Chapter 1374 An Artifact

"Immortal Emperor."

Lin Xiu was also very shocked.Because the golden fairy is not the highest realm in the fairy realm.Above the golden immortal is the immortal king, above the immortal king is the immortal emperor, and above the immortal emperor is the Da Luo Jinxian. This is the realm Lin Xiu knows so far.Maybe it is not necessarily a higher realm than Da Luo Jinxian.

Da Luo Jinxian has only seen Ao Guang so far, and Lin Xiu can vaguely feel that Ao Guang's strength is very vain, whether it is because of his unstable foundation or other reasons.Compared with the Immortal Emperor of the Shenlong, they seem to be inferior a lot, and it is estimated that they are at the beginning of the Immortal King at most.

However, this is not something Lin Xiu should consider. What he has to do now is to collect treasure chests of immortal bodies and cultivate peerless immortal bodies.

"Senior, do you know where the Western Temple is?"

Lin Xiu also knew that after collecting the blood of the demon king, it was time for him to save his maid Shuang'er, so he had to go to the Western Temple.

"Of course I know this, but what are you going there for? It's not a place where ordinary people can go in."

"I'm going in there to save someone, someone who is very important to me, someone who is going to save someone even if it costs my life."

"I didn't expect you to be a very affectionate person, so let me tell you something. Before you go to the Western Temple, you'd better visit the Guanyin on Mount Naputuo."

"What are you doing there?"

"Avalokitesvara has a magic weapon called Guanyin Tears. This magic weapon is a peerless magic weapon to deal with the gods in the western temple, because he can directly ignore half of the defense of the gods."

"Half the defense power, this effect is too scary. Then I really have to go there."

"However, it is not an easy task to obtain the Guanyin's tears. To obtain the approval of the Guanyin, it may be even more difficult than reaching the Da Luo Jinxian."

"Why did the senior say that?"

"I won't say much about this, you will know when you go to Putuo Mountain by yourself." Shenlong seemed to recall something on his face, and looked at Lin Xiu helplessly.

This senior Shenlong must have dealt with Guanyin before, otherwise why would his face be so ugly when he talked about Guanyin.

"Okay, I should go too, young man, I hope you can get the approval of Guanyin."

After speaking, he disappeared into the space in a blink of an eye.

Hey, what an interesting senior, but it's time to clean up the current mess.

Lin Xiu also quickly collected the blood of the three demon kings, and the system finally had a movement at this time.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the blood of the demon king and a piece of armor."

Hearing the system's notification sound, Lin Xiu was also very happy, because it meant that he only needed to collect the blood of the last two fairy kings and demon kings to refine this peerless fairy body.At that time, Lin Xiu will also have a place in this fairy world.

But the first task is to get the Avalokitesvara Tears, and go to the Western Temple to rescue Shuang'er.

So Lin Xiu didn't neglect at all, and rushed back to Datang Immortal Mansion together with Taizong without stopping.

On the other side, Shituoling.

"Boss, why did you become like this? Didn't you beat Taizong all over the place looking for teeth? Why did you get injured instead?"

"Don't talk about it, originally I was chasing Taizong with absolute advantage, but suddenly a human kid came and summoned a dragon. Even if I activated the body of ten thousand monsters, it was useless. I was seriously injured. Don't just talk about me, how did you two get beaten like this?"

"Don't mention it, we were talking about something, and suddenly a human kid came outside. Although our strength is stronger than him, his battle is far superior to either of us, so we had to use the fusion technique. Originally Now we have an absolute advantage, but I don't know what kind of secret technique that kid used to make the Lion King suddenly fight at me, and in the end the two of us ended up like this."

"What a human kid, I remembered, is he holding a blue sword?"

"Yeah, my lord, you were also defeated by him."

"It's really this kid. He was standing next to Taizong from the beginning. I thought he only had the strength of the real fairyland, so I didn't pay much attention. I didn't expect this kid to have such terrifying strength and interpersonal relationships."

"Boss, we can't forget it like this. When the three of us recover from our injuries, we must go to Datang Immortal Mansion to find Taizong's explanation. Last time we were defeated individually. Next time we dispatch together, we will definitely be able to destroy the Immortal Mansion." Make a mess!"

At this moment, Lin Xiu and Taizong also returned to the Great Tang Immortal Mansion.

"You are finally back, Lin Xiu, you really defeated the elephant demon, thank you!" Ling Tian was also very happy to see Taizong and Lin Xiu coming back.

"It's just a fluke this time. If we don't get the Shenlong, it's really hard to say this time. But I'm worried, they will make a comeback."

Lin Xiu knew that the three demon kings were absolutely unconvinced, and when they recovered from their injuries, they would make a comeback.

"so what should I do now?"

"It's okay, you take this token, once the three of them come to the door, you crush this token and I will come back to help you."

"Hey, I can't always rely on you. I've decided, this time I'm going there to accept the inheritance of my ancestors." Wu Lingtian also realized that as the master of the Great Tang Immortal Mansion, he couldn't always rely on outsiders , it's time to improve your own strength.

"Lin Xiu, you are really not simple. I persuaded this girl for so long and she refused to accept my family's inheritance. Now that you come, she has become enlightened."

Taizong also felt that Wu Lingtian seemed to have a different kind of affection for Lin Xiu, so he participated in the cruel and dangerous inheritance because he didn't want to leave Lin Xiu too much behind. This may be young people, young is really good.

"Old Ancestor, what are you talking about? I am thinking about the future of our Immortal Mansion." Wu Lingtian, who was on the side, also blushed slightly at what the Ancestor said, and defended.

"Okay, okay, I don't care about the affairs of you young people anymore, Lin Xiu, tell me about your next plan."

"I'm going to Mount Putuo to find the Great Immortal Guanyin to get something."

"You are really brave to ask her for something. She is notoriously eccentric. It is almost impossible to get something from her."

It seems that Taizong also had dealings with Guanyin, and knew that Guanyin's character was very strange.

"No way, in order to save one of my friends, I have to go there, even if it means paying a huge price."

"Good boy, I really like a person who values ​​love and righteousness. In the future, this fairy world is destined to be your young stage!"

(End of this chapter)

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