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Chapter 1375 What auntie, call me sister!

Chapter 1375 What auntie, call me sister!

"Concubine Song, can you help me?" Lin Xiu suddenly remembered that his maid was still in the underworld.

"Say, it's what I can help."

"Help me send my two maids back to the Fox Clan. When you get there, just report my name and they will let you in."

"Oh, it's simple, you can rest assured, well, I should go too. After sending your maid away, I will start my new life."

"Well, then we are destined to meet again."

Lin Xiu was also very happy, and he had done a good deed, allowing a person to start a new life.

After Lin Xiu didn't stay too long to say goodbye to Wu Lingtian and Concubine Song, he also left Datang Immortal Mansion and headed for Mount Naputuo.

"Lin Xiu, come back next time, you must have gained a firm foothold in this fairy world."

Seeing Lin Xiu's background disappearing from his field of vision, Wu Lingtian also understood that Lin Xiu was an eagle after all, and the sky of Datang Immortal Mansion was too small for him, so naturally he couldn't restrain him. There will be a bigger world for him to break into, and what I have to do is to chase after him silently, not to fall behind.

"Old Ancestor, let's enter the inheritance."

After speaking, he and Taizong entered the mysterious formation.

Putuo Mountain, in the mysterious West Heaven Realm, because of the powerful Guanyin who sits there, naturally attracted many strong people to go to apprentice and learn skills.But what is strange is that although many strong people go to Mount Putuo every year, there are often only a few people left in the end.

This can't help but make people guess whether the Guanyin is to ensure the quality of talents, or there are other unexplainable reasons.In the end, it became an unsolved mystery about Mount Putuo.

Lin Xiu also heard Shenlong and Taizong's predecessors say that this Guanyin is a person with a very strange temper and personality, and he has prepared himself in advance.

I have to say that Guanyin has a good vision, and Mount Putuo is really a very suitable place for cultivation.Along the way, Lin Xiu saw many treasures of heaven, material and earth that he had never seen before, as well as many ferocious beasts, which showed that the surrounding immortality was also very strong.In addition, the terrain of Putuo Mountain is very dangerous, and it is also a place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

After a hard journey all the way, Lin Xiu finally reached the peak of Putuo Mountain. It is said that Guanyin is in a Taoist temple on the top of the mountain.

"A Taoist temple is still being built in such a remote place. It really looks like a weird person."

"Hello, is Master Guanyin here?"

"Don't call me master, come in." It seemed that Guanyin was not very happy when Lin Xiu called him master.

When Lin Xiu opened the door, a bucket of cold water suddenly poured over his head.Drenched Lin Xiu into a drowned chicken all at once.


Why is this Guanyin so old, why does he still like to play such pranks? Lin Xiu, who is soaked all over, is also quite speechless.

"This Guanyin is indeed a bit different from the novel, especially the character, why is it a bit childish."

At this time, Avalokitesvara was also facing Lin Xiu with her back, and naturally she couldn't see her expression, but Lin Xiu keenly felt that she was secretly smiling, and in order to maintain his image, he also chose to turn his back.

"What's the matter, tell me."

"Aunt Guanyin, I heard from others that you have a piece called Guanyin Tears that I want to borrow."

But Lin Xiu didn't expect that adding the word aunt would have such a big impact on what was meant to be a good sentence.

"What, you call me auntie. Have you ever seen such a young and beautiful auntie like me? If you want to call me, you should also call me sister. Hmph, if there is, I won't lend you. Ah Song sees off guests." This angered Guanyin, and walked forward without looking back.

Immediately, a person who looked like a door boy came out and "invited" Lin Xiu out who didn't know what mistake he had made.

"I said, Brother Asong, what kind of taboo did I commit?"

A Song also carefully observed the surroundings, and found that there was no Guanyin, so he whispered to Lin Xiu.

"I said, man, your mistake is that you shouldn't call her auntie. This Guanyin loves beauty very much. She hates others calling her master, especially the most hated being called her auntie. Hey man, you'd better go, it's basically impossible .”

Lin Xiu also had a bitter feeling in his heart. Although he admitted that Guanyin's figure was well maintained, he still felt a little strange to call a fairy who was much older than him as sister.

This Guanyin's personality is indeed very strange, and such small details can make her reject you directly.

However, Lin Xiu also knew that it was very difficult for him to complete this task, and he was also in a daze, not knowing what to do.

But if he gave up like this, then there would be no hope for the rescue of Shuang'er.

"It doesn't matter, for Shuang'er, I have to fight."

In the end, Lin Xiu decided to use the most stupid method, which is to wait outside the door and try to impress Guanyin with sincerity like Chengmen Lixue.

Although this is the most stupid way, Lin Xiu knows that the stupid way is often the best way.

But the weather was not good, a storm came to Mount Putuo without warning.

Bean-sized raindrops hit Lin Xiu's body, and after a while Lin Xiu's dry clothes were soaked again.

But he still insisted on standing outside the door.

Three days passed in a flash, and Lin Xiu was still waiting outside foolishly.

At this time, a room in the Taoist temple.

"Hey, sister, we really don't let him in. It's been three days. It's been raining and sunny for three days, and he has been standing outside without eating or drinking. Even if he is a person who has practiced I can't hold on like this." Ah Song also looked at Lin Xiu standing outside, not eating or drinking, and was very worried.

"If he wants to stand outside, let him stand outside. I didn't tell him to stand outside. Whoever told him to call me auntie deserves it! Don't open the door and deliver food to him, or I will kill you too." Shut it up outside." It seems that Guanyin has no intention of forgiving Lin Xiu.


A Song also let out a long sigh. The previous Guanyin was not like this. Apart from being a bit smug, he is very kind to people, and he is a warm-hearted person. However, since going out once, Guanyin's personality has also undergone a huge change. , but this time it seems that the change is even greater.

At noon on the fourth day, Lin Xiu was still standing outside the Taoist temple.It was noon at this time, and a round of scorching sun was hanging high. Lin Xiu's clothes were already wet and dry, and Lin Xiu was also dizzy even after the sun was shining on him. I can't hold it anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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