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Chapter 1358 True Strength

Chapter 1358 True Strength

"The three of you go up together, so I won't say I bullied you." The three-legged Jinwu was full of confidence, as if the battle was over the moment he came out.

But the fact seems to be the case, the three dead waiters rushed towards him with black air all over their bodies, trying to bite his neck.

I saw the three-legged Golden Crow, whose body suddenly became several times larger, and grabbed the three dead waiters with one hand,

With a light pinch, the bodies of the three dead waiters burst apart in an instant.Only a little bit of black air was left to prove that they did exist.

With just one move, the three powerhouses in the Golden Immortal Realm were wiped out. What a terrifying strength this is, and the three-legged Golden Crow really didn't brag.

Zhen Yuanzi who was on the side was also very furious when he saw that the dead waiter he had refined was directly crushed and exploded.

"Squeeze the dead waiter I worked so hard to make, then take your life in exchange!"

Once, the sky became very dark, and it seemed that thousands of grievances gathered in that sky.The thick black air made people feel a little suffocated.I saw the black air continuously condensing and condensing.

In the end, it condensed into a big black skull in the sky, with a very hideous appearance.

The strangest thing is that the face of this skeleton is exactly the same as that of Zhen Yuanzi.Could it be that Zhen Yuanzi didn't even let himself go, and trained himself into a puppet.

Sure enough, just as Lin Xiu guessed, when all the black air in the sky condensed into the skull, the skull also combined with Zhen Yuanzi's body.At this time, Zhen Yuanzi looked very disgusting, his ugly and evil face made people panic.

"Forcing me to use this trick, you are proud enough."

The destruction of the dead waiter that he worked so hard to cultivate completely angered Zhen Yuanzi, and also forced him to use his natal method.In the past, with this skill, he defeated countless strong men.Therefore, in his opinion, as long as he summoned his natal Dharma Body, no one in the Golden Immortal Realm could fight him.

However, this time he was wrong.

I saw that the three-legged Golden Crow's body was also full of golden light, and finally he really turned into a big golden bird. Indeed, just like his name, it is different from other birds, with three legs in full.The flickering golden light around him also added a bit of nobility to him.

This reminded Lin Xiu of his previous life. His favorite Journey to the West had a record of the three-legged Golden Crow.

Legend has it that the three-legged Golden Crow is a divine bird under the seat of the Queen Mother of the West, and it looks for food for the Queen Mother of the West every day.Therefore, he can be regarded as a descendant of the Protoss, bathed in spiritual energy every day, which also gave him extraordinary strength.

But the heavenly palace doesn't wait, and he has to go to this world to suffer, which makes Lin Xiu very incomprehensible, but at this critical time, Lin Xiu is also not in the mood to estimate these unimportant problems.The most important thing right now is how to defeat Zhen Yuanzi, and get back the souls of King Golden Horn and King Silver Horn from him.

After Zhen Yuanzi summoned the natal method, his strength also multiplied.With a wave of the whisk, a black beam of light tens of meters high and filled with terrifying energy flew straight towards the three-legged Golden Crow.

But the three-legged Golden Crow didn't show any panic at all, it just let out a long cry forward, and a red sound wave collided with the black beam of light.In an instant, the surrounding air was torn apart, and there was a sound of explosion.

The violent wind after the explosion affected everyone present, and the rest of the people also urged their own strength to block the aftermath.

As expected of a strong man in the Golden Wonderland, just a gesture of his hand caused the mountains and rivers to shake.

In the end, the red sound wave was slightly better, but it was almost consumed, and it was also blocked by Zhen Yuanzi.

Afterwards, the two fought inextricably, and they couldn't do anything to each other.

Although the strong in the Golden Immortal Realm want to kill each other, at least three people are needed.But that was for ordinary Golden Immortal Realm powerhouses, and the two of them had the blood of the gods and were bathed in fairy energy every day.Although the other person's blood is not particularly outstanding, but using some cruel and shameful methods, his strength is far beyond the average Golden Immortal Realm powerhouse.

So once they get serious, it's not impossible to kill each other.

"Hurry up, Zhen Yuanzi, I feel that the father is about to leave the seclusion soon. If he finds out that I am here, there must be no good fruit to eat." Sensing that there is not much time left, the eldest prince Hastily shouted at Zhen Yuanzi.

The reason why Zhen Yuanzi was willing to help the eldest prince was entirely because Ao Moang provided him with a large number of materials for refining Deadpool, so-called living people, after he promised to do so.

This is a huge temptation for Zhen Yuanzi.

He was able to reach such a high level of strength, and it was entirely because of this dark and bloodthirsty cup practice that his strength improved so quickly.But this cultivation method also brought him incurable sequelae.

He must drink fresh human blood every day, and the requirements for this human blood are not low.

It must be the blood of the strong men above the level of immortal soldiers. Although there are many strong men in the Wuzhuang temple he opened before, they have not yet reached the realm of immortal soldiers.So when he heard that the eldest prince could bring him a steady stream of sacrifices, he cooperated with the eldest prince without hesitation.

"Well, since the eldest prince has said so, then I will use my trump card."

I saw him spit out a mouthful of black blood essence on the black skull, and immediately one skull turned into three whole ones, which began to grow suddenly, and finally turned into a hundred-foot-high skull, which looked very appalling.

Seeing that Zhen Yuanzi was about to go all out, the three-legged Golden Crow did not show any weakness. It blew three times towards the sky, and its whole body began to grow larger. A round of divine sun appeared above its head, and the dazzling light also appeared. The thorny bystanders couldn't open their eyes.

"Day-killing black light palm."

The hundred-foot-big skeleton formed a huge palm filled with black light in the sky, and flew towards the three-legged Golden Crow. The Golden Crow was about to be hit by the huge black palm.

The three-legged Golden Crow looked very calmly at the black light coming from the pavement, and only retreated slightly. The scorching sun also began to shrink, and finally condensed into a light bead only tens of centimeters, which was swallowed by the Golden Crow. Suddenly, the Golden Crow Spit forward, a huge beam of light rushed out from its mouth, instantly the surrounding space was torn apart, and collided with the black palm.

Then time seemed to freeze, only the black light and golden light were colliding non-stop.

However, it seemed that the black light had the upper hand, pushing towards the Golden Crow little by little, but a sudden force from nowhere, the golden light flourished, and instantly destroyed the black light completely, and then passed through Zhen Yuanzi's body along a straight line.

(End of this chapter)

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