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Chapter 1366 Chapter 1374 The Magic Core of Wind

Chapter 1366 Chapter 1374 The Magic Core of Wind
This can be really interesting as a master and apprentice, but where should we go next?

Just when Lin Xiu was hesitating, the sound of the system sounded.

"A magic nuclear treasure chest was found in front, 300 meters away."

This system is quite good. I haven’t opened a treasure box for a long time. Now I’ll give me a magic core treasure box. You must know that usually a magic core needs to be exchanged for hundreds of experience pills in the fairyland in the trading market.

But before that, I still have to absorb the experience pill just now, so I can be more sure later.

After swallowing the elixir, Lin Xiu immediately entered the state of cultivation, a stream of pure energy flowed through Lin Xiu's limbs and veins, different from the previous few times, this time the process made Lin Xiu more relaxed, this The energy seems to be the source of himself, and the absorption is very smooth.

The late stage of Mysterious Immortal Realm, the peak of Mysterious Immortal Realm, the early stage of True Immortal Realm, and the late stage of True Immortal Realm.Lin Xiu's realm also improved rapidly with the absorption of this elixir, and finally stayed at the peak of the real fairyland.

Although he didn't reach the most ideal Golden Wonderland, Lin Xiu was also very satisfied with the improvement of one realm.

"Next, let's see where the magic nuclear treasure chest is."

According to the instructions of the treasure chest, Lin Xiu entered a temple where a group of monks were meditating with the abbot.According to the display of the system, this time the magic nuclear treasure chest appeared on the abbot's head.

"I'll rub it, this is too bad, you won't let me touch a monk's head, will you?"

"There's nothing I can do about it, and I don't want to, but the magic nuclear treasure chest is very rare, so don't forget it." The system also had a gloating expression.

Forget it, I will go all out for the magic core.

After all, the magic core is really difficult to handle, so Lin Xiu can only bite the bullet.

Seeing Lin Xiu walking in, the abbot asked politely:

"Benefactor, are you here to offer incense?"

"Ah, yes yes."

"Then please come in with me."

"Hey, master, wait a minute."

The moment the abbot turned around, Lin Xiu's sinful hands touched the abbot's head.

"It feels good, slippery, like a marinated egg." Lin Xiu touched it and felt good.

"Almsgiver, what are you doing? Please take your hands off." Seeing Lin Xiu touching his bald head, the abbot was also a little angry, but as a Buddhist, he still had a good temper, and he only warned Lin Xiu.

"The pit system, how long will it take to open it?"

"According to the requirements, touch for 120 seconds."

"120 seconds, you are trying to kill me."

"No way, the system requires it."

"Ah, master, there is a fly on your head, I will drive it away for you."

"Oh yes, but does it take so long to chase away a fly?"

Being patted on the head in front of such a disciple, it would be embarrassing for the abbot to look at it again.

Sure enough, all the disciples were watching a farce. One person touched their master's hair and refused to let go.All the monks looked at this scene, wanted to laugh but couldn't, it was very painful to watch.

"Oh, master, you don't know that this fly has laid eggs on your head. I'm picking them out for you so as not to mess up your hairstyle."

Hearing the word hairstyle, the abbot couldn't hold back the anger in his heart anymore.

"I don't even have hair. Where did I get the hairstyle? Are you, the benefactor, laughing at me on purpose?"

"40, 39..'"

"Why is there still 40 seconds left, but this monk looks like he wants to kill me."

Dazed is because the abbot has such a high level of self-cultivation, but he was also annoyed by Lin Xiu's nonsensical behavior.

"Benefactor, if you keep touching my head, I'm going to do it."

"Master, if you have something to say, don't do it. There is something wrong with your head. I'm looking for it for you."

"What's wrong with my head, I really have to do it."

"10, 9...'"

Only 10 seconds left, I have to hold on.

At this moment, the abbot finally couldn't bear it anymore, and punched Lin Xiu's arm directly. Lin Xiu had no choice but to use his Arhat Extermination body to resist, and he didn't intend to let go of the hand touching his head.

"The magic core treasure box was successfully opened, and a phoenix magic core was obtained."

"Damn it, it's finally done and I took a few blows for nothing."

Just when the abbot was about to throw a third punch, Lin Xiu finally let go of his hand on the head of the abbot, and also received the punch that the abbot was about to hit.

"Okay, abbot, if you have something to say, talk about it, I finally figured out your condition."

"Then tell me what's wrong with me."

"Do you have a headache every night and want to go to the toilet?"

"It's amazing. Really, I blamed you as the benefactor. Do you have any solution?"

Seeing the change in the abbot's expression before and after, Lin Xiu also wanted to laugh, but he still really saw that the abbot had some strange symptoms because he didn't usually rest.

"Well, abbot, you just need to pay attention to rest more. If it's okay, I'll go first, I have important things to do."

"That's it, then thank you benefactor, I'm sorry to blame you." Then he bowed to Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu also couldn't laugh or cry, said goodbye in a hurry and left.

"It's so dangerous, I was almost beaten to death by the abbot. This pit is more than the system, let me see what the magic core is for."

The enchantment of the magic core is actually relatively simple, the difficulty is to obtain the magic core, but for Lin Xiu, this does not seem to be a problem.The process of enchanting is also relatively simple. You can directly pour the weapon and the magic core with your own fairy power at the same time, and you can successfully enchant it. However, each weapon needs to be enchanted once, so it is also very important to see whether the magic core is suitable for this weapon.

Lin Xiu looked carefully at his hand, and found that the attributes of the wind magic core he had just obtained were quite suitable for his Qinglian sword.This wind-type magic core can increase the defense breaking of enchanted weapons by 20%, and if only the sword is activated, the release speed of the skills will be doubled.

Anyway, I use this sword a lot at present, and I don't have a suitable magic core for me to choose, so let's forget it.Immediately, he poured his own immortal power into Qinglian sword and the magic core at the same time, only to see that the magic core shattered automatically and turned into a mass of blue liquid.

The mass of liquid was immediately poured on Qinglian Sword, and then the entire blade was covered with green liquid.The sword seemed to be able to absorb the liquid formed by the magic core itself.In an instant, the green liquid disappeared on the sword body like evaporating.In the end, the entire Juggernaut glowed with a dark green light, which also showed that the enchantment was finally successful, and finally returned to Lin Xiu's hands.

The first enchantment was finally successful amidst the twists and turns.

(End of this chapter)

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