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Chapter 1367 Chapter 1375 Help me eliminate demons

Chapter 1367 Chapter 1375 Help me eliminate demons
Just as Lin Xiu was excited about the success of his enchantment, suddenly the ruins seemed to shake, gradually showing signs of shattering, and suddenly a huge hole appeared in the sky, exactly the same as what Lin Xiu saw in the illusion that day.

"Could it be that they are making a comeback again?"

All the creatures in the ruins seemed to feel the threat coming, and they frantically fled to the exit with all their might.Surprisingly, Lin Xiu stood there and did not leave for a long time.

It wasn't that Lin Xiu was not afraid of death, but that he seemed to feel that Senior Ten-Tails was calling him, so he stopped involuntarily.

Sure enough, Lin Xiu's guess was not wrong, groups of black mist quickly swooped towards the ground, and the terrifying number like locusts entering the land made people tremble with fear.But this time, there is no patron saint who can fight ten thousand enemies alone.

However, there was a guy named Lin Xiu who fought against the enemy alone with the Qinglian sword. Every time the sword rose and fell, it would take away the lives of several black foxes.At this time, Lin Xiu really seemed like a god descending from the sky, defending the invader's last hurdle to the fox clan alone.

It seems that they also found this troublesome human being, and the group of black foxes are also preparing to summon the head this time.

I saw that all the demon foxes carrying this black energy automatically divided into two lines, howling towards the sky, almost welcoming their king's arrival.The next moment, Lin Xiu only saw a fox dozens of times the size of an ordinary black fox appearing in the sky, and then slowly falling down.After falling to the ground, it turned into a human form.

Generally speaking, ordinary monsters cannot transform into humans, and the monsters that can transform into humans are either of the blood of divine beasts, Lin Xiu's three-legged Golden Crow.Either one's own strength has reached the peak of the Golden Immortal, and one can transform into a human being.

Obviously this demon fox belongs to the latter, and the strength of this demon fox is not comparable to that of ordinary Golden Immortal Realm powerhouses, it is estimated that it has reached the level of a half-step fairy king.

"This time we're in big trouble."

Just when Lin Xiu felt that something was going wrong, suddenly a white afterimage appeared in front of Lin Xiu.

This afterimage was naturally that of the ten-tailed senior, but unlike the black fox, it was just an afterimage.The strength is only less than one-tenth of the body, and it doesn't help Lin Xiu much.

"You're still here, I thought you'd just hide there until your last afterimage dissipated." The black fox said.

"You black foxes want to turn my family into your slaves. I will never agree. Even if I fight to the death, I will protect my descendants."

"Courage is commendable, I like it, but how long can you hold on to this afterimage of yours, it's better to surrender obediently and keep your soul alive."

"How do you know that I only have an afterimage." After speaking, the ten-tailed white fox looked at Lin Xiu behind him.

"Haha, you are really confused. A human boy who is at the peak of the real fairyland can still help you. He is a cannon fodder at most." The black fox looked at Lin Xiu contemptuously. What storms are stirring in front of him.

"The person I like has never let me down, but I haven't seen you for many years, why can't you change your whirling personality, if you want to fight, I will fight, Lin Xiu, can I borrow your body One use?"

Lin Xiu also naturally knew the powerful relationship. Once the senior was killed, he would not be able to survive here. In addition, the senior trusted him so much. He was also very moved, and naturally nodded without hesitation.

"Okay, since you want to die quickly, then I will help you."

This black fox is really powerful. The speed and strength of this attack are several times stronger than all the strong golden immortals Lin Xiu has seen before.But the strength of the ten-tailed senior is beyond doubt.

Quickly resolved the black fox's attacks again and again.

Seeing that this ordinary attack had no effect on "Lin Xiu", the black fox also began to truly show his peak golden fairy strength.

"Black Fox Sky Strike." I saw that the black fox summoned several clones that were exactly like him, and the most terrifying thing was that each clone had 80% of the body's strength.

This was a very powerful move, and in an instant the black fox had an advantage in numbers and strength.

The three avatars and the main body surrounded Lin Xiu from all sides, making it impossible for Lin Xiu to escape directly.

"Absolute zero." The temperature of the sky and the ground dropped sharply, and Lin Xiu was surrounded by a wall made of ice. The seemingly weak defense gave the black fox a headache.Attacking from there cannot penetrate the defense of the ice wall.And even if a big hole is punched, a new one will fill it right away.

"Senior, your move is too powerful. This abnormal defense makes the black fox completely helpless. This can be said to be an absolute defense."

"Silly boy, there is no absolute defense in the world, it's just that they haven't discovered the weakness of this ice wall."

"Senior, this ice wall can repair itself, and it cannot be destroyed by ordinary attacks."

"It seems indestructible, but it still has shortcomings. The shortcomings are in these four corners. If four people are sent to attack the four corners of the ice wall at the same time, it will collapse instantly."

The black fox seemed to have discovered this through many attempts, and then urged his shadow clone to attack from four corners, and the ice wall collapsed in an instant.

However, what was waiting for them was not Lin Xiu, but a huge sword array composed of ten thousand swords. When they destroyed the ice wall, the sword array started to activate, and the sword light that filled the sky penetrated the black fox from all directions in an instant. The body, with such a terrifying amount, was stronger than the black fox, and it only took a few seconds before it fell into the fragments of the ice wall.

All of this is in the calculations of Lin Xiu and Shiwei. The senior also knows that if he confronts the black fox head-on, there is basically no chance of winning, because the senior's strength is only [-]% to [-]% now.So we can only let the black fox relax his vigilance first, and suddenly use explosive moves to kill him in one fell swoop.

It's not hard to explain why the senior wanted to tell the weakness of his ice wall. In fact, he wanted to let the black fox relax his vigilance, and then use this time to let Lin Xiu prepare the Qinglian formation.

This so-called Qinglian Formation is to use the Qinglian Sword Art many times and then use the immortal power to temporarily seal it in the formation, and then wait for the moment when the ice wall collapses, activate it instantly, achieving a set of unexpected explosive effects.It just needs enough guiding time, and this ice wall has become the key to delaying time.

It's just that Lin Xiu didn't expect that his Qinglian Sword Formation could achieve such power, beheading a strong man in the Golden Immortal Realm with one blow.

(End of this chapter)

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