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Chapter 1373 The strength of terror

Chapter 1373 The strength of terror
All of this is of course Lin Xiu's fault. The effect of this enchanting magic technique is still very significant for strong men who are similar in strength to him.Seeing the good brothers who were still fighting together just now fighting, Lin Xiu naturally would not miss such a good opportunity.

A streak of cyan sword light flew towards Lion King and Peng King.Lin Xiu finally seized the short few seconds, and severely injured both the Lion King and the Peng King, and they also spurted out a mouthful of blood at the same time.

Seeing those two streaks of blood, Lin Xiu couldn't help but secretly rejoiced, and also opened his fairy body treasure box to collect them.

But the strange thing is that this time he didn't hear the system beep, and he was puzzled for a while.

Could it be that the blood of the three demon kings must be collected this time to be considered a success? This cheating system will start to lose its chain at critical moments.No matter, I have to go back to help Taizong first, and I don't know how the situation over there is, you must hold on, Taizong.

On the other hand, the situation seems not as optimistic as Lin Xiu imagined.

A figure in distress was fleeing crazily, bleeding continuously from his body.There is another figure chasing frantically behind.

The two figures are naturally the Elephant King and Taizong.I thought I could hold it back and wait for Lin Xiu's arrival, but Taizong found that the elephant king was far stronger than he imagined. The first time we fought, maybe he was afraid that Taizong would have an ambush, so he didn't show his full strength.But this time, Shituoling is its home field, so naturally it has no scruples.

"Hey, you dead Taizong, I said you can only run, you have the ability to fight to the death with me." The Elephant King who had been chasing after him was also angered by Taizong's way of avoiding and not attacking.

"Don't run, wait for you to kill me. I'm not a fool, but why doesn't Lin Xiu come here? I can't hold on any longer."

Taizong was also very anxious. Although his speed was a little faster than the elephant king, he was injured again, and his immortal energy would be exhausted. If Lin Xiu didn't show up again, he might be killed by the elephant king. chase death.

When Taizong was in a hurry, the elephant king behind him suddenly stopped chasing Taizong, but he didn't give up, but wanted to kill him with one blow.I saw the elephant king holding the long halberd in both hands, swinging it quickly, the speed became faster and faster, suddenly the elephant king threw the long halberd fiercely, and the long halberd chased Taizong with the momentum of thunder and lightning.It turned out that the elephant king wanted to stab Taizong to death with his long halberd.Sure enough, after being swung by the elephant king, the speed of the halberd had reached a terrifying speed, and it was about to catch up with Taizong in front.

A blue sword flew from mid-air at this moment, and picked the long halberd down.

"Who? Come out for me, dare to spoil my good deeds." King Xiang was about to defeat Taizong, but was blocked by this sword, and he was very angry.

On the other hand, Taizong, who was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat and thought he was going to die, was not to mention how happy he was when he saw the blue sword, because he knew that it was Lin Xiu who had come.

"Who? Come to get your blood! Taizong, you are too weak, it's so hard to persist for a while." Lin Xiu didn't forget to mock Taizong.

At this time, Taizong also had a bitter and unspeakable expression on his face. He was his senior, but he was said so by a junior, but Lin Xiu was indeed much stronger than him. I feel very uncomfortable, and there is no reason to refute.

Elephant King had already been irritated by Taizong and had no place to vent his anger. A young boy just happened to come, so he wanted to pour all his anger on Lin Xiu.

At some point, the halberd returned to the Elephant King's hand.I saw that the elephant king suddenly pointed his halberd at the void, and saw a violent energy surge in the void.

"The body of ten thousand monsters."

The elephant king's body suddenly changed.It seems like Sun Wukong's 72 transformations, he finally turned into a collection of all monsters.The terrifying power shook the Shituo Ridge.

This body of ten thousand monsters really not only makes this elephant king have terrifying strength, the most terrifying thing is that he can absorb energy from his own subordinates, that is to say, the recovery power is quite amazing, unless he can be killed by one blow, Only by being seriously injured can we win this battle.

However, with Lin Xiu's current strength, he can barely confront the elephant king who has opened the body of a thousand monsters. It is basically impossible to kill or seriously injure him.Lin Xiu seemed to be in a predicament again.

A huge fist slammed towards Lin Xiu. Although Lin Xiu dodged, the powerful aftermath almost shattered Lin Xiu's internal organs.

"Is there no way?" Lin Xiu was also about to fall into despair.

"Haha, don't think too much, unless you can summon some kind of dragon, don't even think about defeating my body of ten thousand monsters, come here and die, I can leave you a whole corpse."

Shenlong?This really reminded Lin Xiu that when he obtained the blood of the Dragon Emperor last time, he had a chance to summon the dragon, and he hadn't used it for a long time.

Now is the time of life and death, and it is time to fight.

"If you want a dragon, I will summon one for you."

I saw a five-clawed golden dragon flying out of the sky, it seemed to be bigger than Ao Guang last time, the dragon coercion emanating from it made the whole lion camel monster feel the power of blood Coercion.I couldn't help but want to kneel down to this dragon.

"...Damn it, this is too much. If you say summoning a dragon, you can summon a dragon. You don't even dare to write a novel like that."

"Boy, you summoned me?" Jin Long looked at Lin Xiu and asked.

"It's the junior."

"Well, since you have summoned me, tell me, I can satisfy you whatever you wish."

"Can senior kill this elephant king for me?"

"Of course, a mere body of ten thousand monsters is not a matter of one claw."

The dragon god also didn't use any magic tricks, just grabbed the elephant king with a simple claw.

However, this simple claw seems to have the power to tear apart the space. Just when the elephant king wanted to escape, the claw seemed to pass through the space and moved in front of him in an instant. The body of the myriad monsters was destroyed.Immediately, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he collapsed to the ground.

Lin Xiu was also shocked by the powerful strength of this dragon god. Although he had seen Ao Guang before,
But this time the oppressive force displayed by the dragon god is stronger than that of Ao Guang.

With just one blow, a strong man in the Golden Wonderland was seriously injured and on the verge of death.

"Senior's strength can be said to destroy the sky and destroy the earth. Dare I ask that the realm of the senior has reached?"

(End of this chapter)

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