Chapter 1377 Made it!
Three tricks, this seemingly easy condition, but Guanyin thinks that Lin Xiu will never be able to achieve it.Because although this Lin Xiu has the strength of the real fairyland at a young age, there is still a huge gap with the strength of her fairy king.

So he didn't think that Lin Xiu would be able to take these three moves from her. The reason why she set up this trial was that she didn't want Lin Xiu to go to the Western Temple, because he knew that a true fairyland wanted to go to the Western Temple to save people. Idiots talk about dreams.After a few days of observation, Guanyin also admired Lin Xiu's talent and character, so he naturally didn't want such a genius to lose his life in vain
Three days later, the top of Mount Putuo.

"Lin Xiu, I advise you to give up. I'm afraid that the shot will be too heavy. It will be bad if you die." Guanyin also tried to persuade Lin Xiu to quit.

"Come on, sister Guanyin, I must take the Guanyin tears, and I must save people."

Lin Xiu is also stubborn, and it is difficult for others to change what he believes.

Guanyin also sighed and shook his head, knowing that it was impossible for him to persuade this kid, so he could only use these three tricks to persuade him.

"Then I'm coming."

The two also entered the state of fighting, and Lin Xiu didn't dare to be careless. This was also the first time he fought against a strong man above the Golden Immortal, and he didn't dare to be careless. The most advanced means of defense at present.

Avalokitesvara also began to use the fairy art, I saw that she took out a willow branch from the clean bottle in her hand and waved it forward. It was just a drop of ordinary water, but after it came out of the clean bottle, it turned into a monstrous huge waves.

As expected of a figure at the level of an immortal king, he could mobilize the power of heaven and earth with a single move.

The huge waves also uprooted the surrounding trees and rushed towards Lin Xiu.

But to Guanyin's surprise, Lin Xiu actually accepted this move, and it seemed that he was not injured at all.You have to know how many strong people in the Golden Immortal Realm she has directly killed with this move, but this Lin Xiu is just a small True Immortal Realm, but she easily took it over, which Guanyin never expected.

She didn't know that Lin Xiu had the effect of equalizing all living beings, which could reduce Lin Xiu's damage by half, and coupled with the gain of the Arhat Golden Body Art, it was naturally very easy to block this move.

"That's right, you took my first move so easily, but you have to be careful with my next move."

I saw a bead spit out from Guanyin's mouth, which seemed to contain huge energy. Guanyin also threw it forward. When the bead touched Lin Xiu, it exploded immediately, and then a huge air wave was generated by the explosion , It directly blasted Lin Xiu to fly tens of meters away.

But this is not over yet, just when Lin Xiu thought he had received the second blow from Guanyin, suddenly another dark force exploded in Lin Xiu's body, Lin Xiu also reacted quickly enough, Opening the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda directly absorbed part of the dark energy, but still injured the internal organs by part of it.A mouthful of blood was spurted out, and he fell directly to the ground. It seemed that he had indeed suffered a lot of injuries.

Seeing this, Guanyin was both happy and a little distressed.The happy thing is that Lin Xiu was finally injured. This time, Lin Xiu should be able to give up this trial.The distress is naturally for Lin Xiu's injury. After a few days of getting along, Lin Xiu's character is also very likable to her.

"How about it, can you still take my trick? It seems that you are no longer able to do it."

"No, I can still hold on." Lin Xiu also staggered up from the ground, still unwilling to give up.

Seeing Lin Xiu like this, Guanyin was also very helpless.

"It seems that I can only really take action. If the situation is not right later, I will take action to save it."

Suddenly, many hands grew out of Guanyin's body, and all the hands seemed to be rubbing a small ball of light. After a while, a golden ball of light several feet long was rubbed out, as if The space is distorted by this huge energy.

Lin Xiu also felt the breath of death, and also took out the armor he just got from the fairy body treasure box, and put it on his body. Although he didn't know how strong the armor was, but now he could only die The horse is treated as a live horse doctor.

The huge golden ball of light rushed towards Lin Xiu directly, and the powerful energy blew up gusts of wind.Finally, it hit Lin Xiu's body, but at this moment, the armor Lin Xiu got from the fairy body treasure box shone slightly, and made a sound similar to the roar of dragons and tigers.

The huge impact directly sent Lin Xiu flying for more than a hundred meters, and fell to the ground directly, his body was covered with dripping blood.It seemed that he didn't take this trick, and passed out directly.

Avalokitesvara on the side also shook his head, feeling very helpless towards Lin Xiu's stubbornness.Just when she wanted to go over to confirm whether Lin Xiu was still alive.

"Sister, you should lend me the Guanyin Tears after I did it." Lin Xiu stood up from the pool of blood unsteadily again, with a smile on his face, but due to the heavy injury, the words just fell , then fell down again.

Guanyin was also a little moved when she saw this. The boy's persistence and loyalty also made her eyes moist.

A few hours later, Lin Xiu also opened his eyes.

"You finally woke up, why are you so stupid, you can't hold on anymore, and you still have to hold on, do you know that you almost died on the spot, but luckily the armor on your body saved your life."

"Is this armor so miraculous?" Although Lin Xiu knew that the things he got from the fairy body treasure box had never disappointed him, but this armor looked ordinary, but how could it still have such a strong defensive power.

"This armor is not an ordinary armor. This armor seems to have been watered with the blood of the two great beasts, the real dragon and the white tiger. The defense is naturally amazing, otherwise you would have died from my blow just now."

Lin Xiu didn't expect the armor to have such a big background, but it seems that after the impact just now, the armor also showed a little crack.However, it does not affect the use.

"Sister Guanyin, I have also completed the test you gave me, so I can borrow your Guanyin tears."

"Of course, I'm someone who keeps my word, but before that, seeing that you and I are so predestined, how about I give you an extra good luck."

Avalokitesvara also knew that Lin Xiu's trip was very dangerous, and if he added a little more strength to Lin Xiu, he would also have more protection, so he also wanted to give Lin Xiu a fortune.

Naturally, Lin Xiu was also very happy. Not only did he get Guanyin Tears, but he also got a good fortune from a fairy king-level character, which is very flattering.

(End of this chapter)

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