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Chapter 1360 Zhen Yuanzi's True Face

Chapter 1360 Zhen Yuanzi's True Face

Although he verbally agreed to the Dragon King, Lin Xiu still felt very reluctant in his heart. Can he get used to the fact that his daughter who has been with him for so long is about to leave him.

Don't look at Lin Xiu who is usually a little unscrupulous, but he is still a person who values ​​emotions.

"Since I agreed to your request, the blood essence should be given to me too." In order not to let myself hesitate, I also wanted to take the blood essence of the Dragon Emperor and wanted to leave.

"Is this old man the kind of person who doesn't count his words? Little friend Lin Xiu and this old man come here."

Lin Xiu and Ao Guang came to a mysterious room, which seems to be a secret room in the Dragon Palace, and the sound insulation effect is excellent, it seems that no outside sound can be heard here.

Lin Xiu didn't expect to get the blood essence of the Dragon Emperor so easily this time.

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the blood of the Dragon Emperor, and at the same time obtained a special ability to summon the dragon once."

Shenlong? With this, I can summon a more powerful Shenlong than Ao Guang. This is really good, and I have another hole card.

After getting the blood essence, Lin Xiu didn't plan to stay too long, because he knew that if he stayed a little longer, he would feel more reluctant.

So on the second day after obtaining the blood essence, Lin Xiu decided to leave the Dragon Palace to retrieve King Jinyinjiao's soul.

When leaving, Lin Xiu and his daughter said goodbye naturally.

"Xiaobai, Daddy is gone, you have to take good care of yourself here, don't be self-willed, practice hard, Daddy will come to see you after saving Shuang'er." Naturally, Lin Xiu also had too much reluctance in his heart.

Perhaps because he didn't want Lin Xiu to see his sadness, Xiao Bailong didn't say much, just nodded silently from the side.

"Don't worry, little friend Lin Xiu, Bai'er won't suffer with this old man, and this old man will treat her like his own daughter, so don't worry, this Dragon Palace welcomes you back anytime."

Lin Xiu didn't stay too long either, he turned around and left with Zhen Yuanzi and the three-legged Jinwu.

Seeing Lin Xiu disappearing from his field of vision, Xiao Bailong couldn't hold back the tears any longer, and cried uncontrollably.

"Don't worry, Dad, when you come back next time, I will be able to take care of myself."

The road to becoming a strong man is doomed to be lonely.

On the other side, Lin Xiu and his party came to Wuzhuang Temple.

This Wuzhuang Temple was built on a cliff, and I have to say that this place is indeed a bit smart.The place is surrounded by clouds and mist, and it can be seen that the energy is very strong, and because of the terrain, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is indeed a good place for cultivation.

"The real person is back!"

It can be seen that Zhen Yuanzi's status in Wuzhuang Temple is indeed not low. As soon as Zhen Yuanzi came back, those disciples who were practicing martial arts stopped their practice.But anyone with a discerning eye could see that Zhen Yuanzi seemed a little unhappy.

But what caught Lin Xiu's attention the most was the ginseng fruit tree.That tree is a full [-] meters high, which can be described as towering into the sky.Lin Xiu sensed the huge energy contained in this fruit, but what surprised him was that, as Po Meng said, there was always an indescribable strange feeling.

Just at this time, a ginseng fruit fell from the tree and landed at Lin Xiu's feet.

Lin Xiu picked up the ginseng fruit, picked it up and inspected it carefully, and found the clues in it.

Relying on his strong spiritual perception, Lin Xiu discovered that the ginseng fruit contained the black energy that Zhen Yuanzi used in the battle that day.

In other words, once someone uses this ginseng fruit, his soul power will be directly absorbed by Zhen Yuanzi.And the most disgusting thing is that Zhen Yuanzi reduced the amount of black energy in order not to let others discover his secret.But even so, if you keep this cloud of black energy in your body for a long time, you will eventually become a puppet of Zhen Yuanzi.

This Zhen Yuanzi really wanted to improve his own strength, he really did all kinds of evil, secretly refining puppets on his disciples under the guise of improving his disciples' strength.

In order to prevent more people from being poisoned by this old fox, Lin Xiu planned to expose Zhen Yuanzi's despicable methods face to face.

I saw that Lin Xiu split the ginseng fruit first, then took out his Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, and started to move it, and then a cloud of black air separated from the split ginseng fruit.

Seeing Lin Xiu's behavior, the disciples on the side were very puzzled, but they vaguely felt the threat of this cloud of black mist to them.

"See, everyone, this is your so-called real person. He secretly added the black gas he used to make puppets into this ginseng fruit under the guise of improving your strength for your own good. At first, you may feel that after eating it No, but over time your souls will be controlled by him, and you will eventually become his deadpool."

"I didn't expect that Zhen Yuanzi turned out to be a beast in clothes."

"Yes, yes, I thought he was a good teacher, and he gave us ginseng fruit, a treasure of heaven and earth. It turned out that he had ulterior motives.",

. . .

After this exposure, no one should believe Zhen Yuanzi anymore.

Hearing that his plot had been exposed, Zhen Yuanzi also blushed and turned green for a while.But there was nothing he could do, because he was no match for the three-legged Golden Crow.

"Lin Xiu, wait for me. When I'm in seclusion for a few months, I'll take you to make me a worm cup and make your life worse than death." Zhen Yuanzi cursed fiercely in his heart.

Lin Xiu and Jin Wu walked behind Zhen Yuanzi to prevent him from attacking from behind.

Zhen Yuanzi stopped suddenly while walking, he leaned over, pressed a certain mechanism, and saw a hidden underground cave suddenly appeared underground.

Going down the stairs to the dark room, Lin Xiu felt a little uncomfortable with the gloomy atmosphere inside.

This Zhen Yuanzi is really not a good thing. There are many shelves in this underground cave, and there are all kinds of bottles and cans on the shelves, and all kinds of labels are attached to the bottles and cans. The most terrifying Yes, the labels actually had individual names on them.

Finally, Zhen Yuanzi stopped on the last row of shelves, took two bottles from the shelves, and handed them to Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu also took the bottles, and the words "Golden Horn King, Silver Horn King" were impressively pasted on the two bottles.

While Lin Xiuxiu was checking, Zhen Yuanzi sneakily picked up another huge bottle and opened the lid.

"Not good master, stop him quickly, this kid seems to have released something very dangerous." The three-legged Golden Crow at the side also realized what dangerous thing Zhen Yuanzi was going to do, and hurriedly shouted to Lin Xiu.

But it seemed a bit late, the tiger with black air all over its head and purple-black eyes had already jumped out of the bottle.

(End of this chapter)

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