many people, but few people succeed.

But even though Lin Xiu's heart is strong, he still has his own demons after all.

When she saw her daughters Xiaobailong and Moyue being abused inhumanly, he was also on the verge of collapse.

He had no choice but to bite his arm with his teeth, and use the pain to remind himself not to be impulsive, and barely stopped himself from making the mistake of being impulsive.

Both Luo Han and Xiao Bai can see Lin Xiu's every move in the space.

Arhat was also a little moved by Lin Xiu's strong willpower, what kind of training it was to cultivate such a xinxing.

And Xiao Bai at the side also began to feel sorry for his father, because he saw blood marks appearing on Lin Xiu's arm one after another.

"Come on, Dad, it's almost over."

In the wild sand that filled the sky, only a ragged boy was slowly moving.

Lin Xiu seemed to have seen the exit, and it was only a short [-] meters away from him, but his body seemed to be unable to support him to reach the exit.But he hasn't given up easily.

50 meters, 30 meters, the bastard is only 10 meters away, suddenly Lin Xiu stepped into the air, closed his eyes, and fell down.

Arhat felt very sorry to see Lin Xiu fell down, he was just a little bit closer, so is he going to fall here too.

"No, Dad won't fail, he will stand up." Xiao Bai still couldn't believe that his father just collapsed like this.

"Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu" came the calling of a woman in the dark.

Lin Xiu opened his eyes and saw only a dark space.

"Am I dead? Who is calling me then?"

"Don't worry about who I am, wake up quickly, your daughter is still outside waiting for you to wake up quickly."

It turned out that she wasn't dead yet, but why did she remind herself, don't worry about it, let's go out first.

Just when Arhat wanted to forcibly teleport Lin Xiu out of that space, he was surprised to find that Lin Xiu's eyes opened miraculously.

Lin Xiu finally completed the trial.out of this endless desert

"Congratulations to the benefactor, it is not easy to be so patient at such a young age"

"Senior, thanks to the help of a mysterious woman, Lin Xiu was able to get out of this desert."

"Mysterious woman? This desert is a space created by me, how could anyone break into it." Luo Han also looked at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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