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Chapter 1363 Treasure Hunting Road

Chapter 1363 Treasure Hunting Road
These two guards only had the strength of Immortal Armament Realm, so naturally they couldn't detect Lin Xiu's strength.They also didn't believe that the young man in front of them would have the strength of the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

"Sorry, two, I have already met the conditions to enter."

"Haha, I laughed so hard, you heard that there is no brother, this kid said he has the strength of the mysterious fairyland."

"What are you laughing at? I didn't lie to you. I really have the strength of the Mysterious Immortal Realm. If you don't believe me, you can test it."

"Little brother, stop talking big here, go back and find your mother, haha."

Looking at the two guards, Lin Xiu was also speechless. If she hadn't had some friendship with the nine-tailed fox, she would have slapped the two blind people in front of her to death.


"Hey, why are you hitting me?" One of the guards suddenly stopped laughing and asked the other angrily.

"You must be sick. I didn't hit you. I stood here without moving." Another guard said indignantly when he was wronged.

"Hey, there are people who can come to me except you. See if I don't teach you a lesson."

Immediately the two guards scuffled together.


Lin Xiu's laughter came from a distance, which was naturally a small prank by Lin Xiu, and it happened to teach them a lesson for those two people who look down on people.

"It turned out that you kid did it, see if I don't deal with you."

As he said that, he immediately rushed towards Lin Xiu, but found that he missed it and gnawed his mouth full of mud.

Then it turned into a farce, a boy in his teens ran in front, and the people behind gnawed a mouthful of mud.

In the end, the two guards also had no strength, so they had no choice but to admit defeat willingly.

"If you still don't believe me, you have to come and try."

The guards on the side were also suffering and couldn't tell, he couldn't even catch a teenage child.

"Since you said that you have this history, we have a trial stone here. You put your hand on it. If your strength exceeds the Xuanxian Realm, this stone will glow, otherwise nothing will happen."

"Test it, I'm not afraid."

When Lin Xiu put his hand on the trial stone, the trial stone really shone brightly.

The guards on the side were also stunned. They never imagined that the teenager in front of them had such terrifying strength.

"It's really because we don't know Taishan with our eyes. It really is a hero born a boy, but it's very dangerous inside. So far, no one has been able to get out of it alive. You can think about it."

"I, Lin Xiu, really don't know how to write fear words."

Hearing Lin Xiu's words, the guard couldn't help but look at the boy with admiration. At least he didn't choose to cower in the face of difficulties, so he was considered a man.

In the end, Lin Xiu also signed the life and death certificate. The general content is that once Lin Xiu enters the ruins, his life and death have nothing to do with the Fox Clan, and the Fox Clan will not bear any responsibility.

"Little brother, I wish you success."

Lin Xiu didn't stay too long, turned around and stepped into the ruins.

Among the ruins, there is no barrenness as Lin Xiu imagined. Instead, it is thriving, and there are birds and flowers everywhere.

And the more peaceful and peaceful this environment is, the more it does not reassure Lin Xiu. Behind the calm is often the coming of a storm.

Sure enough, after walking for a while, the sky changed suddenly, with dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and then a big hole appeared in the sky.

A steady stream of black air came out from the hole again, and after a while, many foxes emitting black air rushed out of the hole.They are a massacre towards the creatures on the ground, and it can be said that no grass grows wherever they go.The entire land was devastated, and the commotion was a turmoil.

But Lin Xiu found strangely that these black foxes seemed to be unable to see him at all, and even passed through his body directly.

Could it be that everything I saw was just an illusion, but why everything here looks so real and shocking.

Just when Lin Xiu wondered whether what he saw was an illusion, the picture in front of him changed again.

A white fox demon appeared in the picture, as if the savior had descended to earth, as if he had saved the entire common people with his own power.And the most surprising thing is that the average fox demon has at most nine tails, but this fox demon has 10 tails.

Lin Xiu finally recognized it. Isn't this the real body of the fox demon statue outside? It is really powerful. Everything he saw may be the restoration of the scene at that time.

I thought the illusion would end here, but the picture didn’t stop. After the ten-tailed fox demons appeared, the world returned to peace. And this time the invasion was even more violent than the last one.

Although under the leadership of this strong man, the fox demon clan finally drove out the evil clan from outside the territory, but in order to prevent future troubles, the ten-tailed fox demon used all his power to seal the crack in that plane. It's a real stop here.

The world in front of him also disappeared, and what was replaced in front of him was a huge palace with three big characters "Treasure Pavilion" written on it, which was indeed very majestic from the outside.

Then I want to see what kind of treasure is in it.

Before Lin Xiu was about to step in, he noticed a sign at the entrance of the hall.

Notes for entering the palace: Although there are many treasures in this store, each person can only bring one out of them, otherwise he will be punished severely. Treasure hunters should respect themselves.

He could only take one, which aroused Lin Xiu's curiosity even more, how precious the treasures here are.

Once entering the main hall, a strong energy came over the surface, enough to show how huge the treasures here are.

What surprised Lin Xiu even more was that the Treasure Pavilion had not only one floor, but three floors.

And the higher the number of layers, the better the treasures inside.

Such a huge number really opened Lin Xiu's horizons. If he hadn't seen the notice to enter the palace, Lin Xiu really wanted to bring all these treasures back to the Great Qin Empire, and also strengthen his own power by the way.

Every treasure here, whether it is a fairy weapon, a skill, or a martial skill, is floating in a ball of light.The magic is that when you put your hand into the light ball, a screen will appear above the light ball, with detailed instructions on this treasure and how to use it.

This made Lin Xiu not enter a treasure house, but as if he had entered a museum, and the only thing that made Lin Xiu feel strange was that it showed how to get the treasure only by missing it.It’s impossible to just take it away if you want, it’s too casual, and it’s not written like this in the novel.

(End of this chapter)

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