Chapter 1359 Conditions
As Zhen Yuanzi spat out a mouthful of blood, the battle seemed to have come to an end.

"Impossible, I can't lose." Zhen Yuanzi was still immersed in his failure with a dazed face, unable to extricate himself for a long time.

Even Lin Xiu couldn't understand why the black light, which was clearly dominant, was suddenly wiped out by the three-legged Golden Crow's scorching sun beam.

"The young master can't figure out why I can win. It's actually very simple. My scorching sun beam is the weakest at the beginning. After it is produced, the matter between the beams will interact to make it stronger."

"So as long as it is not an opponent whose strength is far superior to mine, I will use his characteristics to consume him alive."

This three-legged Jinwu is also a courageous person. In the previous battle, he found that the gap between himself and Zhen Yuanzi was actually [-]-[-], so he was confident in defeating him with this move.

"Master, what do you think we should do with this person." The three-legged Jinwu pointed at Zhen Yuanzi who was still lying on the ground.

"Since he likes to take other people's cups so much, this time we will treat him with his own way. Doesn't our Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda also have the effect of refining? I will throw him in and let him try it too." This is the taste of being refined." Lin Xiu looked at Zhen Yuanzi on the ground with a smirk.

"Daxian, let's talk it out if we have something to say, don't throw me in that tower, whatever."

Zhen Yuanzi was really panicked. Now he was seriously injured and basically lost the ability to fight. It was basically impossible to fight back, but as long as he didn't enter the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, he still had a chance to make a comeback.

So he chose to surrender temporarily, and after he saw his Wuzhuang Temple again, and retreated for a while, it would be too late to find revenge on this kid and this bird.

"When I finish cleaning up this Ao Moang, take us back to your Five Villas Temple to retrieve the soul of the King of Gold and Silver Horns!"

Lin Xiu naturally knew what Zhen Yuanzi was thinking, but now that Lin Xiu had the three-legged Golden Crow by his side, he was not afraid of what he would do.Next, I will discuss with my daughter.

Seeing Zhen Yuanzi's defeat, Ao Moang at the side knew that something was wrong, and hurriedly wanted to slip away, but he couldn't escape Lin Xiu's eyes.

Just as he was about to run away, a sword flew over and stuck one centimeter in front of his feet.

"Hey. Didn't you say you wanted to kill me just now? How did you run so fast, huh?"

Lin Xiu looked at Ao Moang with a playful look in his eyes.Pretending to be aggressive and wanting to run away doesn’t exist.

"Back then you hurt a single hair of my daughter, but today I will take your life!"

"No!" Ao Moang closed his eyes in despair, preparing to meet his own death.

"This little friend, can you give the old man a face and save the dog's life?"

I saw a pair of huge dragon claws stretched out from the sky, grabbing Ao Moang in these dragon claws.

Gradually the sky became clear again, and a white-haired old man was seen returning to the land holding Ao Moang with a frightened face.

The person who came was naturally the Palace Master of the Dragon Palace, Ao Guang, who had just left the customs. It seemed that he had indeed broken through to the stage of Da Luo Jinxian.

Daluo Jinxian, Lin Xiu has only seen this one in this fairy world, this is a very terrifying existence, if the difference between Heaven and Golden Fairyland is the difference between heaven and earth, then the difference between Daluo Jinxian and Jinxian is the difference between the earth and the Milky Way difference.

Lin Xiu felt that if he wanted to get the Dragon Emperor's blood, he had to rely on his outsmart efforts.

"I said Senior Ao Guang, your son hurt my daughter in order to seize power, how should this matter be resolved? It can't be done like this."

"My son did something wrong. I'll teach you a lesson. As for the three princesses, they are also my flesh and blood. Naturally, I don't want to see them kill each other. Well, I can promise you a request, as long as it is within my ability Within a short time, the old man can agree to you."

"However, the old man also has one condition"

"What conditions." Lin Xiu himself is a small fairyland, and there will be something worthy of Ao Guang's nostalgia.

"Keep Bai'er, Bai'er still has my blood on her body, but she has temporarily lost her memory, but the reverse scale on her body is indeed a very rare thing in our dragon clan. I hope that little friend can keep him and treat her well." I will also hand over to him the position of Lord Dragon Palace who restores his memory."

"Then I want a few drops of blood on your body, it's not too much."

Ao Guang was also taken aback at first, casually giving out such things as essence and blood would hurt his own lifespan, and under normal circumstances, he would not give it to others casually.But now Xiao Bailong's memory has not recovered, it is naturally impossible to force him to stay, and he can only ask Lin Xiu to persuade him.Considering the future of Longteng Continent, Ao Guang finally gave in.

"However, little friend has to persuade this little white dragon to stay in this Dragon Palace."

Thinking of separating from Xiao Bailong, Lin Xiu suddenly hesitated, although Xiao Bailong always liked to slap himself and slap him in the face.But during this period of time, Xiao Bailong really brought him a feeling of being a father, and also brought him a lot of happiness, which cannot be replaced by others. If he left suddenly, he might not be used to it.

"The third princess will grow better with me, and she will definitely do more in the future. Staying will only make her grow faster." Ao Guang also saw Lin Xiu's hesitation.

When Lin Xiu was in a dilemma, Xiao Bailong, who had been silent for a long time, spoke up.

"Daddy, you don't have to be in trouble, you need to get this blood to achieve the peerless immortal body. But after I got here, I seemed to remember something. I want to find my lost memory here, and I can't help even if I'm by Daddy's side." If you are busy, this old grandfather here will help me improve my strength, maybe I will be able to help my father when I see you next time."

Xiaobailong's sudden maturity made Lin Xiu very uncomfortable, but it's time to let her go, maybe next time she comes back, she will become the overlord of this side, and I will be very happy as a father, right? .

"Okay then, but you have to promise me that you won't let that bastard Ao Moang hurt my daughter, or I will take her away at any time."

"Little friend Lin Xiu, don't worry, I will discipline the dog. This Xiaobai is also my daughter, so I won't just sit back and do nothing when I see their brothers and sisters fighting. I will abolish this unfilial son's skills immediately when I go back."

Hearing what Ao Guang said, Lin Xiu felt a little relieved.This road still has to be left to Xiaobai to choose by himself. Since she chooses to stay, let her stay.

"Okay, I promise you"

"The old man is here to thank little friend Lin Xiu on behalf of the Dragon Clan. Sure enough, little friend is a person who understands the overall situation."

(End of this chapter)

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