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Chapter 1364: All Beings Are Equal

Chapter 1364: All Beings Are Equal
Most of the treasures on the first floor are skills used in the Immortal Armament Realm and some third-rank fairy weapons. These treasures still can't attract Lin Xiu's attention, but there are still some interesting treasures that caught Lin Xiu's attention. .

One of the bloody cloaks, it is said that every time you use a skill, you can double your speed for 3 seconds.This attribute is especially suitable for those strong people who need to pull, so that after each use of the skill, doubling the speed can provide him with quite a lot of space. Whether it is launching the next attack or choosing to retreat, it is an artifact .

It's just that Lin Xiu likes more violent and direct things, so he didn't consider this one.

The other is called Interference Ball. As the name suggests, this magic weapon is mainly used to disturb the opponent's spirit. Although it only lasts for three seconds, in this kind of duel between masters, three seconds is enough to decide a battle. The direction of the duel.This is a sharp weapon for disrupting other people's attacking rhythm. When someone else is about to make an ultimate move, you can use this interference ball on your opponent to disrupt his attacking rhythm, thus giving yourself the upper hand.

After finishing the first floor, there were no treasures that satisfied him, so he also turned around and went to the second floor.

Sure enough, the second floor is a bit different from the first floor. This floor gradually has skills and treasures suitable for the strong in the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

One of them impressed Lin Xiu deeply.

This exercise is called the Infinite Heart Method. According to the description, when using this exercise, you can double the body-refining attribute of the exercise until the exercise ends.You must know that for someone like Lin Xiu who has the physical training method of Arhat Great Extermination, he is a perfect match.Twice the increase in terror is enough for Lin Xiu to face many physically tyrannical powerhouses.

There is also a phantom sword art that also makes Lin Xiu tempted. This magic weapon can double the speed of all sword-related skills, which is really suitable for Lin Xiu. The power of being able to double the speed is unbelievable.Moreover, the defensive power of Qinglian Sword Art is also based on the speed of the sword.This double increase directly raised Qinglian's swordsmanship to a higher level.

Although these two treasures are indeed very attractive, Lin Xiu knows that the best things are usually at the end, so he decided to go to the third floor, and he should find the treasure he wants.

Going up to the third floor, Lin Xiu obviously felt a sense of oppression from the treasures. It turns out that most of the treasures here are used by the strong in the Golden Wonderland.But for a pervert like Lin Xiu, level restrictions never seemed to exist.

The treasures here turned out to be at least Tier [-] Immortal Artifacts, and all of them had enchanting attributes.

Immortal artifacts above Tier [-] can be enchanted. Enchanting can not only bring different attributes to the weapon, but also greatly improve the attributes of the weapon.And there are some enchantments, which can make the weapon have some special abilities, such as breaking defense or something.

Although Lin Xiu's Qinglian Sword is also a sixth-order spiritual weapon, it has not been enchanted. The main reason is that the materials for enchanting are too difficult to find, and can only be bought from some special collectors, and the price is not cheap.It takes a lot of experience pills to get it, so even Lin Xiu didn't enchant his fairy weapon.

But in the end, Lin Xiu's eyes still stayed on a book of exercises. The name of this book is really weird, it's called the equality of all beings, but this effect is very good for someone like Lin Xiu who likes to challenge across levels. fit.

The description of the skill is written like this: This skill can infinitely narrow the gap between levels. When the enemy is one level higher than your own, it will cause twice as much damage, and the amount of extra damage will increase by 2 to the nth power , n is the realm where you are behind the opposite side.That is to say, if a strong person from the Mysterious Immortal Realm meets a strong person from the Golden Immortal Realm, they will be able to deal 2 times more damage, and if it is an Immortal King, it will be 8 times more.And the most frightening thing is that it can also reduce the opponent's damage by 16% at the same time. With this increase and decrease, it seems that it is not so difficult to kill by leapfrogging.

There is also a treasure called the Bracelet of Insight.This bracelet can make your analysis more sharp in battle, and the opponent's shortcomings are easier to be discovered by you. When you enter your own combat state, all your skill effect gains will increase.

Although this effect looks weak, it is actually a very powerful effect. The higher the level of battle, the opponent's flaws will be less and less. If you can catch a shortcoming of the opponent and target it, it will naturally produce huge damage. Effect.And the increase in skill effect gain will give you a greater advantage.

This made Lin Xiu worry. The bracelet of equality and insight is a very suitable treasure for him.At this time, I can only leave the choice to God, whoever the little rooster clicks on will be the one.

In the end, Lin Xiu still chose the equality of all beings, which is in line with Lin Xiu's simple and violent character.

Lin Xiu touched the ball of light containing the equality of all beings, and when he was about to take out the exercise book from the ball of light, a blue light suddenly dragged Lin Xiu into an independent space.

Sure enough, it is still not that easy, and there are still challenges to get this exercise.

However, Lin Xiu also felt unprecedented pressure from this opponent.

Because the opponent this time turned out to be himself!And the strength of this mirror image is even higher than him, it is the early stage of Golden Wonderland.

A person's biggest opponent is himself, and he is always the person who understands himself best, so he is always the most difficult to deal with.

No matter, my dictionary does not have the word fail.

Lin Xiu understands that in this situation, only by making the first move can he have a chance of winning.

So he made a fierce move, and directly killed the mirror image with Qinglian swordsmanship, but it had no effect. The mirror image seemed to know the weakness of this sword technique, and after choosing to activate Arhat Immortal Body and directly accept this move, He punched Lin Xiu backhand again.Directly knocked Lin Xiu to the ground who was leading the second Qinglian swordsmanship.

Sure enough, the shortcoming of this Qinglian swordsmanship is that it takes too long to make a move compared to other moves. As long as you interrupt the move quickly, the Qinglian swordsmanship will become useless.

The reason why the Qinglian swordsmanship in the previous battle was effective was because the previous opponent thought that his level was higher than Lin Xiu's and underestimated the enemy, so he gave Lin Xiu the opportunity to use this killer move.

But the mirror image does know this, so naturally it won't give him a chance to use this move. He only took the first move to make Lin Xiu relax his vigilance, and then gave him a heavy blow when Lin Xiu was about to attack the second time. .

This time, Lin Xiu seemed to be in serious trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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