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Chapter 1357 Chapter 1365 Fierce battle with golden immortals

Chapter 1357 Chapter 1365 Fierce battle with golden immortals

Zhen Yuanzi waved his whisk forward in his hand.I saw many black sticky things rushing towards Lin Xiu, as if there were screams from the black mass.

"Give my life back, pay my life back."

Lin Xiu seemed to understand that this mass of black matter was condensed by Zhen Yuanzi using the resentment of the dead.It looks very evil.

Although Lin Xiu's speed is not bad, but the speed of this black mass is too evil.It still touched Lin Xiu's arm.

Suddenly, Lin Xiu felt a sharp pain in his head, which seemed to tear his soul out.

Hurriedly urging his own Arhat to destroy himself, he finally expelled the evil spirit.

What an evil thing, it can actually tear my soul power apart.If it was hit head-on, it is estimated that the soul would be forcibly pulled out of the body directly.Is the blow of the strong man at the top of Jinxian so terrifying?

Seeing Lin Xiu hiding, Zhen Yuanzi was also a little surprised. This phantom soul curse he practiced with the resentment of the dead had directly beheaded quite a few powerhouses below the Mysterious Immortal Realm.This kid is only at the early stage of the Profound Immortal Realm, how could he have such a terrifying speed.

But the next time it won't be so easy, Zhen Yuanzi launched his offensive again.This time, the number of the Phantom Soul Curse has reached 20, it seems that they want to kill Lin Xiu directly here.

After Lin Xiu suffered a loss, he did not dare to be careless.I saw him take out the Qinglian sword.I closed my eyes.While muttering something in his mouth, suddenly the sword was suspended in the air, and a little bit of blue light spread from around the sword body.

Then that bit of blue light actually condensed into blue lotus flowers, protecting Lin Xiu's surroundings.This is naturally the Qinglian Sword Art, but when Lin Xiu broke through, he also suddenly realized the true meaning of the Qinglian Sword Art.Although it is not enough for his Qinglian Sword Art to reach the level of transformation, it is still enough for him to use the true power of this Qinglian Sword.

In the sky, the black air coming at high speed collided with the blue lotus, and it was disintegrated directly, and the resentment of those dead souls seemed to have completely disappeared.Those powerful resentments were actually purified, and the purified energy seemed to be able to be used by Qinglian.

This can't help but make Lin Xiu feel an unexpected delight. Before, he only knew that the Qinglian Sword Art had a strong defensive ability, but he didn't know that it had the function of purifying evil energy for himself.

But if you think about it carefully, this is also quite in line with the characteristics of the lotus. The lotus was originally born in the mud without being polluted, so naturally it will not be afraid of evil spirits, and it can be used for itself.

"I can't see that you, a little Mysterious Immortal Realm, can actually break my phantom soul curse. It's a bit of a skill, but since I have received money from the eldest prince, I will naturally eliminate the disaster for him."

It seemed that Zhen Yuanzi was about to come to the real thing, only to see that thick black air began to emerge from his whisk, and slowly the black air turned into three human heads, and the heads looked very ferocious and terrifying.

Zhen Yuanzi used some evil means, how many people died tragically at his hands, he was really a ruthless character, he must not be allowed to go back alive, otherwise the Golden Horn King and Silver Horn King would be in danger.Seeing this, Lin Xiu couldn't help but feel more murderous towards Zhen Yuanzi.

At this moment, the three heads suddenly stretched towards Lin Xiu and were about to bite. Fortunately, Lin Xiu reacted quickly enough to dodge the blow.However, he found that this blow did not seem to be that simple.

Realizing this, Lin Xiu retreated sharply, and almost touched himself when he saw a cloud of black air.Sure enough, Zhen Yuanzi was really cunning and cunning.Using these three heads as something to attract Lin Xiu's attention, but the real means of attack is hidden behind Lin Xiu. This hand attack is really hard to guard against.Fortunately, Lin Xiu is also a person who has experienced many battles and has a strong sense of crisis.

Only then did the blow escape.

"Good boy, you're still a little bit capable, but you'll just have to wait for the next one to feel better." Zhen Yuanzi sneered.

He put away the fly whisk in his hand, and three coffins appeared beside him out of thin air. The lid of the coffins was slowly opened, and three people walked out slowly.

Although Lin Xiu couldn't feel the slightest anger from these three people, there was still a faint sense of danger surrounding him.

"My Deadpool was made from three strong men at the top of the golden fairy. I originally wanted to use it as a bargaining chip for exchanging fairy artifacts, but now that this is the case, I will kill you kid first, and then kill you and your daughter." As my refining material, it's not bad hahaha." Zhen Yuanzi's smile made people feel panicked.

"Come on, kill this kid for me."

Facing Zhen Yuanzi, a strong Jinxian, was alright, but three more appeared at the same time, which made Lin Xiu feel great pressure.

The three deadpools surrounded Lin Xiu and Xiaobailong in a triangle shape, as if they were using some kind of formation.I saw purple-black smoke rising slowly from the feet of Lin Xiu and Xiao Bailong, slowly forming a hemispherical cage.And keep shrinking and shrinking.

Lin Xiu also hurriedly used his Arhat Extermination Body to try to break the shrinking cage.But Lin Xiu found that as long as he broke a piece of it, it would immediately repair itself.And the most frightening thing is that this cage is actually made up of countless human heads, which looks very infiltrating.

"Take your life, take your life." Countless innocent souls wailed and cried.

Lin Xiu also urged his own Qinglian swordsmanship, but this time it no longer had such a devastating effect, instead the Qinglian directly shattered.Even Lin Xiu's Arhat Extermination body began to show a little crack, and he was about to be unable to hold on.

This time, Lin Xiu really felt the approach of death.

Really, are you going to die?Lin Xiuxiu slowly closed his eyes.

At this moment, the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, which had been silent for a long time, was full of golden light, and a figure rushed out with golden lights.Just an unpretentious punch, the purple cage was blown open.

"Master, I'm not too late." The one who spoke was the three-legged Golden Crow who had been retreating in the pagoda. After several months of retreat, it finally recovered its full strength.

"If you don't come again, I'm really going to die here.",

"I can't help it, young master. I won't be able to recover to full strength if I leave the customs early." The three-legged Jinwu also scratched his head embarrassedly and said.

"Okay, young master, let me help you deal with these three bastards."

It is true that the three-legged Golden Crow did not lie. From it, Lin Xiu did feel the aura of a strong person in the Golden Wonderland, even stronger than Zhen Yuanzi before.

(End of this chapter)

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