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Chapter 1365 Qinglian is still an Arhat

Chapter 1365 Qinglian is still an Arhat
Lin Xiu finally figured it out. If he wanted to truly defeat his own mirror image, he had to break through himself. Either he had a breakthrough in the realm, or he had to use moves that he had never used before.

That is to say, to create new moves.

Obviously, this mirror image will not give him time to break through the realm, and he does not have the opportunity to break through now, so he can only choose the latter path.But it's not easy to create your own moves, many masters spend their entire lives just creating their own moves.To create his own moves in such a short period of time is simply a dream.

While Lin Xiu was thinking about countermeasures, the mirror image rushed over, and Lin Xiu, who was fighting with a set of Qinglian swordsmanship, retreated steadily.Then he used Arhat to destroy his body to increase his physique to a terrifying level, and then he punched Lin Xiu hard to the ground.

Although he had a cassock to protect him, Lin Xiu was still seriously injured, but a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.Could it be that he has been beaten silly and is still laughing at this time.

Suddenly, I saw the golden light shining behind Lin Xiu, and the arhat dharma body danced a huge green lotus sword.After that, the golden light combined with the blue sword light all over the sky, and rushed towards Lin Xiu's mirror image at a terrifying speed, smashing the mirror image to pieces with just one move.

It turned out that at the moment when the mirror image rushed over, Lin Xiu was suddenly enlightened. Compared with the Qinglian Sword Art, the attack power of Arhat's Great Extinguisher was indeed a bit weaker, and its advantage lies in resistance.Although the Qinglian Sword Art is powerful in attack, it needs some guidance time.Then why not combine the two, which not only makes up for the shortcomings of Arhat's Great Destroyer's weak attack, but also makes up for the shortcomings of Qinglian Sword Art that needs to be guided. It can be said to be a perfect learning from each other.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully creating his own martial arts and getting a martial arts treasure chest."

This was a windfall for Lin Xiu, and it could be described as double happiness, so he quickly opened the treasure chest.

"Open the treasure chest and find a book of earth-level exercises."

Although it is not a heaven-level exercise, it is also good for Lin Xiu, because it is as strong as the Qinglian Sword Art and the Arhat's Great Destroyer, but it is only an earth-level exercise.Lin Xiu is very happy to add another ground-level exercise now.

Let me see how this works.

The name of this skill is Charm and Demon Art. After using it on the enemy, it can charm the opponent for three to five seconds. The duration of the charm is calculated according to the strength of the opponent. The stronger the strength of the opponent, the shorter the charm time. It can be used up to 2 times a day.This effect makes Lin Xiu very satisfied. Although it is only a short three to five seconds, it is enough to change the direction of the battle for a battle.
And when facing multiple enemies, it often has an unexpected effect.

After defeating the mirror image, Lin Xiu was also teleported out of the mirror image space. When he got outside, he found that the ball of light had disappeared, and only the book All Beings Are Equal remained there.

Finally, he has obtained the equality of all living beings. Facing the countless treasures, Lin Xiu couldn't help himself a little, and wanted to steal a few of them.But he still remembered the notice before entering the palace, and his greedy heart finally took it back.

The reason why many strong people walked into this ruins and never came out was probably because of lack of greed, and they were punished by this treasure hall in the end.

Lin Xiu didn't stay any longer, and went down to the exit.When he stepped out of the gate, Lin Xiu clearly felt that something was searching his body, and then disappeared quickly.

It should be a guardian of this treasure hall, Lin Xiu thought to himself.

Walking out of the treasure hall, Lin Xiu was surprised to find that this treasure hall is only one of several buildings on this continent.

"Let me just say, why does such a powerful person only leave such a few exercises."

Lin Xiu didn't think too much, and walked into one of the houses, but Lin Xiu was dumbfounded by the things inside. There were rows of experience pills on the shelves, although the level was only at the level of immortal soldiers, but This huge number made Lin Xiu feel very abnormal.

If he could take all these experience pills, he would have to rush to the peak of a real fairyland, and maybe he could reach the golden fairyland across two realms in one leap.

Just when Lin Xiu was about to collect all these experience pills into his receiving ring, a pig suddenly rushed out, and in the blink of an eye, like locusts crossing the border, swallowed all the pills into his stomach.

After that, the pig seemed to mutate, and finally turned into a child.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you, why are you still not moving, uncle, why are you blushing."

Lin Xiu didn't realize what happened at first, but when he realized that the pig had vomited all his experience pills and called him uncle, he was so angry that he wanted to spit out blood.

"You little bastard, you are such a gourmet, why did you eat up my experience pill all of a sudden, and you still call me uncle, I am so old, ah!"

"Uncle, your name isn't written on it. My mother told me that only the name is written on it means it belongs to him." The innocent look on the child's face really made Lin Xiu dumbfounded.

Forget it, I can only consider myself unlucky, I can't cut the child's stomach open, Lin Xiu can't do such a cruel thing.

"Uncle, look, are you looking for this again."

As he spoke, he took out a pill from his pocket and handed it to Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu took the elixir, and suddenly felt that the rich energy in the elixir was even more than all the previous ones combined. This not only surprised and delighted Lin Xiu, but what kind of monster is this child? a special skill.

Just when Lin Xiu was doubting the identity of the child, a white-haired old man ran towards Lin Xiu and the others in the distance.Seeing the child, the old man stopped in his tracks.

"Oh, I didn't pay attention all of a sudden, why did you come here, young man, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"It's okay, senior, is this your grandson?"

"No, this is my alchemy beast. I was studying the formula of the elixir. I accidentally missed him, which made him run out. This kid is also naughty. He usually looks like a child to cheat. It's fine to drink me, but this time it brought you a lot of trouble."

"No, I have to thank him. After he ate it, he made an elixir with more energy."

"Today is really strange. This is the first time that he will take the initiative to refine the elixir for you. Before that, he would swallow it by himself. It seems that you and my alchemy beast really have some fate Ah. Well, since this is the case, I will go first, and see you next time, young man."

As he said that, he took the alchemy beast and disappeared into the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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