Chapter 1361
"Haha, I raised this white tiger with the souls of hundreds of powerhouses in the Celestial Wonderland. Its strength is comparable to that of the peak of the Golden Immortal. You just wait to be torn into pieces by it and eaten as food today."

Zhen Yuanzi is really a difficult character to deal with. He has already reached this point, but he still has tricks left. No wonder he still doesn't look flustered at all along the way.

"It's too early to say this now, don't forget, I have a powerhouse like the three-legged Golden Crow beside me."

But as soon as Lin Xiu finished speaking, he found the three-legged Golden Crow lying beside him in pain.

"What's the matter, didn't you just see that you were alright?"

Lin Xiu activated his pupil technique, carefully inspected the three-legged Golden Crow's body, and finally found something strange somewhere.

Too bad, I still fell for his way, the black light beam in the battle just now was also mixed with the soul-devouring power of Zhen Yuanzi, it seems that the three-legged Golden Crow can't help him for the time being.

"Lin Xiu, you're still a bunch of little kids after all, you're still a little too young to fight with me, haha." Zhen Yuanzi's face revealed the appearance of a villain.

"Golden Crow, go back to the pagoda for repairs first, the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda should be able to help you expel the soul-devouring power in your body.

"However, master, this is the white tiger at the peak of the real fairy, can you handle it?"

"It's okay, trust me, I still have a hole card that doesn't work."

Seeing that Lin Xiu didn't look flustered at all, the three-legged Golden Crow returned to the pagoda in peace.

"Hey, if you give up resisting, then just accept death obediently, haha. Fuck me."

The white tiger rushed towards Lin Xiu fiercely, and its sharp tiger claws were about to grab Lin Xiu's chest, but Lin Xiu's body turned slightly to avoid the attack.

The white tiger missed a single blow, and continued to press forward step by step. Lin Xiu had to retreat steadily, but running away was not the solution after all. Suddenly, the white tiger caught Lin Xiu's mistake and threw Lin Xiu to the ground in an instant. He grabbed Lin Xiu's neck.

You must know that the top of the Xuanxian is the real fairyland, and the higher the strength, the greater the difference between the great realms.Therefore, the gap between Xuan Xian and Zhen Xian is not 01:30, and it is reasonable for Lin Xiu to be caught up.

Immediately, the blood flow continued, and Lin Xiu hurriedly urged his own Arhat to destroy his body, repairing his injuries.

Is it really necessary to use that trick? Forget it, I can only try it at this time.

He took out the jug on his waist, opened the lid, and began to drink.

"It's this time, and I still have the mind to drink, I'm afraid I've been fooled, haha." Zhen Yuanzi who was on the side saw Lin Xiu's action, and smiled secretly.

Doesn't this kid know that in a duel between masters, a second of negligence can kill his life.

Naturally, the white tiger would not give Lin Xiu a chance to catch his breath, and made another tiger claw towards Lin Xiu, but it was obviously going to hit Lin Xiu's blow.But he was dodged by his ghostly movement.

After drinking, Lin Xiu seemed to be a different person. While dodging the white tiger's attack at a leisurely pace, he was still chanting silently.

"Five-flowered horse, a thousand gold furs, Hu'er will exchange for fine wine, and sell the eternal sorrow with you!"

"After fighting for so long, it's time to replace me!"

Come the sword!I saw the Qinglian sword flying from a distance, it seemed to be different from that day.At this time, Lin Xiu seems to be a real human and sword unite, people follow the sword, and the sword dances with others.It seems that this is not a fierce battle, but a performance by Lin Xiu.

Slowly, Lin Xiu began to gain the upper hand. At this moment, a violent sword intent shot up into the sky, gushing out from around Lin Xiu. The next moment, a blue storm swept the white tiger's body. With just one move, that The white tiger from the real fairyland fell in front of the young man.

Sure enough, what the sword fairy said was really not a joke, the wine really had a special chemical reaction with this Qinglian swordsmanship.Lin Xiu found out that after drinking, he seemed to be enlightened suddenly, and immediately realized the true power of Qinglian swordsmanship.

Not blindly attacking, but attacking with defense, looking for the opponent's flaws in defense, and killing them with one blow.I really picked up a baby.

"How is it possible, this kid is too perverted, and my white tiger is gone with just one blow." Zhen Yuanzi, who was still complacent just now, also began to panic at this moment.

"It's your turn next, old bastard."


The white sword light instantly split Zhen Yuanzi in half, leaving only a cloud of black mist.According to common sense, it would not be so easy to kill a strong person at the peak of the Golden Immortal, especially for someone like Lin Xiu who only had the Profound Immortal Realm.However, in the last battle, the three-legged Golden Crow severely injured him, and he was furiously angered by Lin Xiu just now, so his strength was naturally greatly reduced, and it was reasonable to be killed.

King Jinyinjiao's soul is finally obtained, and he can also go to the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox.

The trip to the Dragon Palace should come to an end.

Lin Xiu didn't stop too much, and he rushed day and night, and finally arrived at Yalong Cave three days later.

Inside the Dragon Cave.

"Ma'am, look what I brought back for you."

As he spoke, Lin Xiu took out the bottle from Zhen Yuanzi.

"This bottle contains the souls of your two sons. After you open it, you should be able to resurrect the two of you."

The nine-tailed demon fox, who was eager to save his son, quickly took it, walked to the two coffins, and opened the bottle cap.

After a while, King Golden Horn and King Silver Horn slowly opened their eyes at the same time, and they finally came back to life.

Just when the nine-tailed demon fox wanted to hug his two sons excitedly, Lin Xiu noticed something strange.The eyes of the King with Golden Horn and Silver Horn actually had the same black light as that of the white tiger.

"Ma'am, be careful, there are scams."

In the next second, King Jinyinjiao rushed towards the nine-tailed demon fox. Fortunately, Lin Xiu's call was just in time, and the nine-tailed demon fox also dodged in time.

"Jin Jiao, Yin Jiao, I'm your mother, why don't you know me?" Looking at his son with murderous eyes, the nine-tailed demon fox was also very sad.

"Ma'am, don't worry, they are only temporarily controlled by Zhen Yuanzi's soul-devouring power, and I will help them expel the evil energy from their bodies later."

Lin Xiu urged his Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, and saw a little bit of golden light emitting from the pagoda, flying towards King Jinyinjiao's head.

As soon as the black substance touched the golden light, it was like touching its own nemesis, and disappeared in an instant. As the black light gradually disappeared from King Jinyinjiao's eyes, they also returned to normal.

This Zhen Yuanzi is really a worrying thing, and he has tampered with his soul. Fortunately, Lin Xiu's strength is far superior to that of King Jinyinjiao, otherwise he will be in great trouble.

"Mother!" King Jinyinjiao, who had returned to normal, embraced happily with the nine-tailed demon fox.

(End of this chapter)

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