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Chapter 1355 Mysterious Wonderland

Chapter 1355 Mysterious Wonderland

It seemed that this Arhat didn't know the woman, which made Lin Xiu even more suspicious of the woman's identity, but he finally walked out of this endless desert, and he almost lost his life there.

"Daddy, are you okay?" Looking at Lin Xiu who was covered in injuries, Xiao Bailong felt distressed for a while.

"Silly boy, what can Daddy do? Don't worry, Daddy is Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death."

Maybe it was too much physical and mental consumption, and he fell down as soon as he finished speaking.

"You still have to pretend at this time, you really deserve to be the king of pretending." Xiao Bailong, who had a distressed face just now, also had a helpless expression when he saw Lin Xiu fall down.

"Father, dad, wake up and eat."

"Where? There is food there." Lin Xiu got up from the bed in a hurry, and saw the little white dragon with a smirk on his face.

"Is there anyone as cheating as you, still laughing."

"Father, who told you to always pretend to be aggressive, you must have failed this time."

Hearing his daughter say this about him, Lin Xiu still blushed a little embarrassed.

"Benefactor, you finally woke up. It seems that this endless trip to the desert has indeed pushed your body to its limit."

"However, as the first person to successfully challenge, he is also quite powerful. This old man will teach you the cultivation method of the Arhat's great destruction of the body."

I saw a jet of black-golden light shoot out from the center of Arhat's eyebrows, and the light jumped into the center of Lin Xiu's eyebrows again.

Immediately, pictures appeared in Lin Xiu's mind, which was the process of the arhat riding an elephant in the process of cultivating the arhat's death.

Each picture slowly appeared and disappeared in Lin Xiu's mind like a movie showing.

Half an hour later, Lin Xiu finally opened his closed eyes, and saw a strange look in his eyes, with a little bit of golden light.

"This arhat's death is really mysterious."

"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully completed the dungeon mission and practiced Arhat's Great Extermination, and you have obtained a moonlight-level treasure chest." The system's voice sounded at the same time as Lin Xiu opened his eyes.

It's really double happiness, let me see what's in this Yuehui-level treasure chest.

"Open the Moonlight-level treasure chest and get a Celestial Immortal Experience Pill"

This is the first time for Lin Xiu to experience the immortal pill.

"It happened to be in the late stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm for a while, why not take the opportunity to break through here, so as to get more protection for the blood of the Dragon King. Senior, can you protect me?"

Arhat nodded, without further ado, he guarded the law outside the room.

Lin Xiu swallowed the Celestial Immortal Experience Pill and began to make a breakthrough.

After taking this Celestial Immortal Experience Pill, there was an unprecedented force washing over Lin Xiu's meridians, starting from the head, slowly passing through the Shaoyang and Shaoyin meridians to all the limbs, and constantly washing.

Lin Xiu felt that every pore was full of power. If he hadn't cultivated before the Arhat died, such a strong force might directly explode him to death.But now he can fully bear this terrifying energy, and can even fully absorb it.

Because this Arhat's Great Destruction Body was originally an enhanced version of the Arhat's Golden Body Art, which naturally had a huge tempering effect on Lin Xiu's muscles and bones, and this Arhat's Great Destruction Body actually had the function of guiding energy, so that the energy would not be excessively concentrated In one place, causing you to explode and die.

The pinnacle of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, a half-step Profound Immortal. . .Lin Xiu's strength was constantly scouring the initial bottleneck of the Profound Immortal Realm, but Lin Xiu also felt that this energy was obviously not enough for him to break through to the Profound Immortal Realm, just when Lin Xiu wanted to give up.Suddenly another powerful energy rushed into his body.With the momentum of this energy, he broke through to the Xuanxian Realm in one fell swoop.

Lin Xiu finally opened his closed eyes, feeling his whole body full of strength.Throwing a few punches into the air, to declare his full strength.

"Benefactor Lin Xiu, congratulations on breaking through to the Mysterious Immortal Realm."

"Thanks to the power of the master, otherwise I might fail to break through with my own energy."

Lin Xiu naturally knew that the powerful power naturally came from the Arhat riding the elephant.It is also a gesture of gratitude.

"Since the benefactor has practiced this Arhat's Great Destruction Body, he can be regarded as half of the disciple of the old man. Besides, the old man has only done some things to make things better."

"Then Lin Xiu also thanked the senior here, and the junior still has important things to do, so he left first."

Now Lin Xiu has also reached the realm of Xuanxian, and the Arhat has also been practiced, and it is time to meet Zhen Yuanzi.

Along the way, Lin Xiu kept asking for information about Zhen Yuanzi.Ever since Lin Xiu attacked Yuelong City at night, the eldest prince has been staying in the West Sea Dragon Palace, as if planning something.

So Lin Xiu didn't stay too long, and took Xiao Bai straight to the West Sea Dragon Palace.

The West Sea Dragon Palace is indeed similar to what Journey to the West described, it was built in a deep palace in the West Sea.Only the Dragon King of the West Sea, his three children, and some guards live there, and ordinary people are usually inaccessible.So this Dragon Palace looks quite mysterious to outsiders.

The Soaring Dragon Continent is indeed big enough. It took Lin Xiu and Xiao Bai three full days to travel from Moon Dragon City to Dragon Palace.

This West Sea Dragon Palace is indeed magnificent, there are stones inlaid with pearls everywhere, and the pillars are also made of pure gold, which is very dazzling. The four big characters "Xihai Dragon Palace" carved in gold are very eye-catching.

Because the West Sea Dragon Palace does not allow civilians and foreigners to enter, in order not to disturb the West Sea Dragon King Ao Guang, Lin Xiu did not directly break in, but safely turned himself and Xiaobai into shrimp soldiers and crab generals, so that he was able to enter from the outside.

After entering the West Sea Dragon Palace, I found that there is also a cave inside. After entering the outer gate, there are three inner gates.

This made Lin Xiu feel worried, after all that is where the eldest prince lives.

Hey, it doesn't matter, little rooster, whoever clicks on it is whoever it is.

Finally, they chose the middle one, and Lin Xiu and Xiao Bai walked inside.

Unexpectedly, it was pitch black inside without even a torch, which made Lin Xiu very suspicious. It was really a good job of saving face, and there wasn't even any lighting inside.

After walking for dozens of steps, I saw a light coming from a hole in front of me.

And there were voices of quarreling and cursing coming from there. Lin Xiu and Xiao Bailong moved forward cautiously.Slowly, Lin Xiu saw three figures.

"Daddy, this is the eldest prince, who wants to take the Nilin on my head." Xiao Bai lowered his voice and said angrily, pointing at the golden-horned boy.

There were two people left, one of them was dressed as a Taoist priest and held a whisk in his hand.It should be Zhen Yuanzi without a doubt.

But the remaining one, with silver horns on his head, seemed to be killed by the eldest prince and Zhen Yuanzi.

(End of this chapter)

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